Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any DBZ characters. If I did, the plot would have followed this story's plot.
Hercule stood and surveyed the empty battlefield, amazed at what he had seen. A kid, no older than his own daughter, had defeated the Earth's greatest threat, exhausting himself in the process, and had been carried away by a fellow fighter to "fix the damages". The Champ wondered what those mystery fighters had meant by that.
"Say, Hercule, do you know what happened here?" the news reporter asked as he got to his feet. The Champ looked at the barren wasteland on last time before answering.
"The kid did it."
"Say what?"
"The kid. The Delivery Boy. He did it. He- he saved us all."
The Champ was still in shock over the raw power that boy possessed. He was counting his lucky stars that the Delivery Boy had a pure heart to go with that amazing strength. He didn't want to anger that kid either - he saw what happens when you push him too far. That plus the Champ's admiration of the boy was all that was keeping him from lying and taking the credit himself.
"So you're saying that little boy did what no other fighter could, not even yourself?"
"Are you blind! That kid had powers I've never seen before and I was coming up with answers outta my ass because I had no idea what was going on! That kid's a hero - a superhero at that, and I have no right to look down on him when his father died to save us, and his red-headed friend sacrificed himself to get that kid into gear!" Hercule looked down, ashamed. "I was jealous so I planned on making them out to be amateurs and tricksters. Truth is, compared to them, I'M the amateur."
Needless to say, the reporter was astounded as Mr. Satan's sudden humility. Gazing from the battlefield to his hero and back again, he realized that Hercule wasn't just being modest - no ordinary fighter could have caused that much damage and lived to tell the tale. He looked at the World Champ once again.
"Where did they go?" he wondered.
"Poor kid exhausted himself so he was carried by that scarred fighter. The bald one carried away the woman Cell threw up, and the three-eyed guy carried the dead purple-haired warrior. They said something about summoning a dragon to fix the damages or something and flew away," Hercule said quietly. The reporter nodded and rushed to the truck where his cameraman was shouting that the radio was still working.
The world was stunned when they heard the news. They were flabbergasted when those killed by Cell came back to life after an unnatural darkness blanketed the sky. Hercule understood what "damages" the fighters went to fix when he heard the dead returned to life. Those warriors had a fail-safe that would allow them to bring back any casualties in a situation like this. In other words, they were highly trained warriors meant to protect the Earth from harm with connections to Kami himself. It was the only explanation.
People searched for these warriors for a long time, but only Yamcha was ever found, and he said he wasn't going to give his comrades unwanted attention if he could help it. When asked if he would reveal them so that they could be properly thanked, his response was, "Doing the right thing and stopping that monster is it's own reward for my friends. They don't care for fame and fortune, many of them preferring the quiet, simple life. Please, don't bother them. If the need arises, they will come back and defend the Earth and her people again. Until then, you'd have better luck finding Bigfoot than locating their whereabouts." After that, he promptly flew away to avoid any more questions.
The only other clue anyone had was that the "Delivery Boy"'s name was apparently Gohan, since the older Gold Fighter had called him that, causing the minor confusion. Gohan was an unusual name, but none of the Gohans found even remotely resembled the Gold Fighter kid. And the reporters had since all Gohans born in every major hospital in the world by the end of six months. The kid was a ghost... Until four years later.