Hello my lovely readers! I'm terribly sorry for not updating until now. School just started, so I've been a little busy. So to make up for it, I tried to make this chapter longer than usual. I would also like to say that I am keeping this story rated T because I'm not planning on writing any of that sexual stuff. I'm really glad you guys liked the last chapter, I wasn't sure about it at first, and I had actually planned on deleting it and starting over, but by the time I decided to replace it, I saw that many of you had already read it and liked it. So once again, thank you for reading, and here is the next chapter! :)
That night, Blaise sat in the Slytherin common room, awaiting Draco's return. Hopefully, all had gone well and his life wouldn't end today.
The door opened slowly and revealed his best friend who had a look of complete happiness written upon his face. Blaise let out a sigh of relief, he wouldn't be dying today. "So, I take it everything went well?" he said, a smug look on his face.
"Yes," Draco said, suddenly aware that he had company, "yes, everything went well."
"Well, why're you just standing there? Aren't you going to tell me what happened?"
Draco blushed, something he had never done before, at least not in public. Earlier that day had been the first time he had blushed in front of anyone, and thankfully it had just been Hermione. He sat down slowly, and recounted the story to his friend. When he had finished, he looked at his friend and was surprised to see a smirk planted on his face. "What? What's with the face?"
"What're you talking about? This is how my face always looks."
Draco narrowed his eyes, "No…what's with the smirk?"
Quickly he whipped his wand out and pointed it at Blaise, feelings of happiness now swept away with suspicion. "Tell me, right now, or I will hex your balls off."
Blaise instinctively covered his crotch area, "Hey! Now is that any way to be treating the man who set you up?"
"No," but he did not lower his wand, "But you look guilty. What'd you do to me?"
"All I did was slip a little something into your drink at dinner. Calm your tits."
"It's just an American saying, Draco. It means 'Calm the fuck down.'"
"I'll calm down when you tell me what you did."
"It was just a potion."
"What kind of potion?"
"It's a new one, I found it in this book," he gestured to the potions textbook, "There's actually some pretty cool stuff in here. Like…potions and stuff."
"No duh smartass, it's a potions textbook."
Blaise scowled, "Whatever. Look, do you want me to tell you what it was or not?"
"Yes. Tell me. Now."
"Ok, so it's like Veritaserum, with a twist."
"What's the twist?"
"Instead of saying nothing but the truth, you only have to tell the truth after you say a lie."
"So that's why I said all that stuff to Granger…"
"Well how else was I going to get you to confess? You're so stupid. You can't even admit your own feelings to yourself. It was so obvious, but no, you're so dull you can't even see it. If I hadn't slipped you the potion, you would've ended up pissing her off again. Honestly, your flirting skills need some help."
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm the most wanted boy in Hogwarts."
"What I mean, is that you can flirt with every single girl, but when it comes to the one you actually like, you become a blubbering idiot."
"Gee thanks Blaise, such a lovely compliment," Draco sarcastically replied.
"What're friends for?" he answered with a wink.
In the Gryffindor common Ginny and Hermione sat closely together discussing the evening's events.
"I don't know about all this," Hermione began after she had finished telling Ginny the story, "It's so much to take in. I've got this terrible feeling that all he's feeling is lust…"
"Of course not! Why would you think that?"
"Think about it Ginny! He confessed his love to me the same day I started wearing more revealing clothes. I don't think it's a coincidence."
"Oh. I get it now. Well then tomorrow, just wear your normal clothes, and see if he's still attracted to you. Which by the way, I am certain that he will be."
Hermione nodded in agreement and they both set off for the dorms, eagerly awaiting the following day.
The next morning, Hermione dressed even more grotesque than usual. She refused to comb her hair and wore a sweater that was two sizes too big, and allowed her skirt to droop down to her ankles; she was a horrendous sight indeed. When she descended the staircase into the common room, she saw her friends jump a full foot in the air in surprise. Ron look revolted, and Harry sat there looking stunned. Ginny on the other hand look so angry that Hermione could've sworn she saw steam pouring out of her ears.
"What the bloody hell are you wearing?" She shouted, her face turning red, "Are you trying to scare him away?"
"No, of course not. I'm just dressing as I would normally. I thought we agreed on this."
"We agreed that you would dress the way you normally would! We did NOT say anything about you dressing up like a saggy blob. You don't even look like a girl!"
"Awww, so sweet," Hermione muttered, scowling at her best friend.
"I'm sorry. I get why you're trying to do this; I just think you're going a little overboard. But, if that's really what you want to do, then I guess I'll have to support you. But promise me that this is only a one-time thing. I don't think I could stand being seen with you if you look like that every day."
The two of them linked arms and they headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.
Every time Draco heard the door to the Great Hall opening, his head would snap up and he would search the doorway for Hermione. When she finally arrived, he was shocked to see her dressed in an oversized sweater and ankle-length skirt. He could hear groans coming from the boys seated around him as they took in her appearance, he could tell that they were all disappointed in the lack of skin that showed. He, on the other hand, was perfectly fine with the way she looked because it kept his competition away.
When they had finished eating, he approached her in the hallway, "Hello Hermione," he said.
Shocked, she turned and looked at him, "Are you talking to me?"
"Err, yes…why wouldn't I be?"
"But, don't I repulse you? I mean look at me! My hair is a mess and I've covered up every bit of my skin."
"Well I think you're beautiful."
She blushed, "You really think so?"
"Yes. Even with your uncombed hair and baggy clothes, you look beautiful; although I didn't mind your outfit choice yesterday. But when you dress less revealing it keeps the other boys' grubby paws away from you."
"So you actually like me? Even though I look like a total mess right now?"
"Do you really need me to answer again? I've said it twice already and people are starting to look at me funny. Imagine! Me, Draco Malfoy, actually calling Hermione Granger beautiful! I'm sure it's a sight to see. But I do have a status to uphold and I would not like to throw it all down the drain in one morning, so don't make me say it again."
"Alright," she said, content with his answer.
"Well, I really must be going. I just recently came to terms with my feelings for you, so I'm not exactly ready to tell the world just yet. I'm not really used to being so…so lovey dovey and all that stuff, so don't expect too much. I will try my best though."
"And that's good enough for me," Hermione said with a smile and she watched as he turned and returned to his shocked group of friends. Seeing her and Draco actually having a nice conversation must've been quite the surprise. She turned and looked at her friends to see their reaction. Ginny, of course, had a smug look plastered onto her face. Harry and Ron though, looked as though they had just had a heart attack. As it was, her heart was racing at the speed of a racecar, seeming as though it would burst at any moment.
I hope you guys liked it! Review and let me know what you think! I'll update ASAP! Until next time :)