Wow. I'm really writing this! The idea came to me in a dream (along with one for a FFX Aurikku and some disturbing images of a slimy tube popping out of mommy's belly button, plus a nightmare of sorts... "Magic User". It involved a dead Kaoru and Kenshin as a French explorer, all as a video commercial. I'll NEVER write more about it.) and I HAD to write it..... I hope you like it.
My friend Jin thinks it should be about her and Sano, so I'm doing her the favor of dedicating it to her.
Disclaimer: OK. Rurouni Kenshin isn't mine. I don't own the characters. I wish I did, so that I could... um... "befriend" Kenshin and Aoshi and give Sano to Jin-chan, but I just DON'T. I do own Sachi, but anyone is free to use her as long as they praise my fanfic. Thankies!
Now... Tokico presents.......
Sano's Guide to Childcare, Prologue
The part of town Sano was currently walking through was a sad sight to see. There had been a lack of food and money lately, and disease and crime had overtaken the area. Hanging in the air were there cries of children and the stench of death.
Such a sad thought that life could be like this. Sano was glad that he had friends and a decent place to live. Not to mention those free meals from Jou-chan.
Just then Sano felt something grab his leg. Startled he looked down to see a little girl covered in dirt, barely two years old.
Sano stepped to the right. The girl stepped to the right. He stepped to the left, so did the girl. He hopped on one foot. Guess what! So did the girl.
It appeared that Sano had made a new friend.
"What's your name, Kid?" Sano asked, patting the child on the head.
"Sachi!" Cheered the little girl.
"Ah! So where's your Mom and dad, Sachi-chan?" Sano asked. He instantly regretted it.
The little girl was pointing to a small shrine outside of the shack that she must live in. It appeared to be in remembrance of a man named Taromi Tareo, but scrawled beside it, presumably by a thoughtful neighbor, was "Taromi Natsume" and "Taromi Nari".
"Your family?" Sano asked the little girl, who was now looking sad.
"Uh-huh. Da died, an' then Mama died getting baby N'ri, an' baby N'ri died affer Mama cause she miss her." Sachi whispered, big tears in her eyes.
Sano looked at the girl and sighed.
"Well, Sachi, why don't you come with me?
Megumi stared at the two people that had just entered the clinic.
Sano and a small child who was covered in mud.
"Yo Fox! I came to have you give Sachi-chan a checkup. I want to make sure she isn't sick." Sano called out.
"Rooster-head, what is this?" Megumi asked, pointing to the little girl.
"A kid."
"I can SEE it's a kid, but where did you get her?"
"She's my new daughter."
Megumi's eyes bulged out.
"WHAT? You do know where kids come from, right?" Megumi asked.
"Of course I do! I'm adopting her. Sachi doesn't have a family."
Megumi heaved a sigh of relief. Wait a second... RELIEF? She had no reason to feel relieved. Why should she care WHERE the child had come from, what mattered was that Sano was completely incapable of caring for her. The man couldn't even care for HIMSELF, much less a child.
"Rooster-head, the girl's barely two years old. You can't take care of her!"
"Sure I can, Fox!"
"Children aren't puppies! You can't just pick one, even an orphaned one, up off the street!"
"Hey! She followed ME! Don't make me sound like a kidnapper! If I was anyone else you'd be all for this!"
"YES! You would be the absolute WORST father in existence!"
Sano just stared at Megumi, looking a bit hurt.
"I just wanted you to be the first to meet her..." He said as he scooped up Sachi and left the clinic.
"Papa... why you look sad?" Sachi whispered, barely loud enough for Megumi to hear.
Megumi stared as he walked off. Had that just happened?
She needed to have a vacation. She must be overworked.
~~~~~To be Continued~~~~~
Toki: Whatcha think? Good? Bad? Stupid? Fun? Please review and tell us!
Suka: Reviews will quicken the coming of the next chapter. Support = Finished fanfic. No Support = Unfinished ficcy.
Naoki: Ignore the weird looking Giziger over there....... She's a little upset that she isn't Sano's perfect match. She's also delirious.
My friend Jin thinks it should be about her and Sano, so I'm doing her the favor of dedicating it to her.
Disclaimer: OK. Rurouni Kenshin isn't mine. I don't own the characters. I wish I did, so that I could... um... "befriend" Kenshin and Aoshi and give Sano to Jin-chan, but I just DON'T. I do own Sachi, but anyone is free to use her as long as they praise my fanfic. Thankies!
Now... Tokico presents.......
Sano's Guide to Childcare, Prologue
The part of town Sano was currently walking through was a sad sight to see. There had been a lack of food and money lately, and disease and crime had overtaken the area. Hanging in the air were there cries of children and the stench of death.
Such a sad thought that life could be like this. Sano was glad that he had friends and a decent place to live. Not to mention those free meals from Jou-chan.
Just then Sano felt something grab his leg. Startled he looked down to see a little girl covered in dirt, barely two years old.
Sano stepped to the right. The girl stepped to the right. He stepped to the left, so did the girl. He hopped on one foot. Guess what! So did the girl.
It appeared that Sano had made a new friend.
"What's your name, Kid?" Sano asked, patting the child on the head.
"Sachi!" Cheered the little girl.
"Ah! So where's your Mom and dad, Sachi-chan?" Sano asked. He instantly regretted it.
The little girl was pointing to a small shrine outside of the shack that she must live in. It appeared to be in remembrance of a man named Taromi Tareo, but scrawled beside it, presumably by a thoughtful neighbor, was "Taromi Natsume" and "Taromi Nari".
"Your family?" Sano asked the little girl, who was now looking sad.
"Uh-huh. Da died, an' then Mama died getting baby N'ri, an' baby N'ri died affer Mama cause she miss her." Sachi whispered, big tears in her eyes.
Sano looked at the girl and sighed.
"Well, Sachi, why don't you come with me?
Megumi stared at the two people that had just entered the clinic.
Sano and a small child who was covered in mud.
"Yo Fox! I came to have you give Sachi-chan a checkup. I want to make sure she isn't sick." Sano called out.
"Rooster-head, what is this?" Megumi asked, pointing to the little girl.
"A kid."
"I can SEE it's a kid, but where did you get her?"
"She's my new daughter."
Megumi's eyes bulged out.
"WHAT? You do know where kids come from, right?" Megumi asked.
"Of course I do! I'm adopting her. Sachi doesn't have a family."
Megumi heaved a sigh of relief. Wait a second... RELIEF? She had no reason to feel relieved. Why should she care WHERE the child had come from, what mattered was that Sano was completely incapable of caring for her. The man couldn't even care for HIMSELF, much less a child.
"Rooster-head, the girl's barely two years old. You can't take care of her!"
"Sure I can, Fox!"
"Children aren't puppies! You can't just pick one, even an orphaned one, up off the street!"
"Hey! She followed ME! Don't make me sound like a kidnapper! If I was anyone else you'd be all for this!"
"YES! You would be the absolute WORST father in existence!"
Sano just stared at Megumi, looking a bit hurt.
"I just wanted you to be the first to meet her..." He said as he scooped up Sachi and left the clinic.
"Papa... why you look sad?" Sachi whispered, barely loud enough for Megumi to hear.
Megumi stared as he walked off. Had that just happened?
She needed to have a vacation. She must be overworked.
~~~~~To be Continued~~~~~
Toki: Whatcha think? Good? Bad? Stupid? Fun? Please review and tell us!
Suka: Reviews will quicken the coming of the next chapter. Support = Finished fanfic. No Support = Unfinished ficcy.
Naoki: Ignore the weird looking Giziger over there....... She's a little upset that she isn't Sano's perfect match. She's also delirious.