Disclaimer: This story is based on characters created by L.J. Smith, as portrayed in the TV series created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec. The plot is based on the novel The Cardoss Luck (1974) by Janet Louise Roberts. All rights to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Author's Note: Final chapter. Thanks for reading and leaving such sweet reviews. Enjoy.


~ XIII ~

"What is wrong with her, doctor?" Damon asked as soon as Dr. Morgan exited Elena's bedroom.

"She has been under a lot of stress lately, and it has taken its toll on her body, but with plenty of rest she should make a full recovery."

"You are sure of this?"

"Yes, Mr. Salvatore. In a few weeks, your wife will be positively glowing."

Damon frowned at the odd choice of words.

"She wishes to see you," the older gentleman said and patted Damon's shoulder.

Damon did not waste any time in granting Elena's wish and hastened to her side.

"You had us all scared, my love," he said, grasping her hand. She lay back against the pillows, her chocolate hair fanned out beneath her.


"From now on, you are not leaving this bed until we are absolutely sure you are well."

"Damon," Elena said again, squeezing his hand while a single tear spilled onto her cheek.

"Oh, do not cry, my love," he said softly and wiped her cheek with the pad of his thumb. "I will never leave your side again."

"Do you remember… before I left for Atlanta… you said you wanted to leave me something to remember you by…"


"It seems… you already had."

Damon furrowed his brows, puzzled as to what she was getting at.

Elena took his hand and moved it to her abdomen. "It doesn't show yet, but it's there."

"Do you mean…?"

"I'm carrying your child, Damon."

Elena heard what sounded like hooves and wheels on gravel and she threw off the covers and shuffled over to the window. She was under strict orders to stay in bed, but she was of a curious nature. She had to see what was going on.

Indeed, horse-drawn carriages were filing out from the estate. Who was in those carriages? Where were they going?


She spun around to find her husband in the doorway, scowling.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Well, for one thing, you are not in bed. This must be rectified at once," he said, striding over to her and scooping her up bridal style.

"Damon!" she protested. "I'm not an invalid. I'm perfectly able to walk by myself."

"I'm sure, but until the doctor says it's all right to walk around, you are staying right here in this bed – even if I have to stay in here with you," he added with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Ugh! Insufferable man," Elena huffed. "Very well, I am – once again – in bed," she gestured to the covers tucked snugly around her petite form. "Will you tell me about the carriages now?"

"They're going back to Atlanta."

"Your guests? All of them?" Elena asked, wide-eyed.

"All of them," Damon assured her.


"Because I told them to leave," he shrugged.

"But I thought…"

"I spoke with Elijah. He said he fully intended on keeping his word to you. He will see to it that the man he spoke of will come here to inspect the documents."

"And Mason?" Elena asked tentatively.

"He decided it was time to bow out gracefully when he heard our joyous news," Damon said, softly patting her stomach.

"You told them?"

"I saw no point in hiding it," he shrugged.

"But Damon, it's still early… what if…?"

"Sch," he put a finger to her lips, "Do not fill your heart with worry. We will have our child – whether it be eight – nine months from now or years. And if we will not, I will still love you until the end of time."

"Did you tell David as well?"

"No. I thought you might like to."

"You are wise beyond your years, Mr. Salvatore," she smiled. "I am concerned, however, how he will react…"

"David loves you, and he will love our child like his own brother or sister," Damon said reassuringly, squeezing her hand.

Eight – nine months later…

"Just one more push, ma'am," the midwife urged her on.

Elena's scream mixed with that of her newborn's and she fell back against the pillows, exhausted.

"Meet your son, Mrs. Salvatore," the woman said and handed her the little bundle. "I will tell Mr. Salvatore he can come in now," she said and left the room after having cleaned up.

Elena marveled at the tiny human in her arms, blue eyes and already a generous head of raven hair. There would be no doubt this was a Salvatore.

"He's precious," Elena said, looking up at the proud father by her side.

"That he is," he agreed and kissed her sweaty forehead. "As are you, my love."

"Damon… I would like to name him Damien, if that would be all right with you and David. I wouldn't want to stir up any…"

"I think it's perfect," Damon smiled, silencing her concerns. "My brother would have been honored."

Some months later…

Elena looked over to the cot when Damien cooed. "I'm right here, precious," she said soothingly. "I'm trying to decide if we should make your new room blue like the Callirhoe involucrate – Baby Blue Eyes – or like our Delphiniums."

"Are you teaching our son Latin?" Damon smirked, lounging against the doorway to the nursery with his arms crossed.

"What's the harm in starting early?"

"Well, maybe you should teach him things like Veni, vidi, vici and not flower names…" Damon said and walked over to the cot.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll teach him to be arrogant soon enough. I'm just trying to counteract the effect," Elena shot back.

"Oh, you can teach him a thing or two about arrogance yourself," Damon mocked and kissed her cheek.

"I am not arrogant," Elena huffed, pushing him aside.

"Whatever you say, my love," he laughed. "Guess what."

"What are you up to, Mr. Salvatore?" Elena asked, her eyes narrow as she picked up some color samples.

"Me? I'm not up to anything. I merely have news of our friend's good fortune… or misfortune, depending on how you see it…"

"Oh, Damon, don't be so mysterious," Elena sighed.

"Elijah Smith has found himself a wife."

"Oh. How lovely. After all he did for us, helping you prove the will and adoption papers were forged and restoring your fortune, he is well deserving of some happiness of his own."

"I agree. It seems he got what he wanted in the end. I'm not so sure whether or not it will bring him happiness, though…"

"Whom did he marry?" Elena asked, curious.

"Miss Katherine Pierce."

Elena covered her mouth in astonishment.

Damon shrugged. "Love makes all men fools."

"Do you include yourself in that statement?"

"Indeed I do. That is why I need you by my side, to make sure I behave in a proper manner," he teased her, nibbling on her earlobe as she was looking through pattern samples.

"You, my love," Elena said, turning around to look up at him, "will never behave properly. And that…" she ghosted her lips over his, "… is why…" she breathed against his parted lips "… I love you."

Damon let out a low growl and moved to lift her up, when Elena pushed at his shoulders. "The baby…"

Damon looked over at the cot, where their son was sleeping soundly.

"He's going to be sleeping in his own room any day now, so why not let him practice?" Damon smirked and carried out his intention of scooping her up and taking her to their bedroom to spend some much needed alone time together.

Damon mused over his glorious wife as he went to check on Damien after she had fallen asleep. Elena had been brave enough to take a chance on him, to love him when things were at their darkest. With her aid, his family fortune had been restored, but the much greater gain was the family she had given him. David was healthier and happier than he had been in years, and he simply adored his little brother. As Damon looked at the little Salvatore asleep in his cot, he could understand why. How could one man be so fortunate? He knew one thing for sure - his gambling days were over. He had already hit the jackpot.