OVA Part 4

Arrival… FINALLY!

The moment I woke up this morning I regretted it. Well, let's just say I didn't wake up the natural way. I heard yelling. I jerked up, had it happened again? I looked to the side of my bed. No one. My brain then went into normal mode. It was the day we would leave. Oh god. Chaos. Let me tell you, whenever MY family would go somewhere for vacation it was chaos, all this yelling about forgotten crap, and overall I just stand there wishing we would have just stayed home. But I would say such a thing out loud to my parents, they would be in full on rage mode. It wouldn't be any better with full on rage mode CRIMINALS that could gouge my eyes out within seconds without hesitation. I sighed, and I got out of bed. Got dressed. Then pack my bathing suit, some sun screen, and flip flops that had also come with the 'fun pack' from Zetsu and Konans trip. I slowly inched my door open after 5 minutes of standing there, trying to get up the courage to go out into all of it. The sight was pretty weird. Everyone was out there, most were attempting to creep back into their rooms, mainly because Leader was in the whole chaos mode, Konan beside him, her face said she didn't want to be here. I didn't have much time to pity her before I stepped out.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked, trying to sound cheerful. Sadly you could hear the slight note of fear. Leader slowly turned to me.

"Do they LOOK ready to you?" He asked, or screamed, what ever you liked. I looked at everyone. They were dressed. Only some had bags which no doubt held their dreaded swimsuits.

"Not all of them, no need to shout." I said, my voice somehow staying steady. Leader merely stared at me. I walked over to Deidara, he had no bag, and looked like he had intention of grabbing one anytime soon.

"Get your stuff together." I told him. He glared

"But I don't want to uhn."

"I didn't ask you if you wanted to, and stop acting like a 5 year old." I said, walking into their room. I looked around, seeing a bag I grabbed it.

"Where's your swimsuit?" I asked. Didn't he realize he had to get ready or else he would have to face Leaders wrath? Was he suicidal. Deidara pointed to a spot on the floor, cluttered with clay pieces and trunks. I grabbed them and stuffed them into the bag.

"That's all I will do, if you don't hurry up and finish you're dead." I stated simply, shoving the bag into his hands. He stared at it, maybe deciding whether or not to blow it up. I sighed, then went to Hidans room next. I went to the bathroom, seeing him just finishing a sacrifice.

"Hey Hidan. I'm here to help you with packing!" I greeted. His greeting, well lets just say my death was missed by milloseconds. I glared. Then I looked around.

"Where are your trunks? I'm trying to help you here!"

"Over there." He said, I looked. They were blood red.

"Hmm, I didn't know they went so far in what you wanted." I said, picking up the swimsuit and examining it, it was a little wet.

"Oh yeah, there's blood on that" He said, I promptly dropped it. Wondering what color it had been before. Pink? I wouldn't blame him for such a thing.

"If there's blood on this, once you get into the water sharks will get you." I remarked. I heard the sound of laughing.

"Bitch, I'm immortal, and if I can put up with fucking Kisame I'm good." He said. He had a point. I sighed, finishing over there. By the time I HAD finished with the whole get Hidan to pack some crap and somehow getting out of there with only a few cuts, and a rather scarred mind, I saw that everyone had finished packing. Leader was once again yelling at everyone. I sighed again. And we headed out.

This part, the traveling part. Has been cut out, for reasons such as extreme violence, boring parts, and just plainly not being needed. I shall skip to when we arrive, and if you have any complaints. Well, I just don't care.

When we arrived, I was rather shocked to see that the beach was empty. While I knew this was actually a good thing because the Akatsuki doesn't just go to public areas, but I was wondering why.

"Why are we the only ones?" I asked, I received some stares.

"This is our private beach." Leader said. It was my turn to stare

"I know right?" Kisame said, "Maybe for their honeymoon or something" At this, the most violent act was preformed on Kisame from Leader. I smiled, I was so messed up this way. I walked onto the shore, staring at the sea, I had always loved how it looked. I then walked towards some changing areas(why they were even there I have no idea myself), and changed into my bikini. I stared at myself in the mirror for a moment, then came back to Earth. I stepped back outside. Seeing a site that rather amused me. Kisame was standing in the water, waving at Itachi to come in, Itachi of course, was sitting on the sand, reading a book. I wondered what book it was… I then saw Hidan attempting to slice off Deidaras head, maybe some insult about his bathing suit. Konan and Leader relaxing, rather close, not helping the standard rumors. Kakuzu was attempting to bitch at them about how much the swim suits and flip flops must have cost or something. Zetsu was sitting down, and so was Sasori. All seemed rather normal, except we were at the beach. More fun this way. I made my way over to Sasori, being one of the only normal people here at the moment. He was wearing grey trunks, and had a blue shirt over it.

"What took you so long?" He asked


"What type of stuff."


"I'm not getting anymore out of you am I?"



"Are you going to swim?" I asked.



"Reasons you may find out one day."

"What reasons?"

"Let's just say for now, it will mess me up."

"In what way?"

"I just told you."

"That wasn't enough."

"Too bad." He said. I rather liked when I had a conversation with someone, especially when there was some mystery to it. I wondered how it would mess him up… Was his skin sensitive? I didn't know… I got up, the sand was a bit too hot for me. I got into the water, feeling Kisame was lonely. If only I could have thought it through. He tackled me. Knocking me into the water. When I came back up again I glared at the shark man.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked

"I was lonely." He answered.

"But why?"

"You should know my personality by now." He stated. Now I understood why Itachi hadn't budged. And the fact he would never do such a thing either way. I sighed, swimming farther away from him, I realized he was nowhere in sight.

"What the-" I started, before being pushed high into the air by Kisame. I would like to say I was badass the entire time, doing back flips and flipping him off in the air. In truth, I screamed like the pathetic excuse for a girl I was. Hitting the water with a huge splash. When I resurfaced I heard a shout from the shore.

"You better not kill her." I heard my red head say. That was about as caring as it got here. My hands weaved signs, and before I knew it I had set a giant wave on Kisame. Sadly he was also a water user and blocked it. I decided it was time to fight. I jumped out of the water, landing on it and staying on top. He did the same and the epic fight began. Or so it seemed, he whopped my ass pretty good. So I decided to take out my trump, and stupid, card. I focused both of the chakra into my two hands, bringing them together. As same as last time, it burst forth. This time I stood my ground, my feet already sticking to the water through chakra. This time I felt control over it, I threw it at Kisame, he took a few steps back, and just barely managed to stand his ground, I attempted to make it intensify. This only resulted in me feeling drained. And then it released. Disappearing in an instant.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Kisame yelled. I had forgotten that nobody had seen my hurricane jutsu. And I had been able to control it for a small amount of time. Was it the result of my training? I knew I was stronger and all. I looked to the shore, seeing some shocked faces, but Deidara was attempting to blow Hidan up. The two sadly not being able to see my moment of badassery. I smiled, then walked back to the shore. Kisame still stood there.

"Was that your jutsu?" Sasori asked when I came over to him.

"Yep, the hurricane one. Mainly a last ditch effort." I replied. I felt so awesome at this moment. Then I realized I was rather tired from all that chakra I had used for it. I lay down on a towel, deciding to relax and sunbathe for a while. The heat was welcomed, and I successfully stopped myself from falling asleep 5 times! Before I knew it Leader had gotten up and announced something.

"Pack up, we're going." He said. I hadn't expected this to be an overnighter trip, but still, it had felt like no time at all! Sadly the only 'Awwww' I heard was from Kisame. The others not really caring. I sighed, and got up. My skin was a bit darker, it fitted me in a way. I grabbed my bag and headed for the changing room. I got changed into my regular clothes. When I exited the room everyone was already re-dressed, they were so fast…. I made my way over to them, feeling like an idiot for keeping them 'waiting'.

"Well this was rather short. And boring." Hidan mumbled.

"How do you know? You spent the whole time trying to kill Deidara!" I exclaimed.

"But still, nothing really happened." Kisame said

"So flipping me into the air, attacking me, and my moment of being badass, was counted as 'nothing happening'?" I asked

"Yep." He said, I glared at him, and punched him, he dodged.

"Well in a way this vacation wasn't a waste." I said.

"Why? Nothing happened."

"This is what I consider for the Akatsuki, as bonding!" I exclaimed. I got a few dead glares, at which I gave a smile back. Oh it was so fun to do this crap…..

Note: Yush! This OVA is finished! Pretty terrible ending though I may say…. We got a look at her jutsu though! LOL I hadn't meant to throw it out the window after the first chapter. It was meant to be something important in the story, until I changed it….