Ms Rachel Berry,

Based upon the recommendation of the faculty, I am pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Julliard as a major in musical theatre. As a result of your audition and interview you may enroll. Upon your arrival you will be assigned an advisor to help you in planning your course of study.

The audition also serves as a means of identifying award recipients. Scholarship notifications will be distributed beginning on April 1st. If you have questions regarding your concentration or major you may contact Lila Banks Chair, Division of Theatre Studies.

We are pleased that you have selected Julliard for your advanced theatrical studies, and we look forward to your being with us next fall. During the summer Julliard offers early orientation sessions. Although not required, I encourage you to attend one of these sessions. You will be advised by a mentor from our staff who will help you schedule your fall semester classes. Information about the valuable advising program will be mailed to you later this year. Best wishes for continued success in your theatrical pursuits. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact this office.


John J. Richards

Associate Dean for

Admissions and Scholarship

When Rachel saw New York City for the first time, her eyes lit up like Puck's did when he entered Zonko's Joke Shop and discovered that they had restocked their supply of Nose-Biting Teacups. It was everything she had ever dreamed of. She wandered Times Square with her wand tucked neatly in her pocket, reminding her of a world that she had left behind. Also reminding her of that world was the golden star pendant hanging loose at her neck, right next to her Star of David.

She settled into her dormitory at Julliard; a clean-lined, modern space that she was forced to share with Sunshine Corazon, a girl whom she immediately shared a rivalry with. However, after two weeks or so, Rachel realised that secretly bewitching Sunshine's tea in the morning really wasn't fair. If she was going to become the best then she would do it fairly – and damaging the Muggle's vocal chords via various magical means wasn't exactly fair.

She kept in contact with Blaine, who had been successful in achieving an internship at The Daily Prophet. Eventually, through their letters – these had to be sent secretly by Blaine's owl, as Rachel had had to leave her owl back in London, and as to not provoke suspicion from her very non-magical roommate – she learnt that he had been offered a permanent position as a Junior Sports Columnist. Blaine was overjoyed, she could tell by the excessive swearing and use of exclamation points in his writing.

Kurt had returned to France to pursue a career in fashion. He and Blaine still kept in contact; Rachel was pleased to hear, through letters and the telephone. 'That's very Muggle of you to suggest, Blaine," she had replied to him in her writing, "When I first used the telephone here my roommate, Sunshine, looked at me very strangely. I figured that you weren't meant to yell into it. Although, it is far more efficient. Perhaps we should exchange numbers."

They did. They began to talk on the telephone at least every night. One particular night, Rachel was sprawled across her bed, reading a script for the upcoming musical that her class was putting on. Much to her delight, it was Les Miserables and she had landed the role of Eponine. Blaine had called her shortly after she had received the good news, squealing wildly. What in the name of Merlin was going on? Blaine never squealed. She had proceeded to scream loudly into the phone, "Blaine? Blaine, are you alright? Please tell me you're okay!"

Sunshine, who had been sitting on her own bed, reading over her lines for the role of Fantine, raised one eyebrow at this.

Rachel heard the phone being tossed around on the other side of the line. "Blaine!" She shouted into the tiny machine, "Answer me!"

Eventually, he did. Sounding flustered and a little annoyed, he said rather gravely, "Rachel. I'm sorry. That was Kurt. He's in a very… excitable mood."

"Oh," she sighed with relief. "I was worried for a moment there-"

He didn't wait for her to finish. "Listen. I have something really big that I want to tell you about."

She paused, unsure of what he was going to say. "Okay…"

The phone was snatched away from Blaine again, and Rachel heard the sound of Kurt breathing heavily into the receiver. "Rachel!" The French boy squealed. The high frequency made her move the phone away from her ear. She could hear him running, presumably away from Blaine.

"K-Kurt! Since when are you in London?" She exclaimed.

She heard more heavy breathing, paired with an occasional wheeze. Kurt had never been athletic. "Err, ever since I receive eenvitation to vork at Burberry!"

"What?" Rachel yelled, suddenly standing up on her bed. Her scripts and various papers fell onto the floor beside the bed. Sunshine, fearing another loud explosion of screaming like the time Rachel had received a phone call telling her that she had won a free iPhone (she had had to break the news to her that this was a scam after cruelly snatching the communicative device away to save her from giving out her credit details), began to pack up her things, deciding to spend the rest of the afternoon in the library.

Kurt squealed again. "Yes! Eet ees ze dream of a lifetime!"

"That's brilliant, Kurt," she told him honestly, not even looking up as the Asian girl left the room. "I am so happy for you guys."

Secretly, she was jealous. It had been weeks since she had last seen her Noah. Her boyfriend just wasn't made to be in a committed long distance relationship. Even though this was pure speculative, and he had done nothing to prove it so, it still scared her. Every time he called – which he knew how to do, luckily, as he still lived with his very Muggle mother and sister – he reminded her that the Pucky-Puck missed her. This both excited and terrified her at the same time.

"Zat's not all!" Kurt wheezed. She heard a loud thump as Blaine presumably caught up to his boyfriend and tackled him to the ground.

"I want to tell her! She's my best friend!" She heard Blaine whine.

She gasped audibly. Had he just…? Her heart swelled. Blaine had just referred to her as his best friend. She felt tears welling up in her eyes at the thought. She was somebody's best friend. The idea made her heart hammer in her chest. They'd danced around using the word for so long – for nearly seven years.

Kurt was struggling for control of the phone. "Blaine! No! Bad Blaine! Eet is my news!"

The phone was snatched away again. This time, Rachel recognised Blaine's loud cough. She heard a door slam as Blaine barricaded himself behind a door somewhere in the apartment that she had been sent photos of in the mail. "Sorry, Rach-"

"Blaine Anderson," she began. Her voice was rather wobbly, "Did you just call me your best friend?"

He was silent for a moment. "Yeah. I mean, you are, aren't you?"

She couldn't help but let out a happy sob.

"Merlin's Beard," he cried, exasperated, "You're crying now? I only just got Kurt to calm down after I proposed-"

"You proposed?" Rachel screamed.

Blaine sucked in a large gulp of air. "Fuck! I was meant to say that better." Then he laughed. "Yeah. That's what I was trying to tell you when the crazy hormone prince-"

"I am not ze crazy 'ormone prinze!" Rachel heard Kurt's muffled warning.

"- I mean, my lovely fiancé took off with the receiver."

She couldn't help the tears that were flowing down her cheeks. "I'm so proud of you. You finally found true love!"

"I guess I did," he replied. She would have bet fifty galleons that he was smiling as brightly as he ever had at that moment. "And you did too, Rach."

Although she was still smiling, she paused. "I don't know about that. Noah and I are just taking things slow-"

"Puckleberry eez end game!" Kurt hissed from behind the door or wall or whatever was separating him and Blaine. Whatever it was, it was much smaller than the ocean separating her from Puck.

Blaine laughed nervously. "Ignore him. He's gone slightly feral ever since he saw that Tiffany's box in my hand."

They continued to talk for a long time, Blaine even going as far as to let his new fiancé talk to his best friend for a little while. Kurt was a lot less practiced with the telephone compared to Blaine, and Rachel found talking to him on it quite difficult. Eventually, she left the newly-engaged couple to their own devices and found herself crying whilst watching Funny Girl for the fifth time that week.

Over the next few days, Rachel received word from Kurt and Blaine that Tina and Mike Chang, one of Sam's friends, were now dating. Tina had taken up a part time job as a waitress at the Three Broomsticks whilst Mike had just began his final year at Hogwarts. It was through acquiring Tina's owl that she heard that Quinn Fabray was also working at the pub. Quinn had gone through a massive transformation as of late. She had cut her once long golden locks into a small bob and had foregone her bitchy attitude for a laid-back outlook on life. Tina later remarked that Quinn had begun seeing Rachel's ex-boyfriend, Sam Evans.

Rachel and Puck kept in contact through various means. They had started communicating through letters and then later progressed onto the telephone. However, it was Skype that allowed Rachel to see him. She missed him more than she had expected she should have. Their relationship was only a fledgling one, but she found that they had relied on one another more than either of them had expected.

Puck was working at Quality Quidditch Supplies in Diagon Alley, a job which he both loved and despised. His life wasn't all that exciting, he told her – although, of course, he used much more colourful language to say just that. He saw his own best friend, Finn, who had acquired at job at the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, – which Puck found absolutely hilarious as, and Rachel quotes; "He would be causing half of the fuckin' accidents himself!" – nearly every day.

Rachel kept in contact with her fathers, too, who called her every night before she went to bed to exchange details with her about their days. She missed them. In fact, she missed everyone. She was starting to wonder if she could really do this.

It was the opening night for Julliard's production of Les Miserables. Rachel wouldn't admit it to anyone but she was incredibly nervous. This was her first performance in a musical ever. What if they hated her? What if, like in her reoccurring nightmare, the audience started to throw eggs at her when she opened her mouth to sing?

Her fears were forgotten when it was finally her turn to make her way on stage. She entered during 'Look Down' and spared a glance toward the audience. The stands were full, rows and rows upon seats filled. To anyone else, it might have been daunting. However, to Rachel, it was paradise.

Finally, it was time for her solo. Gathering her trench coat around her, she stepped out onto the stage and received the letter from the Sophomore playing Marius. He was quite a handsome boy, she reflected as she hid behind the set, but not as handsome as her boyfriend.

She tucked her hands into her trench coat and walked solemnly towards the front of the stage. Her worries were forgotten as she became Eponine entirely.

And now I'm all alone again nowhere to turn, no one to go to

without a home without a friend without a face to say hello to

And now the night is near

Now I can make believe he's here

She raised her head to stare at the audience. Instead, she saw Puck with Quinn at the library, a memory she had forced herself to use to characterize herself completely. The contempt flowed from her naturally.

Sometimes I walk alone at night

When everybody else is sleeping

I think of him and then I'm happy

With the company I'm keeping

The city goes to bed

And I can live inside my head

She shut her eyes thoughtfully. The score changed, and the tune for 'On My Own' began. This time, when she opened her eyes again, she pictured the times she had spent with Puck when studying for their Muggle Studies assignment, which he had eventually ruined for the both of them. She saw their petty arguing, this time recognizing that she had known there something there between them back then.

On my own

Pretending he's beside me

She recalled walking through Hogsmeade with him, searching for that stupid book on Muggles that they had never found.

All alone

I walk with him 'till morning

The memories of their 'formal date' swamped her, and she smiled widely. To the audience, it looked as though she were picturing Marius. But all she saw was Noah.

Without him

I feel his arms around me

Wrapping her arms around herself, she pictured them to be his. She wondered if he was missing her at that moment too.

And when I lose my way I close my eyes

And he has found me

This time, she shut her eyes once more. She saw his smirk, his silly Mohawk. She opened them again. The audience was captivated by her performance.

In the rain the pavement shines like silver

All the lights are misty in the river

In the darkness the trees are full of starlight

And all I see is him and me forever and forever

For a moment, she remembered the way his lips felt against hers that day he had finally admitted that he liked her too. She missed him so much that it engulfed her in that moment. Then, she forced herself to dig deeper, and to remember the times when he had hurt her, for the sake of her performance.

And I know it's only in my mind

That I'm talking to myself and not to him

And although I know that he is blind

Still I say, there's a way for us

She allowed herself a large gulp of air. The notes were flowing effortlessly from her lungs, her heart and soul in the words she sang. She had always loved Eponine's story. Still, before she met Puck she might not have been able to do it justice.

I love him

But when the night is over

He is gone

The river's just a river

Without him

The world around me changes

The trees are bare and everywhere

The streets are full of strangers

She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she was swept into the moment. Her voice dripped with pain, anger and sorrow.

I love him

But everyday I'm learning

All my life

I've only been pretending

She pictured Kurt and Blaine, happy for the rest of their lives. Would she and Puck be like that? How? He was in London and she was in New York. Could they really do this? The tears were really coming now.

Without me

His world will go on turning

A world that's full of happiness that I have never known

This note was the hardest. Still, with all of her training, it came from her almost effortlessly. It was imperfect, though, because of the sobs that were aching to be released. She kept them in, and finally, after she had belted that note, she let them out.

I love him

I love him

I… love him

And she did. And he didn't know. She had never told him that. Did he love her? Or was his attraction for her something that he had simply felt when at Hogwarts? A silly, high school romance? Maybe he didn't feel the same way. Because she knew that she had never loved somebody as wholly as she loved him. Her heart ached when she thought about him on the other side of the world. Did his?

But only on my own

Puck hadn't wanted to surprise her whilst she was onstage, so he had bought tickets in the very back row. From what he had been able to see – damn it, he didn't fucking realize how many rows there were in the Julliard Concert Hall – she was absolutely phenomenal. Just like she had been the first time he'd heard her sing a few months ago in Hogsmeade. When everyone else was packing up their things and leaving through the doors just to his left, he was still with shock. The way that the man playing Marius had sung as her character had died, so sadly, he had immediately assumed the worst. She had forgotten him and was completely in love with this Marius douche bag! Well, he would be fucked over by a fucking salamander before he let her forget about him!

When the place was finally empty, he ran to the stage, which he quickly climbed. He slipped behind the curtain and was suddenly taken aback with the hustle and bustle concealed by such a thin piece of maroon material. There were actors, actresses, musicians, and all sorts of people working on various aspects backstage. He was almost hit with a giant set piece when he tried to move forward and a dude dressed in black started yelling; "Hey! You can't be back here!" at him. He didn't like when people yelled shit at him. He glared at the guy and continued on.

As he was hurrying alone, he recognized one of the actresses from the play. Fantine… that's right, the prostitute mother. She was very small, smaller even than his girl. "Um," he began, tapping her gently on the shoulder. She turned and looked up at him, her eyes widening as she recognized who he was. "Can you please tell me where I can find Rachel Berry?"

The girl looked him up and down, her eyes probing the bulge in his jeans – and no, not that bulge, you sick bastard… his wand. Feeling nervous, he quickly placed a hand over it, trying to conceal his difference. He shouldn't have brought it with him. He'd had some strange looks when trying to explain what it was at customs the day previous. Her eyes snapped back up to meet his.

"You're Noah, aren't you?"

He blanched. "Uh, yeah. That's me. How'd you know?"

"I'm Rachel's roommate. She told me about you. And I've seen photos. I expected a Mohawk."

He ran a hand through his newly grown out hair and smirked. "Yeah, well, it was time to leave Ho- I mean, high school behind."

She caught onto his slip up. "You're one of them too, aren't you?"

His eyes widened. What the fuck? "One of what?"

"A wizard."

Yeah, he pretty much shat himself. "N-no-"

"Don't worry. I'm not going to tell anyone," she said, eying the set people nearby to see if they were listening in on their conversation, "Rachel doesn't even know that I know. She's not very good at concealing her identity, though. When we first started living together she kept trying to sabotage me with her magic. I deflected almost all of it-"

"Wait, wait, wait," he choked out. "Merlin. How do you know about… all of that shit?"

"I'm a squib," she replied nonchalantly. "We do know some stuff, contrary to popular belief."

Puck raised his eyebrows and then laughed, the tension between them gone. "I know how you feel," he told her, "I'm what you might call a mudblood. What's your name by the way?"

"Sunshine Corazon," she smiled. "And should I call you Puck or Noah?"

"You can call me Noah. Just about everyone does these days."

Rachel was settled in one of the many dressing rooms backstage. There weren't enough, of course, for everyone to have one of their own. She shared with Sunshine and the girl who had played Cosette. She was trying desperately to fix her red-ridden, swollen eyes. Most of the students at Julliard would understand that she had gotten carried away in her performance. What they wouldn't understand, was why she was still crying.

She missed him. She missed him so, so much. It had been over three months since she had last seen his face. She knew it was rather silly to be so worked up over it, considering they'd only been together as a couple a week before they'd departed to see their families before going their own separate ways. But he had become a constant in her life over the past year.

And she didn't just miss Puck. She missed Blaine and Kurt, even Tina and Brittany. Sometimes, she even missed Finn's stupid remarks when sitting in her lectures, surrounded by people who were almost carbon copies of her. She missed her fathers. No matter how many times she wrote to them, that pain never went away.

She buried her head against the cool wood of the dressing table. The other girls hadn't bothered to change out of their costumes yet. They were probably backstage, delighting in a job well done. Rachel didn't want to be the one who avoided everyone. People at Julliard actually respected and admired her. It was just – well, she didn't want to see them at that point in time. She wanted someone, anyone, from her old life to appear.

Silently, the door to her dressing room opened. She raised her head from her arms and looked backwards, surprised to see the very image of who she had wanted standing in the doorway.

"Rach," he began slowly, "Just tell me now. Are you or are you not leaving me for this fucking Marius douche lord? Because I'm gonna be pretty piss-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence before she had launched herself into his arms. Surprised, he didn't respond when she kissed him fully on the mouth, her fingers clasping tightly at his shaven jaw. He could taste the saltiness of her tears as he finally responded, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling him to her tightly. He kissed her sweetly, then roughly, then sweetly again. They stayed like that for a few moments before she broke away, both of their chests rising and falling rapidly. Guessing by the look in her eyes, this Marius dude didn't stand a chance when compared to the Puckzilla.

"Noah," she whispered, staring at him in awe. "You got rid of the 'hawk."

"I thought you'd like it," he murmured. She was beautiful, even with all of that dark make up smudged on her cheeks and eyes to make her look like a Parisian street urchin. "I missed you, Rachy."

She stood on her tip-toes to kiss him again. He whispered her name against her mouth before she pulled away again, her eyes wide and curious. "I missed you too, Noah. Did you see me perform? You came all of this way-"

"Of course I did, babe," he told her honestly, wrapping her small body up in his embrace. "You were fucking amazing. I didn't really get what half of the play was about, but I liked it. The music was kinda bad ass. And for the record, your character was way hotter than that other chick's-"


"Yeah, that one."

"I always did think that Eponine was a more interesting and complex-"

He kissed her again. He couldn't get enough of her. Sadly, she pulled away once more. "How long are you here for?"

"A week. It's all I could afford, babe, but I'll come for longer next time. I promise."

She smiled at him. "It's been nearly four months-"

"I know, Rach. I know."

Her eyes were welling up with tears again. "I thought you'd forgotten about me for a while."

"I couldn't," he told her, "I love you, babe. It sounds corny and I never thought I'd say it, but I do. I don't even know why, because honestly? You're a little fucking crazy and you've totally got the Jew nose thing goin' on-"


"But I love you. I love you, Rachel Berry."

She didn't need any other proof than that. They could do this. They would do this. They were just too good when together that breaking up didn't even seem like an option. They changed one another. With him, she was less high maintenance. With her, he tried to be polite and respectful.

"I love you, too."

They didn't kiss this time. They hugged tightly. She was warm against him. He had missed her so much. Her body fit against his like they were two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. "Now I can call you my hot little Jewish American Princess for real," he smirked.

She laughed, tears spilling down her cheeks.

They spent the night in his hotel room that night. For the first time, they made love. Rachel finally understood why so many women had credited her Noah as an amazing lover. He truly was. However, what she didn't know was that this time was different for Puck. He felt like something, for the first time in his life, other than sex was happening.

After that, they spent a week together surrounded by sky-scrapers and New York dreams. She showed him all of the things she had come to adore about the city. Other than seeing her, his highlight of the trip was that he visited at least twenty hot dog stands, much to her disgust.

He returned to London a week later. Things were going to be tough but they would make it.

Six months later, they saw one another again. It was at Kurt and Blaine's wedding, among their old school friends and even some enemies, that they talked about their future. Rachel certainly wasn't ready to settle down yet. She had too many dreams that she wanted to achieve. Puck respected this. How could they be together like that when they lived on opposite sides of the world?

Whilst she was in London that month, she auditioned for a theatre production on West End. It was a revival of Funny Girl. She found that she wanted the part more than anything, and with Kurt and Blaine's help, she aced the audition.

She was called back several times before she was told that she had won the role. She would be leaving Julliard early to star in a West End production that had so far achieved much critical and commercial acclaim. She and Puck discussed moving in with one another, and two months later, after a quick trip back to New York to collect her things and say goodbye to Sunshine, who she now considered a close friend, she could call London home once more.

Rachel received her first Olivier Award later that year.

Over the next four years, Puck and Rachel's relationship continued to blossom. After eighteen months with the production, Rachel had decided to step down and move on to, hopefully, bigger and better things. She landed the role of Eponine in the Queen's Theatre's long-running production of Les Miserables. This time around, when she performed, she also used her memories of Puck to help spur her emotions. It was during these years that Rachel let go of the idea of Broadway. Perhaps, when they were older, she would move her career to New York. But then, in all honesty, she preferred being able to live in the same country as her family.

Kurt and Blaine adopted a baby that year.

Also that year, Puck proposed to Rachel on her twenty-fifth birthday. She said yes.

At the wedding ceremony, Rachel and Puck were finally joined together in holy matrimony. There, they were celebrated by friends that they hadn't seen in years. Finn had ended up staying at the Ministry of Magic, unable to achieve a promotion for the past five years. Still, on the upside, he'd met the love of his life, whose house he had accidentally set on fire whilst on the job. They had been married approximately six months later and had since given birth to three giant children.

Tina had taken over Madame Rosmerta's job and was now running the Three Broomsticks with her husband, Mike, who was now working as the Arithmacy Professor at Hogwarts. Quinn had stayed on in Hogsmeade but had however quit her job as a waitress at Tina's bar. She was now a doting housewife to none other than Sam Evans, who played Quidditch professionally, much to Puck's distaste.

Kurt had continued to work in fashion, and was currently preparing his latest collection for London Fashion Week, whilst looking after his and Blaine's adopted daughter, Rosie. Blaine was now Sports Editor at the Daily Prophet who also wrote children's books in his spare time.

Puck's big break came when he was twenty-six. He received a letter from their former headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, who asked him to return to Hogwarts to work as the Flying Instructor for first years. It wasn't, strictly speaking, a real teaching position, but it was something that he wanted to do and Rachel would support her new husband no matter what.

When they were both twenty-eight, and Rachel had a Tony under her belt, – for her five-month run as Nellie in South Pacific whilst Puck had been teaching at Hogwarts – they decided that it was time to bring a baby into the world.

Their daughter was the highlight of their lives, to which no Quidditch championships or Tony awards could compare.

Once evening, when they were both thirty-one, they were sitting in the lounge-room of their large apartment, cuddled up on the couch, when something on their large television caught Rachel's eye.

Their daughter were asleep in their cot. Puck was practically asleep next to her, too, but Rachel was wide awake. They had been watching the Wizarding Broadcasting Network when their program was interrupted by a brief news flash.

On screen, Rachel saw the creepy Jew-fro that she had sworn she would never see again. But this wasn't all.

"Hello and good evening to all of you witches and wizards out there, I'm Jacob Ben Israel reporting to you live from inside the Ministry of Magic. We're sending you live coverage of the first speech made by your new Minister for Magic, the honorable Brittany S. Pierce!" The camera panned out from the frizzy-haired, apparently now successful, reporter.

Rachel stared, shocked, at the large television screen. She heard Puck snore behind her and quickly elbowed him in the ribs. He stirred grumpily. "Noah," she whispered, watching in pure amazement as her old school friend climbed up to the podium set up in front of the fountain inside the Ministry of Magic. "Noah, wake up!"

He grumbled something sleepily and opened his eyes. "What the fucking fuck?" He hissed, staring at the television with as much awe as his wife was.

"Hello," Brittany began, placing her assortment of rainbow colored papers before her on the podium. "I'm Brittany S. Pierce, your newly appointed Minister for Magic – not to be confused with the popular Muggle singer, Brittany Spears."

People laughed, but apparently this wasn't a joke because Brittany didn't smile.

"I am the Unicorn," she stated, "I am here to teach the Wizarding world about acceptance. I have many stances which I will not name because, as Eminem famously once said; Let's get down to business. I don't got no time to play around. What is this?"

"Whoa," Puck grunted. "This is legit."

Rachel couldn't even respond.

"I will be sending free candy to everyone via owl. This is to create happiness amongst the population, to reduce sadness and anger. Nobody wants a grumpy neighbor. Let's ban grumpy neighbors."

She paused and looked directly into the camera. "I'd like to thank some people. Firstly, I'd like to thank my parents who, thankfully, did the horizontal tango to bring this fine piece of witch into the world. Secondly, to my girlfriend, Santana, who has been there for me for the past ten years. I'd like to thank Quinn for holding my hair back that one time by the lake-"

An official member of parliament stepped in and whispered something in her ear before she could say any more.

"Oh. Let that be censored."

Rachel and Puck shared an incredulous look with one another.

"And finally, I'd like to thank Kurt Hummel."

"Kurt?" Both Rachel and Puck whispered at the same time.

"Kurt opened my eyes to Puckleberry. Something that has changed my life entirely. Without Puckleberry, I would have been lost forever. When I first discovered my ability to see the future, I was lost. What would I do? Then I saw the story of Noah Puckerman and Rachel Berry. They found true love in their complete opposites. It made me realize that I wanted to find true love. And I did. I found San."

Puck looked down at his wife, who had tears in her eyes. His own widened. What the…?

"And finally, to Puck and Rachel themselves. I have to say… told you so. Congratulations on your little baby girl."

She paused for a moment, a smile lighting up her features.

"Oh, and Puck?"

Puck looked away from his happy wife, and towards the woman on the television, the girl he had once taken to the Graduation Ball to distract him from his feelings toward said wife.

"Rachel's only crying because of the excess hormones. This time I predict that it will be a boy."

He blanched and Rachel stiffened.

"And with that, I would like to conclude, witches and wizards of the world, that love is the real magic in this world! Love knows no gender, no race... no limit. Everyone should learn to love. Go out and find your true loves."

The camera zoomed in on the Brittany, who stared into the lens unflinchingly.

"I'm Brittany S. Pierce, your new Minister for Magic. Rock on."

Author's Note: Thank you all for sticking by this story. I had a lot of fun writing it, discovering things that I didn't know about these characters as I went. It was a marvelous thing to see, the world of Glee and Harry Potter combining to form one. I have loved reading all of your kind reviews and thoughtful suggestions. So, thanks a lot for taking the time out to write them to me. I know that I haven't had the chance to respond to each of you individually, but I would like to let you all know that I appreciate each and every one of you. Thanks for sticking with this story to the end.