The first thing I noticed was the sun. It was more intense than usual. The tall skyscrapers in the background shone like supernova beacons rising from the ground. It hurt my eyes to look at them. The grass was a bright, almost neon, green. I looked at the smiling people around me. They were too happy. The smiles were too wide.
I poked one of them in the arm. "Hello?" He was motionless.
Suddenly, I felt my feet being pulled forward and around the bend. I saw a gazebo rising from behind the sea of people. White drapery covered most of the gazebo.
I knew what was going to happen next. I tried to move my feet backwards but ultimately failed. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. I wanted to cry but my eyes were drier than the Sahara. This couldn't be happening again.
Finally, I got up to the gazebo and saw five figures. One of them was a plain, lumpy man in the center. On both sides of the man were another man and a woman next to him.
"Great for you to finally join us," a sickly honey voice came from the woman on the right. She stepped out of the shadows and smiled at me like a she-demon. I felt my breath catching in my throat. She had the same chestnut brown hair as me and the same piercing blue eyes. was dressed in an ivory A-line dress with lace detail at the skirt.
"Please no," I beg.
Just then, the man stepped out from the shadows. Even before the light hit his face, I already knew who it was. I desperately wanted to look away but found my neck stiff and fixed on the man. He turned his head to look at me.
Suddenly, I felt myself being sucked into the gazebo. I found myself wearing the ivory dress, my arm linked with Brendan's. My tongue felt thick and heavy. This couldn't be happening again.
I looked across the gazebo and saw a flash of green hair and I immediately knew who it was. Both the man and woman stepped out from behind the shadows and faced me. It was Drew and Brianna. They smirked at me before walking out of the gazebo, their arms linked together for what would be eternity.
"Do you, Brendan Birch, take May Maple to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the lumpy man asked.
Brendan turned to look at me. "Actually, I don't." Then he shook his arm free from mine and walked out of the gazebo and off on the cobblestone pathway. As he passed the crowds of people, they all got up and followed him out, leaving me alone, again.
A/N: This is just a preview of the full chapter! I will re-write it because the quality of this is crap. Sorry I couldn't get it up earlier! This week has been INSANE for me.
I'm sure you've all heard of Jamey Rodemeyer by now… I went to school with him and even though I didn't know him personally, his sister is my stand partner and all of my friends from his middle school are my new friends in high school. I just went to his funeral today. He was only fourteen and he shouldn't have died so young. RIP Jamey 3
On a brighter note, this week was also homecoming week, adding to the craziness at school. My English teacher has been pummeling us with homework and swim practice is INSANE. I'm going to do my best to write as much as I can on the weekends because I have little to no time on the weekdays.
Again, this is just a preview of the new chapter. I felt bad for not getting anything up in a while.
(P.S. Add me on Pottermore! GoldMoon98)