Three months had past. Tunny and Regan are getting along and Christina was loving it. For Mac's birthday the kids went to the cemetery and sat by Dean's grave and drank. Except Regan she was the designated driver. Harmony still wasn't speaking to Jimmy. She would speak to Johnny but there was no way in hell her father would be forgiven.

Regan was at home alone watching TV when the door bell rang. When she opened the door she was shocked to see who was standing there

"Andrew?" she said

"Regan, I-I need help" he said

"Uncle Jimmy?" Peyton asked

"Yeah babe" Jimmy said

"I've been talking to my dad, like you said. I've been doing a lot better then I was almost a year ago"

"Well that's good right?"

"No" and she reveled a new cut mark

"Oh Peyton" Jimmy said

"I can't stop, all I want to do is stop"

"I know that feeling" he said wrapping her in a hug

"And then I thought about death, and how I was a little in love with it. What's wrong with me I was doing so well" she started crying. Jimmy just looked at her new cut mark and then grabbed a sharpie and drew a butterfly on her wrist and then one on his

"If you ever feel like cutting again or even taking your own life look at this butterfly. If you cut it will die and you don't want that to happen. More importantly after all the fuck up I've done the last thing I need is to burry you"

"Thanks" she said

"But, peyt, I honestly think that you should talk to someone, a real person"

Whatsername walked into Harmony's room she was studying with Nathan

"Do you kids want anything to eat? I can make pop corn"

"That would be great" said Harmony and Whatsername left

"Are you talking to your dad yet?" he asked

"What do you think" she said a little snappy

"My guess is no"

"I feel so bad, like I murdered someone" she was tearing up

"You couldn't help it. But your dads been sober now for 3 months, that's gotta count for something. Plus he even quit when you were born, because then he had something to live for"

"Then why would he need to go back?"

Tunny walked in to find Regan at the table with Andrew.

"Um…Hello" Tunny said

"Dad, this is Andrew. He was, when I was"

"I got it"

"Dad, he needs help. He wants to quit, he said that Theo ran off somewhere and just left him there. He really means it dad, he says it's been a day"

"So what are we supposed to do?" Tunny asked as he looked at the older boy sitting at his table

"Well since Uncle Jimmy and him were friends I thought he could help"

"Well, if there's anything you need your mother and I to do please let us know" Regan kissed her father on the cheek

"Harm" said Jimmy who walked into her room once Nathan left

"I sometimes have nightmares. That you come into my room and lock me in a room and leave me there. Then other times I have dreams where I end up having the baby and you kill it. I'm still frightened to close my eyes at night for the fear of something worse popping up in my head. I wonder all the time what it would be. If I might have had a little girl or a boy. All these things that I will never know because you took it away from me" That was the fist thing she had said to him since the abortion

"I'm sorry baby, I am so sorry. I'm a mess and I know that, I want you to forgive me with all my heart and it pains to know that you probably will never forgive me. I was a fucked up jerk, who called my daughter a whore. Harmony I have nightmares too. Ones of you leaving me, and never speaking to me again. I've dreamt that I killed you and your baby. Those are things I never imagined would happen. What kind of sick bastared does that to their child?"

"You do" she said

Heather ran into the living room where will and Johnny were. She had a huge smile on her face

"What?" Will asked smiling she held up a pregnancy test that said positive "Really?" he jumped out of his seat and hugged her

"I'm so happy" she said

"Well I'll leave you two. Congratulations" Johnny hugged his friends and left. Nathan and Peyton walked in as Johnny was leaving

"Hello?" Peyton

"We're having another baby!" yelled Heather in excitement

"That's awesome" said Nathan

"Cool" said Peyton who took a glimpse at the butterfly

Christina walked into Regan's bed room and Andrew stood up and left.

"You're father and I were talking. We've agreed to let Andrew stay here. But one wrong thing from both of you and he's out"

"You're going to help?" Regan asked smiling

"Is this what you want?"

"Yeah, and Jimmy will help as well"

"I'm so proud of you honey" Christina said

"You are?" Regan asked confused

"Andrew talked to us. He said that you realized you needed to change and you offered to help him. But he said he didn't take it, but you left anyway. But then he showed up at your door because you reached out to him. Regan I don't think anyone has done that for him, and when you did I think that made him think. You not only saved your life but you also saved Andrews" she hugged him

Johnny walked into Mac's room. Mac was listening to music. Johnny felt he needed a boys night.

"Hey Mac come with me" Johnny said

"Where are we going?"

"When Tunny's sister died my dad took me somewhere and I'm going to take you to that same place. I know it's been almost half a year since, Dean but I think we both need it" Mac smiled and they went Johnny left a note for Whatsername and they drove. They stopped outside an old a banded factory.

"What is this place?" Mac asked confused

"This was an old factory that my grandfather worked in. it closed down when I was 10 and no one has touched it since" Johnny pulled down the fire escape and they climbed up.

"What's in the bag?" asked Mac

"Beer and pot" said Johnny

"You did this with your dad?"


"Harmony" Whatsername said

"Yeah" she said

"Your dad needs help"

"I know"

"Harm, he feels terrible about what he did"

"And he should. I hope it eats him alive" she stood up and walked past Whatsername and Jimmy who was by her room

"Harmony" Jimmy said grabbing her hand

"Fuck you" she said and she let go grabbed her purse and went to the Espers

Another week went by. Andrew was having a hard time but Regan and Jimmy were helping him. Jimmy was still distracted about Harmony. Mac had a lot of fun with Johnny it was just what he needed. Heather and Will were worried that the same thing might happen to the baby

"It's not going to happen again" Christina said

"How do you know" said Heather

"Because you don't deserve to go through that again"

"This is fucking terrible" said Andrew

"I know. But it gets better I promise" said Regan

"Look at her" said Tunny

"I know she is really growing up" said Jimmy

"So, how's Harm?"

"What if she never forgives me?"

"Well you did fuck up pretty bad" said Tunny

"Well, I don't see you wining that father of the year award either"

"Ouch. Truth be told none of us win the father award or mother award. You did the right thing though Jimmy, when you told us about Peyton"

"I can't believe she did that" Jimmy said

"You should have seen Will he was in shock"

"No one expects their baby to do stuff like that"

"Hey Peyton what's with the butterfly?" asked Nathan

"I've had it for like a week. Uncle Jimmy drew it on me" she said

"I don't want anything to happen to you. Peyton, when I saw your scars, it scared me. If need to talk to anyone you can talk to me. I know you talk to dad and Uncle Jimmy, but I have things I've never told anyone before"

"Like what?"

"Well, Peyton, I've though t of suicide when I was your age"

"What stopped you?" she asked

"You, I didn't want to do that to my baby sister"

The kids gathered at Regan's house to meet Andrew. They all looked around at each other shocked at this year

"I have something that we can do outside" said Regan

"It's raining outside" said Nathan

"Unless it's getting pneumonia I think we should stay inside" said Andrew

"No, we are going to go out in the rain and blast totally fucked from spring awakening"

"That pretty much sums up my year" said Harmony

"Me too" said Peyton

"Sounds like a plan" said Nathan

"Andrew you don't have to join in" said Regan

"Good" he said

The adults were sitting on the porch watching the rain and talking

"That's really nice of you for letting Andrew stay" said Heather

"Well, Regan wanted to help" said Tunny

"You should see Regan, she is taking him like he is her responsibility" sad Jimmy

"And how are you?" Christina asked him

"I'm getting better"

"Still nothing from Harmony though" said Johnny

"She may never forgive you and I honestly wouldn't blame her" said Whatsername

"Rebecca!" Christina said shocked

"No, she's right" Jimmy agreed

Just then the adults heard music coming from next door. They stood up and saw their kids running out of the house and into the rain. They were dancing and laughing not acknowledging that their parents were watching. Peyton jumped on Nathan and he spun her around. Andrew walked out and up to Regan and kissed her.

"Look at the joy on their faces" said Heather

"That song does sum up everything" said Will

"Through thick and thin they were always there for each other" said Whatsername

"Yeah you're fucked all right and all for spite you can kiss you sorry ass good bye" all the kids sang . The adults just laughed and watched the kids that they remember of so many years ago. Jimmy watched his little girl with a huge smile on her face. He didn't know if she was ever going to forgive him, but jut seeing her with that much joy and love on her face was enough to know that someday they might be okay.

Well kidos I hoped you liked the story but all things must come to an end. Thank you soooo much for reading! I love you all