Hey guys! As promised this is the second new chapter I added for CB! Enjoy :) I don't own any Glee!

A Cheerio's Brokenheart Chapter 3

Talk to me plz. I luv you-Brittany xo

"Oh shut up bitch" Santana said throwing her phone across the room. It is Santana's routine that she buried herself in her bed now killing time.

She wasn't tired. She couldn't sleep, and she didn't want to.

Every night it is the same dream.

In her dream she was together with Brittany.

They were happy living together and were still popular despite being a lesbian couple. One night while they were out on the boardwalk talking a midnight stroll holding hands Brittany got down on one knee and asked for her hand in marriage. The day of the wedding Santana stood at the altar waiting for her bride to be as she walked down the aisle in a gorgeous white dress. Midway down to the altar Brittany stopped lifting her veil giving Santana the cruelest smile on her face, "Lesbian" she yelled. All the guests were already standing and turned their attention at the mortified Latina and began point and laughing at her like she was a freak. Embrassed and humiliated the latina ran off passed her first love and all her friends and family dogging the tomatoes and slushies they try to hit her with.

"Chica!" her mother banged on her bedroom door causing the girl to jump being startled out of her daydreams, "open this damn door I got to talk to you! Santana!" her mother said in a deep Spanish accent.

Santana obliged dragging her feet opening the door for her mother. The younger girl hated the sight of seeing her mother like this, she looked like she put on 20 years in one year since her family hit rock bottom.

"Si Mama?"

"What is wrong with you huh? Brittany left this at the doorstep at the house" the older woman chucked an 'I love you' bear into her daughter's chest, "All you do is lock yourself into your room. I will make this very for you in English. Go back to the Cheerios or get a job. You are not going to sleep around all day while I am at work for us to survive! Tell Brittany to stop putting crap in front of the house I mean it Santana!"

Nowadays, Santana's mother scared her how angry and tough she has become throughout the year. Mrs. Lopez was so worked up she was pointing her finger in her daughter's face and was chest to chest to her with her to see how livid and serious she was. Santana gave a stiff nod, and her mother backed up and stormed down the narrow hallway of their apartment.

Having a hard life was not foreign to Santana. In her world there is no sleep or peace. The only bit of love and life she had was gone leaving her for a man that was crippled no less.

Her phone rang again, but the young girl just rolled over in her bed listening to the pain, heartache, and sorrow ring through the walls.

Afternoon time the next day...

Heads turned in the McKinley halls as Santana walked around in her signature outfit. Rocking the red, white, and black Cheerio's uniform with her hair high in a ponytail.

"Miss Lopez how does it feel being back on the Cheerios?" Jacob asked trailing behind her with his eyes focused on her short skirt giving him a nice view of her romp in the tight spanks.

"Great!" she said simply flashing the dazed boy and the others that are drooling at her a cheeky grin.

"What about Glee Club my Latina Vixen?"

"Well Jacob, I don't have time for that now being head captain of the Cheerios", she said loving how Jacob's mouth dropped to the floor in shock. Sue readily agreed to have Santana back being one of the best Cheerios she had on the squad, when she busted into her office this morning. Despite her boob job she gave the girl the head captain position, she has nothing else to lose.

"What are we going to do about Nationals now?" Rachel said to the Glee Club members as they walked down the halls, "Santana re-joined the Cheerios"

"What else did you expect its Santana!" Quinn said, "she wanted my spot for the past 2 years now that it is open she got it."

"We had a chance at winning, and now we are screwed" Finn said bummed out.

"Someone's gotta talk to her" Tina insisted.

"Wait!" Rachel stopped, snapping her finger with ideas churning in her head, "do we really need her? We could find someone else who has a better attitude. Whose in?"

"I am in." Artie said quickly followed by the majority.

"Great no more Satan." Quinn said relieved, "too bad the Cheerios completely suck there is no way they are going to win."

Mercedes missed the whole Glee voting busy sitting on the bleachers blotting away the last tears from her face.

The diva took a deep breath and was heading back inside when the Cheerios was like a stampede pushing past her to begin their practice.

"Oh Tubbers" Mercedes mouth dropped like everyone else's did when they saw Santana.

"Santana you're a Cheerio now?"

"Yes and so are you Whoppi", Sue said walking along side her new Cheerio head captain.

"Excuse me" the diva said looking at them both like they lost their minds.

"Tubbers. Glee club sucks! What do ya say let's give Cheerio's another try. More solos, no more Journey songs, and no more Rachel Berry. We will be top bitches at this school."

"You said that the last time and we still lost and remained on bottom."

"Not with me." Sue said, "You will win with me. We will be on top and look down on them pathetic losers of the Glee Club as we win Nationals. We don't have lady hands but I am sure you and Santana can do something better to make the whole school look up to you two."

"Fine" the diva said quickly.

"Great be at practice 5 am and see Becky to a get a uniform", Sue walked away, but Santana stayed. Mercedes looked pissed looking right back into Santana's eyes.

"Is that your idea of a thank you? What is up your ass?" Santana sneered.

"What is up yours!", the petite diva barked back with her hands on her hips.

Santana quickly took offense, "who the fuck you think your talking to?"

"'Fuck?' is that all you think about? Why didn't you call me back bitch?"

"What are you calling me for?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted to team up to do a song in Glee. Your right I am sick of being Rachel's bitch, but I guess we don't have to worry about that now."

"Nope. You are my bitch now. What you do have to worry about now is meeting my standards. You can start by running 3 laps around the track field."

"What the hell?" the diva yelled both of the oblivious that they were yelling at the top of the lungs with all the Cheerios and Sue watching them.

"2 more for talking out of turn to your Captain." The Latina added, "you better get moving Tubby" she snickered as the diva marched off on the track field doing a light jog.

"Move it or 2 more!"

"Shut the fuck up!" the diva yelled picking up the pace both of them scowling at each other.

"This is going to be one hell of a year." Sue said in deep dark pleasure as she was regaining her power.