Chapter 13-The Greatest Gift of All, Part 2

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.

I also want to wish Mark Salling (Puck) a Happy 29th Birthday! (August 17th)

Thanks to all who has read my story. You are too wonderful.

Finn looked over at Rachel who was sweating and grimacing through the pain of her contractions. He couldn't believe this was happening. He was about to become a father and Rachel was about to become a mother.

"Excuse me? My fiancée is about to have a baby. Can we get a wheelchair or something?" Finn asked the receptionist as he and Rachel raced through the maternity ward of the hospital.

Just then, an orderly came around to where Rachel was standing and Rachel carefully sat down in the wheelchair

"How far apart are your contractions?" the orderly asked.

"About six minutes" Rachel replied.

Rachel grabbed Finn's hand and they were off to her labor room.


"Finn Hudson, you son of a bitch! You did this to me!" Rachel barked.

Finn just stood there grasping her hand. Just then, Dr. Wu entered Rachel's room to examine her.

"Well, Miss Berry, you are progressing very well for your age. You are already dilated seven centimeters"

"Is that a good thing?" Finn wondered.

"Yes, Mr. Hudson, it is. That means that Rachel's yelling and vulgar language will cease as soon as your baby is born."

Finn breathed a sigh of relief.


"Alright, Rachel, it looks like you are about ready to push. When I count to 10, I want you to push as hard as you can. Do you think you can do that?" Dr. Wu asked.

Rachel shook her head yes.

Finn looked to see his daughter being born. She had a full head of auburn hair, just like her mother. A few tears began to fall from his eyes.

"Finn, are you okay?" Rachel asked.

"Uh, what? Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I've never seen anything like this before. You are amazing, Rachel Berry and I am proud to call you your fiancé."

"Isn't that sweet? But let's hurry up and get this little baby out of you." Dr. Wu instructed.

A few moments later, the room filled with crying. Finn looked over to see the little person that he and Rachel had created—their daughter Faith Ashley Hudson.

Dr. Wu cleaned Faith off and handed her to Finn and Rachel.

"She's perfect, Rach. Thank you for everything; you are the most amazing person on the planet. I can't wait to see what parenthood has in store for us and to see how well we can handle this little girl all on our own." And he leaned over to give Faith a kiss.

"Finn, you are going to make a wonderful father. I am so glad that I have you in my life."

Just then, Kurt burst through the door with Blaine tagging along.

"Geez, Rach, way to break up an exciting moment!" he shouted.

"Sorry to disrupt the prom, but someone decided that she wanted to join us today. Everyone, Finn and I would like you to meet the newest addition to the Hudson family, Faith Ashley Hudson." And she immediately handed the baby over to Kurt.

"Hi there, baby Faith. My name is Uncle Kurt and this is Uncle Blaine. We're going to spoil you rotten. We are going to teach you to be in style, how to accessorize, which colors to wear, well I'm going to do that, Blaine is going to teach you sports. You must never ever root for Michigan, always root for Ohio State."

Kurt then handed Faith back to her parents and skipped out of the room with the biggest smile on his face.


It was getting late so Finn decided to get some sleep. He decided that he better do it now since he'll probably never be able to sleep once Faith comes home. He grabbed a blanket that he had brought and curled up on the chair next to Rachel, who was already fast asleep.

A/N: Well, there's this chapter. I am not proud of it, but I wanted to finish it. Anyway, please still review. Also, I am finished with this story. Thank you to everyone who has read it, you are also awesome! Much love, Stephanie