Another rewrite but I am changing a LOT in this one. =)

Raven pulled the car up to the drive way and pulled the car up to a stop. Robin stepped out first, Raven and Beast Boy close behind. Ever since Cyborg got attacked by Brother Blood after helping the Titan's east, it became a Titan's rule that whenever anyone goes on an out of state mission, they must be accompanied by two other Titans.

This new really sucked for Robin, who walked into the café in downtown Gotham City. Raven and Beast Boy were close behind him. An old man stood up as Robin walked in and shook his hand.

"Alfred, it's good to see you," Robin said smiling. Raven and Beast Boy took the other table, close enough to watch but not to hear.

"Mr. Wayne had wanted me to tell you…. Teehi Mashua is dead," Alfred whispered.

Robin's eyes filled with concern. "Teehi Mashua? Are you sure?" Alfred nodded.

"When is the funeral?"

"It was two days ago," Alfred whispered frowning, "And before you ask, Wayne is already out."

"I'm going too then." Robin said standing up, "Thank you."

Raven and Beast Boy stood up too. Robin turned to them, "Gotham City is big… you two can take the day to relax. Star booked us a hotel room, it's registered under Titan. They have a pool and stuff…have fun."

Raven grabbed the end of Robin's cape. "Our job is to watch over you. We'll come to whatever it is you're doing," Raven said following him.

"But they have a pool!"Beast Boy said to Raven.

Robin spun around, pinning Raven to the wall outside the café by her wrist.

"Robin…" Raven said in a low tone. "Let go of me."

"Dude! Let her go!" Beast Boy yelled pulling him off.

"I'm sorry… just… you can't come," Robin said turning away.

"Deal with it," Raven replied.

Robin held out the car key, "The hotel has a library." He swung the key back and forth trying to convince her.

"We can't split up," Raven responded. "Where are you going?"

"A funeral."

"Oh... um… I'm sorry…" Raven whispered.

"Don't worry about it Rae, you and BB have fun," Robin said patting her shoulder. He climbed to the back of a taxi.

"Wait!" Raven called, coming to the curb to follow him. The taxi started to drive away. Raven lifted a foot off the floor to follow but Beast Boy grabbed her hand.

"They have a pool," Beast Boy said with a puppy dog face. Raven looked back to the street. Yellow taxicabs were everywhere – she would never find which one Robin was in.

"Fine," Raven replied angrily. The hotel was right up the street and they found their room overlooking the city. Beast Boy changed into a bathing suit quickly and came to find Raven paced the hotel room.

"Come on, let's go to the pool," Beast Boy said. He tossed a beach ball up into the air and changed into a seal, bouncing the ball on his nose.

"Stop," Raven muttered. "Something doesn't feel right."

"You're paranoid," Beast Boy replied. He was sitting on the floor with the ball in his arms. He lifted it, throwing it at Raven's back. Raven caught it with her powers and threw it back harder. "Rae, look, Robin can take care of himself. He has his communicator – if he needs us, he will call. But the swimming pool is calling me NOW, so let's go. Please? Please Raven? I won't steal your books and hide them anymore!"

"No, Beast Boy," Raven replied. "Something is wrong. I can feel it."

"What do you mean?"

Raven shook her head. "I can feel Robin's emotion and it isn't good."

"Raven – the dude's at a funeral. He isn't exactly singing and dancing right now."

Raven sighed. "Fine, you go to the pool. I'm going to stop by the library Robin mentioned and grab a book to read."

Robin stepped into the house of his old mentor. It was well decorated and familiar to Robin. Just setting foot in the house made Robin feel younger. He grew up in these walls. He used to do homework on that table, and used to eat breakfast in that car. He used to watch that television every night. Memories flooded through his mind all the way back to when his parents died.

"Dick, you heard?" Bruce asked. Robin snapped back into reality.

"If the Joker got out of jail again, we're in trouble. He knows who we are, where we are." (A/N I don't think the Joker really does in the shows, but its my story so I say he does here)

"I know that, that's why I called you. He's most likely going to go after you and your friends in Jump City." Bruce led Robin to his study where he sat down.

"Unless I'm here," Robin answered, "If I'm here he'll find me when he comes after you."

"He's playing to kill this time, Dick," Bruce warned.

"I know, that's why I'm keeping my friends out of it," Robin answered.

"Robin?" Raven called as she entered the hotel room.

"Rae, calm down. Rob's fine," Beast Boy said annoyed.

"Something doesn't feel right. It's eleven o'clock Beast Boy. He should be back my now," Raven mumbled.

"Rae, chill," Beast Boy laughed. His smile fell when Raven glared at him, "Okay okay, so you don't 'chill' but at least calm down a little."

Raven shook her head and called Cyborg on her communicator, "Cyborg, what is Robin's location?"


"Location. Now."

"Okay okay… umm…. He's in a house… owner of the house is Bruce Wayne… That's the guy he used to live with." Cyborg answered.

"See Raven! He's fine!" Beast Boy yelled.

"Call me if that changes." Raven said annoyed. Cyborg nodded and the screen went dark.

Raven got up off the bed, "It's been hours. I'm going after him."

"No, Raven! He's with Batman! We're going to get our butts kicked for intruding," Beast Boy yelled.

"Our job here is to watch him. Let's go. Now Beast Boy!" Raven yelled.

Raven pulled her car into Bruce Wayne's driveway. She jumped out before Beast Boy even reached for his seatbelt and reached the door before Beast Boy was even out of the car. Raven pointed to the door, which stood ajar before them.

Beast Boy stepped forward, ready to attack, and pushed the door in. Several body's lay around the room. Raven kicked the guns out of their hands as she passed them, stopping randomly to check a pulse. Everyone one so far was dead.

"I told you we should have come sooner," Raven whispered.

Raven stepped into a living room. More bodies were spread along the carpet. Again, she kicked the guns from their hands until she came to the couch.

Beast Boy was in the hallway about to turn into a kitchen when he heard Raven scream. It was a sound so unfamiliar to him, so abnormal, that he literally felt his heart rate increase. He turned down the hall, changing form into a cheetah and sliding into the living room where Raven was. She was on the floor, pressed up against the wall. Her face was white as she stared behind the couch, her eyes fixed on what was behind it.

"What's wrong?" Beast Boy asked, seeing she was unharmed. He stepped across carefully, afraid of what he might see. He had never seen Raven in a state of complete fear – not when her father took over the world, not with Slade, never. Beast Boy was never as terrified as he was now when he glanced behind the couch.

Then he saw what she had seen. His knees stopped working and his body weight crushed him until he fell to the floor. His eyes were wet as he blinked back tears. "No," Beast Boy whispered.

In front of him Robin was laying face down on the floor in a pool of blood. He had bruises on his head and a large cut across his throat.

Beast Boy stood up and wiped both of his eyes dry before he turned to Raven. He lifted her by her elbows until she was standing. Weak kneed, Raven stood shaking in front of him. She shook her head before slapping Beast Boy. "I told you! I told you we should have followed him!" The living room table cracked in half. "I told you something was wrong!" she yelled. Her fists were pounding into his chest but he wasn't being hurt. The fragments of glass on the floor were breaking into smaller pieces. "I knew it," she whispered. She fell to her knees again.

"Maybe I can heal him," she whispered. She crawled over to where he was and held her hands over him. Beast Boy just watched silently. Her hands were shaking and her eyes were wet. He never saw her lose control because of sadness before. Books were falling off the bookshelves, the glass on the television broke, and any vase that was not already broken was breaking now.

"Raven…" Beast Boy said quietly. He took her by her shoulders. "It's no use."

Robin's communicator buzzed and Beast Boy picked it up.


"Robin? Beast Boy, where is Robin?" Starfire's voice came through.

Beast Boy closed the communicator. "We have to go," Beast Boy said as he turned the communicator off. "We can't stay here."

"He can't be dead," Raven said as Beast Boy pulled her away. "He can't be."