Summary: After a freak accident in the game room, Seto Kaiba has turned into a 3 year old. Having a company to take care of, school to attend and to find out who has done this to his brother Mokuba leaves Seto in the care of Tea Gardner, now the dancer is left in charge of the young CEO. Will she manage to look after him? What will happen when Seto is returned back to his original age, will he still be the cold, heartless man he was or will the tender love and care Tea gives him change him for good?
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh.

Chapter 1

The Disaster

There is nothing more boring that algebra homework and Tea wouldn't disagree. She was sat on the sofa at home solving the ridiculously hard questions.

"I need more excitement in my life," she sighed, Tea had been working on her homework ever since she arrived home. This was two and half hours ago. Leaving her pen on the table she stood and walked over to the fridge in the kitchen, taking out a bottle of chocolate milk she poured herself a glass full and she jumped up on the counter.

Her parents were out of the country for a week their job made them leave Domino for business meeting abroad often leaving her at home by herself. On occasions she baby sat for Mokuba when Kaiba was out of town or was going to be late home from work. She enjoyed the time she spent with Mokuba loving the young Kaiba as a little brother she always wanted; he was the exact opposite to his elder brother who was cold and heartless. Mokuba Kaiba was the 12 year old bundle of joy was a barrel of fun. Surprisingly ever since the first time she babysat Mokuba Kaiba had never asked anyone else to babysit him, when she asked him about this the young Kaiba told her that his brother trusted no one else with him and he always put in a small good word from her. Tea often wondered if the small good word Mokuba said for her was in fact a large good word as the CEO never spoke to her. However she didn't complain, the pay was beyond good and the time she spent with Mokuba was enjoyable and allowed her to do something other than her boring routine.

Thinking about being kept busy she knew her homework couldn't be avoided for much longer. Finishing her chocolate milk she plodded back in to the room to face her new enemy. Sitting down she looked at the book and groaned taking his pen she looked at the next question.

"If J = 4 then J x 12/3 would equal 16" she said out loud scribbling the answer in the answer box. Sighing out loud she moved on to the next question hoping her evening would become a little more interesting.

Kaiba Corp

"Mr Kaiba sir, the game pod is now ready to be used." Roland informed bowing his head lightly as he stood in front of the man in questions desk.

"Good, now leave"" his voice icy cold. "Come Mokuba"

"Big Brother do you have to test it yourself?" jogged Mokuba trying to keep up with Seto's faster pace.

Glancing down at his younger brother he allowed himself a small uplift of his lips, a full blown grin was too much for someone in his position. Mokuba was the only person who ever cared for him, the only person ever to worry about him. He didn't need people to look out for him or care for him, Mokuba was the only exception he allowed in his life, but then when he thought about it, only Mokuba dared show him affection. He continued to stride down the corridor hearing Mokuba's footsteps on the marble.

"Hurry up Mokuba, we haven't all day!" he snapped feeling the movement of Mokuba coming up behind him.

"Coming Big brother," now jogging beside him. Arriving at the game room on the seventh floor.

The first thing that came to mind was white, the walls were white, the ceiling was white and the floor was white. Even all the men were wearing white lab coats. The room had what looked like two large black boxes; these however held the power that would be used to test the game pod. The room had a group of 14 people all dressed identically and awaiting for the CEO to arrive.

"Mr Kaiba sir, when you are ready please step fourth," said Jefferson bowing his head. Brian Jefferson was second in command in security he was behind Roland, so if Roland was unavailable then he would take charge of his job.

Nodding his head he turned to face Mokuba. "Now listen Mokuba, I'll be in there for 4 and a half hours" pointing to a pod with a clear top and a black rubber bottom, the clear top would open and the person would lay in it their feet facing the front and their head the furthest away.

Nodding his head in acknowledgment, he shrugged off his white trench coat and handed it to Mokuba.

"Be careful Seto," fear evident in the 12 year olds voice.

"There is nothing to worry about Mokuba," however his mind drew back to the time he was trapped in a game; his eyes darkened when he was left helpless and needed to be rescued by Yugi Moto and his little friends.

Beaming up a Seto Mokuba watched him walk confidently over to the pod, lay in it and saw the lid shut close trapping his brother inside. He ran over to Roland who started typing in the code for the game to begin.

The idea had been created by Kaiba Corp but not created there. Seto had sent the design of the pod somewhere, which Mokuba didn't know, to be created. The game was made and designed however at Kaiba Corp. The whole adventure was downloaded on to a small memory chip that was to be inserted in the game pod before the game began.

"Everything ready?" called Roland from where he was stood.

"Affirmative!" yelled the three men at each of the room; flicking the switch the pod lightened and flashed, suddenly the pod began to spark out of control, pieces of flaming hot rubber flew from the pod.

The workers were hurriedly trying to turn off the game and pod.

"What's happening?" yelled Mokuba who was being held back from running towards the pod. "SETO!" tears poured out of his eyes. The men turned back to the machine banging and yelling to each other, just trying to stop the machine. A loud bang stopped everything as the machine technician boxes blew up, with smoke spraying from it.

"Seto!" cried Mokuba running over to the pod.

"Mr Kaiba, Sir Wait!" yelled Roland racing to where Mokuba ran too. "Don't touch the pod!"

Smoke hadn't disappeared from around the pod, the two men stood still.

"Jefferson, turn on the fans" called Roland who had his hand resting on Mokuba who was stood rigid his eyes never leaving the pod.

Doing as he was asked he switched on the fans and the smoke that surrounded the pod moved away and was finally sucked up from the fans. Slowly Mokuba and Roland stepped towards the pod. The pod had now been opened. Peering inside. What they saw they couldn't put into words, laid in the pod was Seto Kaiba no older than 3 years old.

"W- What happened?" stuttered Mokuba glancing at the boy who was once his elder brother. "Seto!"

The small boy popped out from the pod looked around recognised nobody and burst into tear fearful tears, startling everyone in the room. Racing over to the small boy, Roland picked him up and stood him on the ground. He was no taller than his mid-thigh with messy brown hair, sparkling blue eyes that had tears escaping from them. The clothes he wore were far too big for his petite frame.

"Seto you probably don't remember me, hell you don't even know who I am as I wouldn't have been born yet. But I am Mokuba, your little brother." The boy looked at him confused.

"I don't know you," he said simply, fear evident in his voice. Looking around he tried desperately to find the two people he so wanted to see. When he couldn't find them he turned to his attention to Mokuba.

"Where is mummy and daddy?" his blue eyes talking to everyone in the room who could see, that he was terrified of his surroundings. Mokuba paled, he had no idea how he was going to tell his brother they were dead especially in his fragile state of mind. He knew he was always told not to lie but he didn't think it would do much damage if he let a little white lie slip.

Sucking in a deep breath, he crouched down so he was level to Seto's eyes. "Your mummy and daddy have gone away for a while, so you'll be staying here till they come back."

"Where they gone?" he not understanding why they wouldn't tell him.

"Erm I'm not too sure but it was really short notice so they had to leave immediately."

"What immediately mean?" his adorable voice asked in confusion. His large blue eyes looking up at the young raven head tears forming.

"It means straight away."

"Mr Kaiba sir, who is going to run Kaiba Corp while the elder Kaiba is - unavailable at the moment," asked Roland glancing at the small boy.

"I will, if my brother can do it, why can't I?" said Mokuba simply looking down at Seto.

"But Mr Kaiba… what about school," argued Roland trying to get Mokuba to see reason.

"I'll still attend Roland, I know it's going to be hard but it's something I have to do this Roland, I can't let Seto down!" defended Mokuba looking strongly in his eyes.

"I understand sir, I'll stand by your side every step of the way," informed Roland looking down at the young Kaiba.

"Thank you Roland" smiling up at him warmly. He diverted his attention away from the man in charge to Seto. Sighing he knew he couldn't run Kaiba Corp, go to school, fix the problem that was a three year old Seto Kaiba and also look after him, it was humanly impossible for a 12 year old boy. He wasn't even sure if Seto was 3 he had just assumed. Looking at the men he said firmly, "Find any clues that could show us who is behind this. Search everything and anything this wasn't an accident, anything that looks suspicious bring it to my attention immediately."

"That means straight away," said Seto smiling up at Mokuba. Smiling down at Seto he ruffled the small brunette's hair.

The men nodded their heads straight away and began doing what was asked of him.

"Roland come with me, I have a phone call to make," he said lifting Seto in his arms and striding out of the games room.

So here is the first chapter! What do you all think please let me know by reviewing :)