Since I have updated my other two Glee stories, I figured I might as well update this one as well. I've lost all motivation for Glee but this chapter was already written. Take it for what it is.

Miss Wiki Xx

Chapter 9

A few weeks later, the Glee kids were waiting in the choir room for Glee to start.

"Where is Rachel?" someone asked.

"She said she had a surprise to sort out," Mercedes shrugged and continued her conversation with Kurt about costume ideas. Only seconds later, Rachel came through the door wearing a bright grin and carrying a plate of cookies. She walked straight up to Santana and handed over the plate.

"Congratulations," Santana read the word Rachel had spelt with cookies, "Congratulations for what?" Rachel's grin grew even more as she pulled an envelope from her back pocket and handed it to her sister. Slowly, Santana opened the parcel and read over its contents. Her eyes widened, "Oh My God! No way!" She shrieked.

"Dad and Daddy sent me a message earlier. They thought I might like to tell you," Rachel explained, "They dropped the letter down a few minutes ago."

Santana opened and closed her mouth a few times, unable to work out what to say as tears fell down her face. She threw her arms around Rachel and cried out of obvious happiness.

"Umm, girls," their teacher spoke to them quietly, knowing the rest of the teens would be watching, "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is perfect, Mr Schue," Santana grinned, wiping away her tears. She handed over the letter to let him read it. She watched with a huge smile as the teacher worked out what it all meant. The man had spent enough time with the family to know how significant this was. He folded it back up and handed it over.

"Congratulations Tana," he said sincerely, holding his arms out for a hug for his honorary god daughter, "This is fantastic news."

"Okay, What's going on?" Mercedes narrowed her eyes at the group, "Did Santana win something?"

"Only the best family ever!" Santana laughed, throwing her arm around Rachel's shoulder again. She held up the letter in her hand, "My adoption has just been finalised… Finally!"

There were gasps all around as the teens worked out what that meant. Most of them hadn't been aware that the adoption process was even going on. Brittany was the first to stand up and come and hug Santana but before long the entire Glee club were up and congratulating the girl. After letting them celebrate, Mr Schue ushered the group back to their seats.

"Well, Miss Berry," he said to Santana with a smile, "How would you like to lead us with this week's number?"

"Sound awesome, Mr Schue," the girl took the sheet music he offered her and took her place at the front of the room with a huge burden lifted from her shoulders. Her so called 'parents' no longer had any control over her and she still had a family so belonged too.

It was nearing the end of rehearsals when Paul and David Berry entered the choir room. They didn't say anything but Santana's face burst out in a wide grin when she spotted them and she rushed over to throw her arms around them, "Thank you," she whispered emotionally.

"You are more than welcome, Santana," Paul whispered to his daughter, kissing her forehead. The men turned to their friend and the remaining students, "Sorry to interrupt your rehearsal Will, but we wanted to see Santana… Do you mind if we take the girls home a little early? We have a bit of celebrating to do." Rachel and Santana's heads snapped towards their teacher as they waited for his approval to head home early. The man nodded and the pair quickly packed up their things and went to stand by their parents.

"Are we still on for tomorrow night?" David asked Will.

The teacher nodded, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Be ready to get your butt kicked, Will," Rachel grinned, "Santana and I have been practicing!"

"How can you practice Monopoly?" he raised an eyebrow in both confusion and amusement.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" Santana laughed, waving goodbye to their friends and following their fathers out.

When they arrived home, Santana carried her official adoption notice upstairs to her bedroom and lay on the bed reading it over and over again. Part of her felt some kind of mourning for the family she had lost but mostly, she just felt an overwhelming relief that she had a family who loved her for who she was. David and Paul had never once asked Santana to change who she was. Although they set strict rules that both she and Rachel were expected to follow, she was always free to be herself.

"Still can't believe it, huh?" a voice said from the doorway. Santana turned to see Rachel, her sister officially now, leaning against the doorframe with a knowing smile.

"It's a little overwhelming," Santana nodded, "I can't believe all of this is because of you…"

"No," Rachel shook her head, "this is because of you. You were brave and you asked for help. We're just the family who fell in love with you."

"I know you're adopted an all too," Santana started, "but I'm not sure you could understand this feeling I have right now."

Rachel smiled, "Probably no… at least not exactly the same."

"I'm so unbelievably happy and there is a sense of relief that I belong somewhere but…" Santana internally searched for the right way to say what she was feeling, "I also feel… sad, that it came to this. That my 'parents' couldn't accept me for who I am."

"I know what you mean on some level," Rachel crawled up the bed and lay next to Santana, "When I was little I had this idea of what meeting my Mom one day would be like… and it was so different. I think it all happened too quickly. I wasn't prepared and Shelby, was still grieving for the baby she gave up. She wasn't prepared to have a teenage daughter. So part of me felt the same sadness about learning I was never going to have that mother-daughter relationship I thought I'd have."

"Our parents are pretty cool though," Santana laughed, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"They are," Rachel grinned, "and they want to take us out for dinner to celebrate so get ready."

The next morning, Paul and David accompanied Santana to the office to fill in all of the paperwork changes. The school had already received notification that Santana was no longer monitored by Child Services. The teen had decided that she was going to ease into the name change. Officially, her new surname was Berry, but not much would change at school for now.

"Alright everyone," Mr Schue walked into the choir room with a goofy grin on his face, "time for this weeks assignment." Santana rolled her eyes at how excited the man seemed about it all, "we are doing another duets competition today but with a difference… we are once again going to let fate choose your partners," he held up a hat to show them, "Finn, Rachel, Artie, Tina, Mercedes and Kurt, I've put your names in the hats, the other members will draw them out to see who their partners are."

Mike went first, bumping fists with Finn when they were paired up. Santana went next, pulling a piece of paper out of the hat and grinning at the name on it.

"You better start practicing peeps coz the Berry twins are going to own this competition," she teased, giving Rachel a high five.

"Mr Schue, that's unfair!" Finn moaned, "They are going to win for sure because they can practice together at home… They're sisters, they should be split up."

"But the fates have spoken, Finn," Rachel said innocently, making Santana snort with laughter.

"Trust me guys," the teacher chuckled, "Just because they live together does not mean that this will be easier for them… believe me, I've witnessed their arguments at home several times… they fight more often then they don't." Everyone chuckled knowing that the teacher was the girl's god father.

"Totally and utterly true," Santana admitted with a grin, "but that doesn't mean we can't cream you guys… We manage to come together for the greater cause… like beating your teacher in a snowball fight on Christmas day," she reminded the man, "ain't that right Rae?"

"Perfect aim," Rachel nodded eagerly, "We trained for weeks for that."

"And you two are never going to let me live that down, are you?"

The pair shook their heads and the teacher moved on, having the rest of the kids pick their partners.

Well, there you go. A random update. I hope that keeps you going until the next random time I feel inspired.

Thanks for reading Xx