Hello everyone! I'm back... after nearly a year of being gone.

I'm so sorry. RL got horrendously busy and I had three other WIP to finish. And then I lost this document and only found it about a month ago. But I finished the chapter.

What's happened since the last chapter? I've graduated high school, finished by International Baccalaureate, got my driver's licence, got accepted into 11 awesome colleges, and got a scholarship for more than a quarter of a million dollars for the next four years of school at a place that's older than the United States. So... a lot of stuff.

Here's the chapter! I know y'all have been waiting a long time. :)

December 26, 1996

Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Sirius' Bedroom

Hermione awoke with Sirius warm on her back, one heavy arm thrown over her body. He was curled around her protectively, their legs intertwined in sleep.

The heaviness of the last few days was weighing down her bones, keeping her pressed to the mattress without the strength to get up, to move the arm that was heavy enough to slow her breathing. She loved that arm though, she loved what it stood for and the man it belonged to.

She loved him so much it hurt her heart. Little pangs of fear, of constant worry about him, always driving into her ribcage at every mention of Death Eaters or plots.

"You're awake." His voice was still rumbling from sleep, coming from deep in his throat.

She smiled. "Yeah."

Warm lips pressed to the back of her neck, a closed mouth kiss that was meant to comfort him just as much as her. "Are you- ya know. Feeling better?"

It was an invitation from him, an offer that she could say yes to and they would both pretend like it had never happened.

"No," she said honestly, turning in his arms so she could look at him.

A large hand stroked her hair, comforting again. "Why?" he said simply. "Talk to me, poppet."

And so she did. Early in the morning, with the house quiet around them, she spilled all her feelings, told him about the love that had sunk into her bones and had become her blood. She told him about cringing anytime she heard about Death Eater movements and craving his touch so badly she couldn't keep a straight head. She told him about dreams about being alone and cold in her bed that left her shaking and sweat covered or worse wide eyed and unable to sleep the next night.

And so he kissed her mouth and moved his hands to her breasts and told her that he knew exactly what she was talking about and he knew that the only thing that made him feel better was hearing her moan his name and forgetting that a war was seething around them.

December 26, 1996
Number 12 Grimmauld Place

"We should have a New Year's Party," said Hermione, half occupied with the book propped up on the pitcher of orange juice.

Sirius, who was flipping pancakes at the stove, turned to look at Hermione. "I'm all for it, love. But... why?"

She didn't look up from her book. "This... it feels like the last for some of us," she said quietly. "We should celebrate making it through another year. I almost didn't. You almost didn't. Harry almost didn't. We should celebrate while we have the chance."

He considered her words as he silently put the breakfast on plates and took it over to the table. "That's a bit morbid, no?

"Yeah," Hermione said, finally looking up. "But... I think that we've been lucky so far. Pretty damn lucky. We have something to celebrate."

Surprised by the sadness in her voice, Sirius leaned in and kissed her quickly. "We do," he said, voice just as quiet. "I'll Floo Molly, if you write out letters to everyone else."

December 31, 1996
Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Sitting Room

Being the hostess of a party was something between wonderfully adult and too much work. The decorations had been put up with plenty of help from Ginny, punch had been brewed, and now they were waiting.

Sirius had repeatedly told Hermione how fond he was of her in her dress. It was dark blue and it clung to her curves, which he appreciated. He didn't appreciate her stress- she was fluttering around, trying to make sure everything was perfect.

"It's a party, Hermione," he said wryly. "It's supposed to be fun." He pulled her toward him, pressing a gentle kiss to her red lips.

She pulled away after a second, swiping his lips with her thumb. "Now you have lipstick on you," she murmured. "And guests are going to be here any moment."

Sirius smiled down at her, kissing her again. "I don't mind," he said, pressing her closer to him. The heels he liked too- she was just a tad unsteady on them and leaned into him. And, of course, they made her tall.

"Everyone will know we've been kissing," protested Hermione, albeit halfheartedly.

"We're engaged, Hermione," said Sirius. He laughed, and spun her around. "And you're living in my house, with me, sleeping in my bedroom. I think everyone knows we've been doing more than just kissing."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Well, in that case, kiss me proper, my dear."

December 31, 1996
Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Front Hall

Ginny peered at Hermione curiously as she entered the house. "Your lipstick's a bit smudged," she said. Hermione raised a self conscious hand to her face, and muttered something.

"Thanks, Gin," sighed Hermione. "Better?"

"Perfect." The rest of her family wasn't far behind, with Molly and Arthur ushering in their herd of young wizards. Bill was home, pulling Fleur along with him. They went to go talk to Sirius, along with Molly and Arthur. Harry gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek and Ron gave her an awkward hug. The twins felt no such compunctions, one slinging an arm around her waist and the other around her shoulders to steer her in the house.

December 31, 1996
Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Sitting Room

In the next half hour more Order members streamed in to the party, and before long the sitting room was comfortably filled with happy witches and wizards. There was a corner with seats for conversation, far away from the music for dancing.

"It's a smashing success, love," Sirius said, hooking an arm around her wast as he murmured in her ear.

She turned to smile up at him. "You think so?"

He grinned back. "I wouldn't say so if it wasn't," he teased. "And there's a smile on everyone's face."

It was true- there were a few couples dancing together, most notably Remus and Tonks. Ginny was trying to teach Harry and Ron, with help from the twins. Bill and Fleur looked ridiculously in love, which made Hermione smile.

Some of the adults were talking in the corner, most holding cups of some alcoholic beverage. Molly's face was flushed, and she was laughing heartily at something Moody had said. McGonagall's hair was still in a tight bun, but her robes were a shade of dark green that was quite different from the black she normally wore. The Order members looked as if they were happy to be discussing something other than the war.

"Dance with me," whispered Sirius. "Please."

"Of course," said Hermione. In his eyes and face there was the familiar restrained heat, that told her that for now he was content to dance but later... She knew that as the night wore on that heat would become stronger and more apparent, until he finally got her in their bed.

She wondered if the same heat was in her own eyes.

December 31, 1996
Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Sitting Room

"They make an interesting couple, don't they," Minerva McGonagall murmured to the man to her right.

Filius Flitwick nodded somberly. "I would have never thought," he squeaked. "One would think that if Miss Granger were to fall for one of the Marauders, it would have been Remus Lupin. Such a serious girl and such a joker? Never."

Minerva nodded. "Exactly. But she's made him more mature and he's made her more fun-loving. It is an odd match but a good one."

"And old soul and a young one," Flitwick chimed in. "Good for them."

January 1, 1997
Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Sitting Room

"Happy New Year!" rose in a collective shout from the people gathered in the sitting room.

Sirius swept Hermione in a deep kiss, but they weren't the reason that a collective gasp went up- nor was the considerately more chaste exchange between Remus and Tonks.

Ron's eyes were about bulging out of his head as a blushing Harry and Ginny separated. Ginny wore a self satisfied smile on her face, even as her skin struggled to match the color of her hair.

When Sirius released Hermione, he made for Harry, clapping him on the back. "Good for you," he said. "Smart girl you have there."

Ginny he patted much more gently. "Can't say the same for you," he said, mock commiseration in his voice. "He's not the brightest lad-"

Hermione had walked over to them, just in time to neatly elbow Sirius in the gut. "Happy New Year," she said kindly, pulling Sirius away. "Congrats."

January 1, 1997
Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Sirius' Room

"That was rude," Hermione chided, turning around so her back was to Sirius. "Unzip me, please, love."

Sirius did as asked, slowly pulling the zipper down his fiancee's back. He kissed the nape of her neck when he finished. "Funny, though."

Hermione removed the dress, rezipping it and putting it on a hanger, then sending the hanger to the closet with a wave of her wand. "Still. Let Harry be happy!"

"What about me being happy?" Sirius asked, looking at Hermione with a very interested expression on his face. "For example... can you keep those on for a bit?"

Hermione frowned, looking down. "The stockings?"

Sirius nodded. "Yes. They look lovely on you."

Hermione flushed slightly, examining the stockings on her legs. They were dark, with a pearly sheen. Earlier in the day, rolling them up her legs had made her feel wonderfully adult. Standing before Sirius in nothing but bra, panties, and stockings, that feeling was coming back two fold.

She gave Sirius a slow smile, walking to where he was sitting on the bed. "Happy New Year," she whispered, and began to unbutton his shirt.

January 4, 1997
Number 12 Grimmauld Place

"Do you want to set a date for the wedding?"

Hermione's head shot up from the book she was reading, eyes wide. "What?"

Sirius raised an eyebrow, setting the cup of tea he had brought her on the side table near her armchair. "The wedding," he repeated. "The day when you wear a white dress and all our friends watch us put rings on each other."

"I thought we were waiting until I was done with school- we have more than a year and a half before then," she reminded him.

"I know," Sirius said hastily. "I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to do something before then. Maybe a civil ceremony or- never mind."

Hermione tilted her head, examining him. "If you want to," she said, smiling at him. "As long as it isn't a big affair."

They were both quiet for a moment. "When?" asked Hermione. "Would you want to do this?"

"Over the summer, maybe?" suggested Sirius. "Just to make sure that we have sometime married before things really go to hell in a hand basket."

Hermione shrugged. "Sure. As long as we have a proper wedding after the war."

January 4, 1997
Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Sirius' Bedroom

"Tomorrow we go back," Hermione said sadly, tracing patterns on Sirius' clear skin. "Off once more to Hogwarts."

Sirius groaned, rolling them over so that his body was pressed against hers. He buried his head in her hair. "Back to Snape and Weasley and weekends only."

Hermione's hand came up to stroke his silky hair. "It'll be okay, love," she said, wishing she believed it herself. "Look on the bright side. We'll be out of this house before long. And I like your little bed in Hogwarts."

"True," said Sirius, lifting his head so he could look her in the eye. "But it's so small we need to get creative sometimes. And when you hog the blankets-"

"Hey!" Hermione protested. "At least I don't talk in my sleep."

Sirius laughed, kissing her nose. "Except you do talk in your sleep, poppet."

She let out a little huff. "My feet aren't as cold as yours."

"They're even colder," agreed Sirius, a mischievous light in his eyes. "Little ice cubes attached to your legs."

She wound his long hair around her hand, pulling it back gently. "Prat," she said, wrinkling her nose. "You're awful."

"And you are an angel," he said, pressing small kisses to the side of her neck, then her collarbone, then the top of her breasts. "Perfect in every way. Perfect little blanket hogger, perfect little talker, perfect little ice cubes at the end of your ankles."

Hermione laughed as his hair tickled her stomach as he moved down. "You- Sirius, I don't know how I can live with you."

"It's because you love me," Sirius told her cheekily. "And my mouth."

Hermione let out a little gasp, then sighed and relaxed into the bed. "That- ah- glorious mouth," she agreed. "That- oh gods, Sirius- must be it."

January 5, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Gryffindor Girls' Dorms

"I've missed him dreadfully," Lavender said mournfully. "You are just so lucky, Hermione, to get to spend your entire break with Sirius." She flopped on her bed, looking up at the canopy. "Did he miss me, Hermione? What did he say?"

"I actually didn't see him for most of the break," Hermione admitted, half her mind concentrated on braiding her mess of hair. If she slept with it down, she would end up with a rat nest the next morning. "I'm still not really speaking to him."

Parvati made a noise of agreement. "Sorry, Lav, but if I was in Hermione's place I wouldn't be speaking to him either. He's been a bit of a prat to her."

"Yeah, I know," Lavender said with a sigh. "He's just a bit jealous Hermione." She sat up, giving Hermione a wicked grin. "After all, you're getting regularly laid."

Hermione laughed hard, tying off her braid. "Lavender!"

"It's true," protested the blonde girl. "He hadn't even snogged anyone til me and here you are with a sexy hunk of a fiancee who is probably, like, a sex god-"

"Sirius Black is not a sex god," Hermione said firmly.

Parvati lifted an eyebrow. "Are you saying he's not good in bed?"

Great. I've practically invited this line of questioning. I'd bet that they planned this out. "No," Hermione said, drawing the word out. "He's- um, well, he's pretty great in bed, actually. As far as I'd know. I've only ever been with him, you know?" Her cheeks were on fire, she knew it.

Lavender and Parvati cackled. "We knew it!" Lavender said. "He's hot, though. And he has good muscles. And he's certainly knows what he's doing, with like twenty years of experience."

"Yeah," said Parvati. "Does that bother you?" The Indian girl had an intensely curious look on her face.

Hermione grimaced. "It used to," she admitted. "But I've gotten over it. He's mine and only mine now, so it doesn't really matter. And I get to reap the benefits of all that practice, so I'm fine with it."

Lavender waggled her eyebrows. "I'm sure you do," she said suggestively. "I wish he'd give Ron pointers. As much as I adore him, he kisses like he's trying to suck my face off."

"Not what I needed to know, Lav," Hermione said, wrinkling her nose.

The other girl just flapped her hand in a dismissive gesture. "Come on! I know he's your friend, but we are having boy discussion time here. Parvati, what's up with you?"

January 10, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom

Finally, it was Friday. The week had seemed to drag on endlessly, especially after the paradise of having Sirius around almost constantly every day for two weeks. As Harry and Hermione followed their classmates in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, she sighed with the knowledge that it was her last class and then she could go to Sirius' rooms and eat dinner with him there.

"Do you need to borrow the cloak again tonight?" Harry asked Hermione as they took their seats.

Hermione shook her head. "I don't think so," she told him. "I'm planning to go to his rooms directly after class, so I won't be sneaking out after curfew."

"As absolutely fascinating as I am sure your love life is, Miss Granger, it has nothing to do with Defense Against the Dark Arts," drawled a voice from behind her. Hermione jumped with surprise, feeling her stomach sink to the floor.

She turned to face Professor Snape, who had entered his classroom silently. "Yes, sir. I apologize. I was not aware that class had begun."

"It is not matter, Miss Granger," said Snape maliciously, tapping his long white fingers against the black robes on his arm. "The matter will be settled with a detention, tonight. Come straight to my office after dinner."

Hermione's face burned, with both embarrassment and anger. She was Prefect, she hardly ever got detentions! "Yes, sir," she said through gritted teeth.

Something like a smile spread across Snape's face. "Are you upset, Miss Granger?" he asked. "Did you have... plans?"

You very well heard my plans you bastard, Hermione thought angrily. "I'll just have to reschedule, then" Hermione ground out.

"Good," said Professor Snape, turning away from Hermione and stalking to the front of the classroom. "Class, turn to page 321 in your books. Today we will be learning about the applications of potions in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

January 10, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"Sirius Black," said Hermione into her mirror. She waited a moment for the mist to clear, until Sirius was visble.

"Hello, love," he said, smiling at her. "I've asked the house elves to bring us some of the baked chicken the rest of the castle is having, but I have a treat for us for dessert."

Hermione sighed, feeling growing anger at Severus Snape. "I can't," she said miserably. "Professor Snape gave me detention again. I'm to report to his office immediately after dinner."

Sirius' face darkened. "He did this just because he knows that we are supposed to have weekends," he said angrily. "Filthy pox-rotted bastard."

She agreed wholeheartedly with the sentiment. It had been nearly a week since she had been able to spend proper quality time with Sirius- and he had gone through the trouble to procure a nice dinner for the two of them...

"Screw it," Hermione said, abruptly changing direction. "I'm meeting you in your rooms. We'll eat quickly and then I'll go to detention."

"I love you," Sirius said happily, grinning at her. "We'll make sure you're not late."

January 10, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Sirius' Rooms

"Hello, poppet," Sirius said, welcoming her at the entrance to his rooms with a kiss. He took her bag, wincing at the weight. "So many books?"

"I know," she said, wrinkling her nose. "How's your day been?"

"Hellish," Sirius said, kissing her again. "But three times better now that you're here."

Hermione laughed, leaning against him. "Only three times?"

"Four, I suppose," Sirius said teasingly. "Let's eat."

The baked chicken with green beans and fresh rolls was excellent, as was all food prepared by the house elves. The dessert, which was covered by a silver platter, was a surpriseJ that Sirius stubbornly refused to reveal until Hermione's plate was empty.

"Please!" she begged, fluttering her eyelashes. "I need to go soon!"

Sirius heaved a great sigh, the whipped the cover off with a grand flourish. On the silver platter lay several chocolate covered strawberries. The house elves had decorated using different kinds of chocolate, painting with dark and milk chocolate on white chocolate or making little swirls of white on the darker chocolate.

Hermione rose, then promptly sat down again in Sirius' lap. "Thank you, love," she said happily, leaning in to give him a kiss. He responded much more eagerly than he normally did, winding a hand in her hair and pulling her closer to him. The chocolate strawberries were forgotten- five days was too long after two weeks of being close.

It was when Sirius' hands moved to unbutton her blouse that Hermione pulled away. "We can't," she said quickly. "I need to go to detention soon."

Sirius groaned, rebuttoning her blouse. "Yes. Sorry. Got a bit carried away there."

"You're telling me," Hermione said, kissing his forehead and then sliding off his lap. She plucked a strawberry off the platter, biting into it with a hum of joy.

"These are wonderful," she said, her mouth full. "Thank you, Sirius."

He smiled at her. "Come and finish them when you're done with Snivellous," he said. "If you can't get away, I'll save them for tomorrow."

January 10, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Professor Snape's Office

Hermione knocked carefully, waiting for a response. When none came, she pushed open the door. "Professor Snape?" she called into the room.

When she entered, he was grading papers at his desk. "So you decided to come to your detention after all, Miss Granger?" he asked snarkily. "You were expected six minutes ago."

"My apologies, sir," she said, setting down her bag. "What are you going to have me do?"

"You were late, Miss Granger," said Snape. "For that... I think we'll extend this detention to the rest of the weekend."

"I was hardly late!" Hermione protested. "You just said after dinner!"

He looked up from his desk, his eyes hateful. "And how would you have known when dinner ended if you weren't even there, Miss Granger?"

Despite her attempts to remain calm, Hermione's cheeks burned. "Where I was at dinner was none of your concern. What do you want me to do for detention?"

"I no longer have dirty cauldrons for you to clean or potions ingredients for you to sort," he said, returning to his work. "So you will sit here, and do nothing. And for insolence, let's add another detention next Friday night as well, why don't we?"

Hermione sat and glared at him. "This is wrong," she said quietly. "You are taking out your hatred of Sirius on me. I'm going to Dumbledore as soon as I am done here."

"In silence, Miss Granger. Two more detentions- next Saturday and Sunday."

January 10, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster's Office

"I don't see how this acceptable, Headmaster Dumbledore," Hermione said. She was seated in one of the fluffy chairs on the other side of the Headmaster's desk, across from the old man. "He's taking out his hatred of Sirius on our relationship."

Headmaster Dumbledore tilted his head. "Are you sure? He wouldn't have given you detention without just cause."

"He has done it before," Hermione insisted. "This is the second time he's given a completely unreasonable punishment for something that deserved the loss of a few house points, maximum."

Dumbledore looked over his glasses at her. "Now, Miss Granger. Professor Snape is a teacher at this school, and has been for almost two decades. He knows the punishment system, and applies it fairly. I understand that you are upset at missing time with your fiancee, but if you act out in class it is his right to give out consequences."

Him too? thought Hermione. Merlin. "I was talking with Harry before class started," Hermione told the Headmaster firmly. "A detention for speaking before class even started? Then two more for being six minutes late from an arbitrary time? And then three more for telling him that I thought the punishment was unjust?"

"Professor Snape can give detentions as he sees fit, Miss Granger, and that is the end of it," said the Headmaster. "Now. You need to get to your dorm, as curfew was over a hour ago."

January 11, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Sirius' Rooms

"It was ridiculous," Hermione said furiously. "I don't know what game the two of them are playing."

Sirius tightened his arms around her. "He's important to the war effort, so Dumbledore gives him leniency," he said with a sigh. "And he's not going to admit to a sixth year that one of his teachers is in the wrong. The most he might do is talk privately with Snape and tell him to stop."

"Well, it's still ridiculous," Hermione said grumpily. "And now I have to go because he decided that I would get detention for an entire day because I was six minutes late. 'Just a half hour for lunch, Miss Granger, or that'll be another detention for every minute you're late,' he said."

January 31, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Sirius' Rooms

"Apparition lessons are tomorrow," Hermione said absentmindedly, stroking Sirius' arm. "I won't be in until after dinner, I'm afraid."

Sirius kissed the top of her head, tightening his arms around her. "James and I took full advantage of when the Great Hall was lifted of the anti-Apparition wards," he said, voice growing fond of memory. "The pranks we would play..."

Hermione laughed, snuggling closer to him. "Don't go giving Harry an ideas," she warned. "Or Ron, for that matter."

"How are things going there?" asked Sirius. "Is he ready to pull on the big boy britches or does he need some more time?"

"I don't know," Hermione said with a sigh. "He's still parading Lavender around. But they're fighting a lot now. When they aren't kissing."

February 2, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Sirius' Rooms

"At least I didn't Splinch myself," Hermione said mournfully, looking into her cup of tea. "You could try laughing less, my dear."

"Sorry, love," Sirius said, leaning over and kissing her forehead. "It's just rare that there is a spell you can't already do perfectly."

She scowled at him nonetheless. "Flattery will get you nowhere," she told him resolutely. "I am miserable."

Sirius sat next to her on the sofa, moving her feet over into his lap. "What about a foot massage?"

Looking up from her tea, Hermione considered both Sirius and her feet. "That might get you somewhere," she admitted. "If you promise to share all your Apparition secrets too."

February 6, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Gryffindor Common Room

"Are you alright, Hermione?" Ginny peered at her friend, tilting her head and letting a wave of dark red hair fall from her shoulders. When she had her arms folded across her chest as she did now, she exuded the same motherly and concerned air as Mrs. Weasley.

Hermione nodded, still half immersed in her Ancient Runes essay. "I'm fine, Gin," she said. The loud sniff a moment later gave her away.

Ginny sat down next to her friend, trying to draw Hermione's attention away from her homework. "You're coming down with something, Hermione, I know you are. You've been working too hard, and yesterday you walked to Herbology in that awful rain."

Sniffing again, Hermione finally turned. "It was like drowning in snow," she said pitifully. "But I'm okay, Ginny. It'll go away in a day or two."

"Or you could get a Pepper-Up potion and take care of it now," Ginny said, raising a pale red eyebrow. "Come to the Hospital Wing with me."

Hermione sighed, then turned back to her work. "I can't, Gin," she snapped. "I have too much to do, and I'll be fine."

"Okay, then," Ginny said, standing and leaving. "Just trying to help," she muttered under her breath.

February 7, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Gryffindor Girls' Dorms

She didn't want to move.

Hermione's head was pounding, and her throat was aching in a way that told Hermione that a glass of orange juice would sting terribly. There was heavy feeling in her sinuses, one that told her Ginny had been right.

Despite the sounds of Lavender and Parvati moving around and dressing for the day, Hermione curled deeper into her bed.

She would take a bit more sleep over breakfast today.

February 7, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Great Hall

When Sirius entered the Great Hall, his eyes went to the Gryffindor table out of habit, searching for the familiar cloud of bushy brown hair that told him where Hermione was. He was able to locate Ron, and by default Harry, by seeing the bright red of the classic Weasley hair. But... no Hermione.

He made his way over to the table, clapping Harry on the back. "Hey, Potter," he said, returning Harry's smile.

"G'Morning, Sirius," Harry said, yawning. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing," Sirius said flippantly. "Is Hermione not sitting with you?"

Harry shrugged, feigning nonchalance. It was clear to Sirius, though, that he was annoyed. "If you want Hermione you'll have to try the library," he said shortly. "I'll tell her you were looking for her if I see her."

He's upset because he thought I was looking for Hermione, thought Sirius. The flash of realization came quickly- his godson felt like he was being threatened by his own friend.

"Nah, I was just wondering. Thought I'd have breakfast with you lot." Sirius glanced in Ron's direction. The redhead was busy eating Lavender's face. "Or just you, actually."

Harry brightened a bit, moving over so Sirius could sit. "Oh."

"Yeah," Sirius said, grinning and spearing a rasher, pulling it to his plate. "How did the Apparition lessons go? You know, James and I had a lark with those when we were in school..."

February 7, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Leaving Ron and Lavender behind, Sirius and Harry left the Great Hall, continuing their conversation about the Quidditch Semi-Finals that they had started over breakfast. The first class of the day was Transfiguration, which was nearly all the way across the castle.

The conversation died a bit, a Sirius took the chance to ask something he had been wondering since he had sat down next to Harry at breakfast. "Does Hermione usual spend her breakfast in the library?"

Harry shrugged. "Yeah, sometimes. She must have eaten early and gone there- she wouldn't skip her coffee."

"Yeah, I know," Sirius said, nodding. "She gets a headache if she doesn't get her coffee."

They walked in silence for a while longer. "You know that I love you more than anything, right, Harry?" Sirius asked quietly, stopping near a niche.

There was something unsettlingly sad on Harry's face. "More than Hermione?" In his green eyes was a vulnerability, a wary uncertainty.

Sirius sighed, leaning against the wall. "It's a different kind of love," he said honestly. "Listen. The first time I held you, you were less than an hour old. Such a tiny little thing. I knew already that I was your godfather and I would love you like you were my own son, Harry. I would do anything to protect you. And that including giving you to Hagrid so I could hunt down Peter and make sure that he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I fully intended to get you back, Harry. I was going to take down Peter and have you back in time for dinner the next day." He was getting off track- Sirius stopped and regrouped his thoughts. "I love Hermione, yes, but you and your safety are my number one priority, okay, Harry?"

The messy haired boy nodded, looking at Sirius for a long time. "I know that you love me," he mumbled. "It's just- I'd like to spend time with you too, you know?"

"Yeah," said Sirius, cuffing him on the shoulder. "I know. Get to class. I'm going to go fetch Hermione from the library so she doesn't miss class. And all three of us need to do something next Hogsmeade weekend, alright?"

Harry grinned at him. "Yeah," he said. "And tell Hermione that I saved her an apple pastry, would you?"

Sirius had noticed his godson wrap the sweet treat in a napkin and shove it in his bag, but he had assumed Harry was saving it for a mid-morning snack. It was a harsh kind of sweetness, to see his godson look out for both his friend and Sirius' fiancee like that.

"Yeah," he said, grinning back at Harry. "I will."

February 7, 1997
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Ignoring the glare the old librarian was giving him, Sirius walked through the stacks slowly, looking for Hermione. There were only one or two other students there that early in the morning- both identified as Ravenclaws by their ties.

When the had searched the Library twice with no look, Sirius leaned against a self, scanning the empty tables.

She must have left after I got here, he mused. Oh well. I'll see her at lunch.

With that, he left, on his way to do his normal patrol of the rest of the castle.

Thanks for reading! (if anyone still pays attention to this story...)

I hope you guys liked it. I don't know when more will be coming... but remember that reviews are motivation. They really remind me that there are people who want to read this stuff and that I kind of owe something to them. A special thanks to Terrance Rouge, who's review kicked my but and got me writing for this one again.

As always, I hope you guys have an awesome day. (btw- I also have a tumblr. That's new too, I think. Maybe.)

See y'all next time!