Author's Note: I recommend listening to the song "Take On Me" by Aha while reading this or you may not understand what they're singing. This is about Stiles and his girlfriend Rebecca Green, better known as Bex. I may write another oneshot or add to this, I don't know you tell me. Please read, review, and enjoy. Also no flames please. And this doesn't really tie into the actual Teen Wolf timeline much, but sometime after Stiles punched Derek.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf, the song "Take On Me" by Aha, Family Guy, or a Volkswagen Bug. I'd like to, buy I don't. I do however own the character Bex.

Stiles was riding in his girlfriend's car, she was driving. Her blue eyes were fixed on the road, her right hand was holding his on the console between them. The road was slick due to the rain pouring down on Beacon Hills. Inside the Volkswagen Bug it was warm, and peaceful, the only sounds were the rain and "Take On Me" playing lowly on the radio. Bex was humming.

"Bex," Stiles said breaking the comfortable almost-silence. Her response was merely a yes in a 'hmmm?' form.

"You're humming."

"Am I?" She questioned because she honestly had no idea she was doing it.

"Yes, and may I add, a very bad 80's one at that."

"You may not, and I only am listening to it because of that Family Guy episode was on last night." She replied with a huff.

"No it's not. You secretly love this song, whatever it's called."

"Take On Me by Aha." Stiles smirked and Bex quickly pulled her hand from his and slapped it over her mouth. He laughed loudly and she pouted. He leaned over and pecked her cheek.

"It's alright I accept you and your geeky bad taste in music," And with that said he leaned forward and the volume up.

"TAKE ON ME!" He sang along with the radio at the top of his lungs.

"And you call me geeky?"

"TAKE ME ON!" She laughed, this was so like him, and joined her amazingly ridiculous boyfriend in the singing of one of her favorite songs.

"I'll be gone, in a day or TWO!"

Neither of them noticed the car's speed increasing and it starting to veer off to the edge of the road. They both felt the car leave the pavement and drive on to the shoulder straight towards the woods. They both screamed and Bex grabbed the wheel and slammed her foot on the brakes.

The car had stopped moving right before it plowed through a tree, they didn't stop screaming. Stiles realized they weren't moving, closed his mouth, and quickly did a check to see if he was injured. He put his hands in front of his face, counted his fingers, then touched his face, chest, ribs, stomach, and finally his crotch. All seemed fine. He looked over to Bex, who was still screaming.

"Bex! Bex, stop screaming," When she didn't respond he slapped her. She stopped screaming but her mouth continued to hang open in shock. "Oh shit! Oh my god, I am so sorry! I thought it would work, I mean it worked for Derek, but actually I had to punch him, and he wasn't too happy about that! I know I am so stupid he's a guy and probably used to getting punched with all the enemies and mood swings he has. Please don't be mad." He finished by putting his hands in front of his face in the 'Don't hurt me' gesture.

"Stiles," She said in a low, breathy voice.


"I can't breathe."

He instantly knew she was having a panic attack, and did what his dad had done when he had his first panic attack right after his mom had died. He pulled her into a hug and told her to breathe when he did. In. Out. In. Out. She pulled back after a while and smiled at him. She put the car in reverse and turned so she could see behind her. While turned around she said to Stiles:

"Thanks for your panic attack guru magic and all, but don't you dare think you're off the hook for slapping me."


Author's Note: Hope you liked. Tell me what you think, as long as it's helpful.