Hello, my dear readers! Thank you so much for stopping by the factory!

Info on this story:

Title: The many ways to win someone's heart

Rating: K

Pairing: Decus/Alice (Dice? Ha ha, how is this paring called? ^^)

Genre: Romance and humor

Today I bring you this multi-chapter fic based on one of my favorite parings! I really hope you enjoy!



"Oh! At last!" Decus raised a thick blue book high in the air "The book I ordered has arrived!"

Next to him, Alice rolled her amber eyes "Do you even know how to read?" she said in her usual sugar-sweet voice.

"Why, yes I do, my dear Alice! And very well, may I add" He smiled sultrily at her.

She pushed a strand of white-blonde hair to the back of her ear and readjusted her dress. It was a very hot day in the vanguard base. The fabric of her clothes felt almost too thick

"Whatever, Dumbo-Decus." She bent her toy rapier "I'll go talk to Hawkie while you read your stupid little book. Try not to hurt yourself, okay?" She winked at him and left, leaving him all alone at the entrance's garden (or what used to be a garden at some point).

"I'll wait for you, my Alice!" He said clutching his book close to his chest with one arm as his other hand extended towards the leaving form of Alice. He sighed and sat cross-legged on the ground. He scanned the book's light blue leather cover: The many ways to win someone's heart said the title. According to what he had heard, the book had been written by a man named Sebastian who said he learned all of this tricks from the infamous Zelos Wilder. Zelos was über-lucky with women- and even if he was a despicable tethe'allan, he certainly knew how to get chicks. Decus didn't want chicks, he just wanted Alice! Was that really too much to ask?

"This is just what I need!" He said feeling giddy "If I follow the steps on this book, my beloved Alice will finally love me back!"

He opened the book with a huge grin.

And that's the prologue! Thank you so much for reading! I don't know how many chapters will be in this story- Probably five or so, but who knows?

I hope you enjoyed it and see you soon! Oh and if you did enjoy (or even if you didn't) please review!
