School Cafeteria, Beacon Hills High School

"I have a plan on how to get rid of the Alpha!" Stiles suddenly appeared out of nowhere and sat next to his friend who was randomly playing with his food.

"Not now Stiles,'' Scott barely said, his tone showing that he was upset.

''Huh. Still upset about the break up with Allison?"

''She doesn't want to speak with me since the Alpha incident at school, she doesn't even want to see my face" he sadly stated.

"Well then, you won't miss her when we go to Mystic Falls."

"But I know that-wait, what? Backup, Mystic Falls? Where's that? Wait, didn't we have a lacrosse match against them? Stiles, what's this about?" Scott asked, baffled by his friend's not-so-subtle statement.

"It's in Virginia and yes, but they lost thanks to you. Anyway, remember those exchange programs they introduced last year?" Stiles asked.

Scott nodded.

"Well I figured out that with the Alpha on our tracks and Derek being dead (which I still can't believe it) we needed something quick.'' He took a pause and continued, "So I figured out that we can't take down the Alpha by ourselves nor can we call the police."

Scott again nodded understandably.

"Therefore, the only solution was to get out of town," Stiles continued explaining.

"But Stiles, you don't have to leave, the Alpha's only after me," Scott made a point thinking that he couldn't let his friend make that kind of sacrifice.

"True," he agreed, "But who else can help you out with your 'werewolf secret'. Come on, you're lost without me. And besides, I don't want the Alpha coming after me if he won't be able to find you," he added a chuckle to the last part.

Scott was still skeptical about the whole ordeal even though his friend's words were true. Stiles noticed his friend's uneasiness.

"Scott, would you rather kill an innocent person just because the Alpha want to, or wait for the whole thing to blow?" Stiles reasoned.

Scott looked over at the table where Allison was sitting, which apparently Jackson also joined in. Lydia wasn't there and so it was the perfect opportunity for Jackson to "get closer" with Allison. Scott turned to his friend, pain could be clearly be seen in his eyes because his ex-girlfriend was laughing and having a great time with his so-called enemy.

"Okay," he sighed. It could be the perfect opportunity to get Allison out of his head.

"It's not like we're gonna be gone forever, it's only gonna be for two months," Stiles informed him. "Maybe we'll find ourselves some hot girls ," he playfully nudged his best friend.

Scott smiled at that comment.

"See? It's not that bad! So tonight we'll ask our folks to sign these forms," he magically took out two folders from his backpack, one which he handed to Scott. "And in a few days we're good to go," he smiled.

Scott looked over the contents of the folder and had to admit the plan was genius. Not only will the Alpha stop looking for him, but he'll also (for once in a long time) live a normal life, free of werewolf stuff. Maybe this whole trip will even be fun.

Oh, how wrong he was.

Hope you liked it, and remember suggestions are always welcome.