Yes, as my summary said, Reid is once again a vampire! haha, o well. i think its a good story but im open to constructive critiscim if anyone thinks i could make it any better. okay so, i wanna make one thing- wait, two things- clear: 1) no flames! hate it, dont review. 2) this is my very first fic, so im still figuring out how to use the system to upload and such so there may be quirks or whatever as i figure this out. just bare with it. thanks!
Their blood was amazing... powerful even. It made me only thirstier as I drank, making me dizzy from lack of oxygen...
But all to soon its over and I have to leave, otherwise they might find me, and I don't want it to end yet, not getting caught has to override my need to drink my deserved fill.
They will not find me!
"Please! Please don't! I'm begging you! I'll-I-I'll change! I promise!" the pale old man pleaded.
I loaded my gun with the final shot and closed my eyes. When they opened they'd turned blood red.
"Sorry man, no dice." I sneered, letting the cruel, bloodthirsty part of me take over.
The man's face grew from pale fear, to an angry red! He lunged for me, fangs and claws out, his eyes growing pure black as the vampire side took over.
But mine had to, and I was stronger! I merely had lashed out with my own claws, granted they were aided by sharp diamond claws on my wrist. They laid across my fingers delicately, waiting to be used.
Like now! The old man looked down as he watched himself get cut into.
But nothing was there, he'd been on the run to long, had forgotten to stock up, to re-energize! Nothing came out, it was just an empty wound. But that wouldn't stop him, no I had to go old school on him. What with my team not being here and all, they were tracking down the other three members of this geezers clan. All wanted to go on a rampage, all wanted to cause a disturbance, all wanted to ruin my one night of peace!
I watched him fall to the ground, then I calmly walked over so I was standing over him.
"See you in hell dirt bag!" I sneered, doing the deed that finally finished off the old guy.
I took a deep breathe, then pulled a flare gun from my jacket pocket.
I loaded the blue flare, pointed it in the sky, and pressed the trigger. A blue explosion rang out above me leaving behind the smell of garlic and green apple soap. Was it bad that was a good smell? (A.N. no I do not know what the two combined smell like! Remember, he's been dead for what? A long time :p)
thats when the small gray disposable cell phone rang in my jeans pocket. The number was Alicia's.
"Hey." I greeted when I hit the accept button.
"Did the deed?" she asked, the sound of shouts coming from her end.
"What was that?" I asked.
"I thought you'd wanna see this, so I... subdued mine. Get over to the Graystone Apartments fast."
I didnt bother hanging up, I was outside the apartments she'd specified in less than two minutes.
"Which building?" I asked.
"Dude! Hearing wind speed over the phone hurts!" she laughed, "D by the way." this time she hung up.
great, now I had to find the apartment myself. I closed my eyes and sniffed the air. The smell of vanilla perfume, the agreed upon odder (yes he's wearing vanilla perfume! LOL, im so mean huh?), came from the one closest to me so I burst through the door to that one.
I was right.
The apartment was bathed in blood, the owners obviously done away with. In the middle of the living room was a gray haired old woman tied up with something shiny and a tall thin brunette sat on top of her. She had blood red eyes like me and the diamond claws rested across her fingers too.
"Took you long enough. You know how annoyed she got with me when you took so long? I started telling her how we'd caught them! Then I went in-depth on blood types! You could smell the annoyance off her!"
"What is she tied up with?" I asked, ignoring her rant-in-the-making.
"The late-wife here played the trumpet. I got creative when I un-wound it during the fight."
"I can tell." I grinned, "what'd you want me to see?"
"This." she pulled the scraggly gray hair off the woman's neck to reveal a black tatoo. It was a black diamond inside the outline of a black square. A black dot filled in each white space of the square and one was at the squares every corner.
"What is that?" I asked. There were clans that used tattoos so they could keep track of the clan as it grew, but this one wasn't familiar. "You know what? I bet it's a foreign clan trying to branch out. Take a picture and Kelly can run it through the database back at her place. Then we'll contact them about the dead clan members." I instructed, getting up and walking to the door, "Your in charge for now, I gotta go to work."
Alicia nodded and I was gone in a blur, literally!
The roads weren't to backed up around my car where I'd parked it last night, and inside was a change of clothes, a hairbrush, and a cold breakfast burrito.
I quickly changed from my ripped and bloody Green Day t-shirt into the blue dress shirt and sweater vest, my bloody denim jeans to the nice office pants. I removed the gold chain from my neck and replaced it with my badge that I clipped onto my messenger bag. I took off the diamond claws and as soon as I'd eaten the burrito, I wrapped the disposable cell phone in the napkin and tossed it in a bin on my way inside.
The elevator ride up was nothing unusual, to slow but that was how it always was for me. I closed my eyes and forced them to turn brown again, feeling myself calm down as they changed. If they were blood-red inside the bull-pen my friends would definitely notice. After all, they noticed a lot around me. They just mistook it for the most "logical" thing they could think of.
I walked inside the bullpen and made my way for the coffee machine, it was the best thing to hide my breath. I'd definitely drunk way to many quarts last night when I'd gotten ready for the fight.
"Yo Pretty Boy! What's up?" Morgan grinned as he walked in behind me.
"Yeah, you look tired." Prentiss teased. Did I though? I felt a little tired. I hoped there were no cases today so that I could go home and take a nap before patrol tonight. Kelly would be really mad if I had to leave on my night again. The only other available person was Cooper, and he was anything but available most of the time.
"Interesting documentary on the origin of the superstition of the Black Cat last night. Couldn't stop watching it." I let my face melt into a happy expression, it really would have been interesting to see a documentary like that last night. But no, I had to go hunt down an old man and tear him to shreds!
Morgan rolled his eyes and gave a short bark in laughter while Prentiss nodded and sat down.
Yep, everything normal here.