Chapter 1

The Stares at the Girl

I awoke in a dark room, lit by 3 candles, and my legs felt like hell. I couldn't remember anything because my head hurt also. I didn't get up because I knew a killer head rush would follow. As I just lay there with my eyes closed the memories came back, I was Akari Meosho...Meosho... The name burned my heart. The next thing that came back to me was that before this I had been running, while crying my heart out. Why? Why was I running away? Wait... The damned villagers, they had turned on me. I had been a little girl who was an excellent ninja, one that came every 5 generations in our family, an only child and I had always wanted to be a Kunoichi since the first day I saw them jumping around the village I lived in... Which one? Suna. That damned place... I had become a Genin at 10, a Chunnin 1 year later, then a Jonin at 12, the village had been proud of me! I was a kind hearted person. Everyone smiled at me when I passed by them, I had felt so loved! But that day, that ONE day. It happened 3 days ago... I had always liked the new Kazekage... Gaara. That was his name, he was interested in how skilled I was, so he decided to help me in my training every once in a while. I sort of had a crush on him, he was 15, like me, the crush never turned into nothing more than a fangirl one, many girls in the village had it. I never made a move and he never thought anything of me other than a part time student, and I respected him for that. Then it happened, I was training with him one day about my second chakra nature, my first was wind, and he was helping me figure out which the next one would be, he gave me this piece of paper everyday, and it always only cut in half, I figured that if I found out my second nature it would be do both but I never did find out with the paper.

But one day before we called our training quits so I could start practicing with my bow again, he wanted to try something new, he described to me what kind of different nature types I could get by mixing my two chakra natures.

"What about wind and water?" I asked

"I don't know what you could get with those.." Gaara answered

"Can I try?"

"Sure, why not."

I focused my Wind chakra in one hand, then I attempted to push some new chakra in my other, and both hands had them, one Wind, and the other my mystery one.

"Thats the Water nature, seems I may find out after all." Gaara said interested

I then fused then together, and then it happened. It was powerful, and it threw me back, I saw Gaara being covering himself with sand, and some caught me before I hit the ground. The thing was then released.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I asked, I was shivering with fear.

"A Hurricane." Gaara answered bluntly, wiping wet sand off of his shoulders.

"Wait what?"

"That's your mixed nature, very dangerous, you should only use that if another Shinobi War were to happen, but theres not, so you will have to wait for a third nature in order to have permission to use a mixed nature." Gaara said, I was terrified

"My mixed chakra nature is a Hurricane!" I said astonished.

"Promise me you'll never use it! This is serious, the village can get seriously damaged." Gaara said.

I gulped, "I promise..."

"Good", and with that Gaara left to the Kazekage building.

"Akari?" I heard my moms voice, and turned. She looked horrified

"Yes?" I asked nervously

"What was that?"

"My mixed nature, Hurricane."

"Thats, horrible."

"Don't be cruel mom, I promised Gaara I wouldn't use it because it could destroy the village."

"WHAT!" My mom gasped

"Errrr I would never harm the village mom." I was rather shocked she thought I would, it hurt me

"YOUR A MONSTER!" She accused screaming, and then ran away. I stood there, shocked, and then the tears came. I collapsed.

I walked through the town, the smiles weren't there anymore, they were replaced by hatred, and glares. I felt tears running down my cheeks again, I had thought my tears had run out? No. They couldn't if the people that you love and have loved you suddenly think of you as a monster. It was cruel. How could ANYONE stand this? I put my head in hands in order in hide my tears and the glares aimed at me. I then bumped into someone. I looked up.

"Akari? What's going on?" Asked Gaara, he looked around

"They- They all ha-ha-hate me" I said between sobs

"Wait what? How? They all love you! It's almost like my Junchuriki days again.." He drifted off, I looked at him shocked, there was pity in them.

"I'm going to leave the village, there's no love here anymore, I-I-I DON'T BELONG!" I yelled, and ran straight for my home, leaving a shocked Gaara in the streets.

I got home and went upstairs without my parents knowing, they would just shoo me out I bet. I started packing all of my important things into my small bag, my Bow, my clothes, and a single picture of my family. I started crying again, and buried my face in my covers. I soon fell asleep. When I woke again, I saw a bright orange light in the horizon, I looked out the window to find all the villagers at my house, with fire, weapons, and some Chunnin, all with angry faces. My heart sped up. Just this morning they were all my friends, they loved me and I loved them! NOW THIS! THEY ALL WANTED ME DEAD! AND WHY! SOME DAMN NATURE TECHNIQUE!

"She's upstairs, kill her off, she's a danger to us all." I heard, someone saw from downstairs, it was my-my DAD! The tears came again, I grabbed the bag, slumped it over my back, wiped the tears from my face and ran. I jumped out the window, into the crowds of hate. They were all shocked I just came to them. They were wrong, I sprinted off to the gates, I was always fast at running, and got out of the crowd safe, I passed the Kazekage building and saw Gaara standing there staring at the crowds of people, did he send them? I didn't see his shocked expression at the crowd, I thought he looked happy, but he didn't want me dead at all. And after that i just ran through the desert, I ran and ran and ran and ran... I went nonstop for 3 entire days, my tears keeping me from getting tired in my eyes, I ignored my legs, I knew they could give away any second, but I didn't care. I needed to get away from that damned village no matter how many days I traveled. And last thing I remember was running into something, it felt like wood and with that collision I blacked out. Still crying.