It seamed like time stood still. Nothing happened at first. "See, Timmy, your parents do love you," Wanda said.

Timmy looked around the room. He looked in his nightstand and saw everything of his in there right where he left it. He let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in. He sat down on the bed.

"I don't get it. I mean, they must love me, but why don't they show it?" Timmy wondered out loud.

"When was the last time you sat down and had a discussion with your parents?" Jorgen asked.

Timmy thought about it and then sighed. "I don't remember."

"Maybe it's time you did," Jorgen said.

Timmy looked at Cosmo and Wanda. Jorgen seemed to know what he was thinking and nodded.

"Yes, Timmy, you can," he said.

Timmy nodded and said a soft thanks.

Cosmo and Wanda looked confused.

"What, he can do what?" Cosmo asked.

Jorgen looked away. "If you can say anything to Mr. Turner, what would it be?" He asked.

"Well, first I would ask him why he ignores his only son. Then I would tell him how I've been the father figure to fill in his spot. I would tell him everything about Timmy that he doesn't know, and then tell him he doesn't know because he doesn't talk to him," Cosmo said.

Jorgen nodded. "Wanda, if you could say anything to Mrs. Turner, what would you say?"

"I would ask her why she sometimes smothers Timmy with love and other times wants nothing to do with him. I would ask her why she punishes him for no reason, but the stuff he should be punished for he gets off the hook. Then I would tell her that Timmy acts the way he does to get just a little bit of attention from her. I would remind her that Timmy was just fine and very well behaved until it was HER bright idea to go out and leave him with Vicky for the first time. All he did was call her because he thought they weren't coming back. She's the one who wanted to go out alone originally. After that is when she had to punish him. If he was 'a precious gift from above' then why does she leave him all the time. I would tell her that Timmy was actually questioning whether she truly loves him. And I would tell that to Mr. Turner, too," Wanda said.

Jorgen turned to Timmy. "Did you hear all that?" he asked.

Timmy nodded. Wanda remembered what she was going to ask Jorgen.

"Why do you ask?" she asked.

Jorgen sighed and then turned to Timmy.

"Do you want to tell them or do you want me to?" Jorgen asked.

"I'll tell them," Timmy said.

Jorgen nodded. "I'm going to go get some forgeticin," he said. He vanished.

Wanda turned to Timmy. "Okkay, what's going on?" she asked.

"Well, I'm going to talk to my parents when they get home," Timmy said.

"And so why is Jorgen going to get some forgeticin?" Cosmo asked.

"Because when I'm talking to them, he's going to be there," Timmy said. Then he sighed "and so are you."

The fairies stared at the boy.

"And he's letting you do this?" Wanda asked amazed.

Timmy nodded. "After I'm done saying what I need to say, they're going to find out who you really are. Jorgen will explain it to them, and explain about the wish I made. Then he will explain how the rules state that you cannot break true love and tell them why I made my wish."

"Why is he letting you do this?" Wanda asked.

"Think about it. Can I really tell them the whole story without adding you guys in it?" Timmy asked. Wanda thought about it for a second. "And besides, they need to know what you've been doing and that you've been taking their place."

Wanda shook her head. "Timmy, I don't know."

"What will we say?" Cosmo asked.

"That's the beauty of it. All that stuff you just said to Jorgen, that's what you'll be saying to them." Timmy said.

"So that's why he asked us," Wanda mumbled.

Timmy nodded. "And afterwards Jorgen will erase their memory of you."

"But wouldn't that erase their memory of your conversation, too?" Wanda asked.

Timmy shrugged. "Apparently, Jorgen has it covered," he said.

Wanda sighed. "Well, okkay, just as long as you know what you're doing."

"I don't. I don't even know if they will sit down and listen to me long enough for you to even say anything," Timmy said.

"Well, if it doesn't work, we'll just make it work," Cosmo said.

Timmy nodded. "Yeah. No turning back, now."