Chapter 4: Relationships
Disclaimer: The only thing I own is Wales sort of. I don't own the picture I based him off of.
Dylan Adda Kirkland was physically 24 years old, but there were times he felt like an old man. But that wasn't surprising given he had been around for a long time. This was one those times.
His day started relatively normal. For once the sun was actually shining. All of his sheep were taken care of and so was his paperwork. It had been a while since he had a free day like this so why not take advantage of it? Usually if Lloegr found out he had nothing to do, he tried to give him more to do. And his boss was still avoiding him after that last prank.
Next thing he knew he was walking up the path that led towards a hidden mountain trail. Not even Hamish knew about this trail. Why had he never told Hamish about this trail? Oh that's right by the time Dylan had discovered it, he was under the control of the Roman. That stupid wall kept Dylan in what would be Wales and Hamish in Scotland.
Dylan never really understood why the Roman wanted him. Once Cymru and Lloegr were under the Roman's control, the Roman basically focused on Lloegr, thinking that mountains in the west were useless for anything. So that gave Dylan freedom to run wild, unfortunately this was the start of his and Arthur's major differences. The Roman taught Arthur to fear the "barbarians" to the west, while Dylan thought his little brother was a major suck-up. Then the brat conquered him in the 1200's over a marriage.
Why was he wasting his free day thinking about Arthur? He shoved the stupid blonde from his mind. He was still walking along the path, getting higher and farther up the mountain. His thoughts drifted to the twins. He really couldn't say he had a good relationship with North Ireland but he also couldn't say he had a bad relationship with him either. If Dylan had to describe it one word he would probably go with tolerate. He didn't hate North Ireland, they just didn't really have anything in common.
Dylan mostly got along with Ireland, except for when her split personality came out. When that usually happened Dylan started getting annoyed with her. Which wasn't a normal reaction when it came to a dangerous split-personality, but Dylan wasn't normal in most of his reactions anyway so why start now?
That brought Dylan to his last sibling, Hamish. There were many ways he could describe what Hamish had been to him: a father-figure when they were children, a best friend, and an overly protective older brother. Dylan would have to be completely blind and deaf, not to mention an idiot if he didn't notice his brother had a bit of a complex for him. Well maybe more than a bit but whatever.
He stopped thinking when he realized he was at the end of trail in a clearing. He laid on his back directly in the center of the clearing staring up at the blue sky. The weather was extremely nice for Wales and Dylan was determined to stay in his little sanctuary away from the modern world.
Here in mountains Dylan could almost see himself as a child running freely and wildly as if he was a part of the forest itself. This was his true home. Dylan was almost positive none of his siblings would understand, maybe Hamish would given that he had the Highlands. It was so peaceful here.
"Dylan! thare yer, A've bin keekin fur ye." The loud voice startled Dylan awake. He must have a fallen asleep in the quietness.
"How did you find this place," Dylan racked his brain trying to remember if he had ever told Hamish about this place. He was almost completely positive he had never said anything about this place, "did I tell you about the path?"
The red-head grinned, pulling out a cigarette even though he had just hiked up a mountain, "dinnae ye ken? ah kin aye fin' ye."
The younger one's face twisted in shock before he curled up clutching his stomach laughing. The older brother twitched in annoyance, but there was a gleam in his eyes that showed happiness at seeing his younger brother laugh is heart out.
"Whit urr ye laughing at?"
"Every time you open your mouth, you sound like a pervert." Dylan laughed even harder when Hamish started choking on his cigarette. Once he stopped almost dieing, Hamish gave Dylan that look which Dylan knew to be 'you're a brat'.
"Ah cam keekin fur ye fur Arthur wis keekin fur ye. Something aboot ye slacking aff." A barely suppressed groan left his lips, he knew it.
"I'm not slacking off. I finished all my paperwork for today and I am enjoying the few sunny days I actually get."
A thump at his side let him know that Hamish had joined him on the ground. Now that Dylan thought about it, he wouldn't trade the relationships he had with his siblings for anything but he would admit he would trade Arthur for anything.