Opening Statements: THIS WAS SO MUCH DAMN FUN TO WRITE. I know that it shouldn't be that fun. But it is. THIS IS WHAT I DO WHEN I'M SUPPOSED TO BE WRITING LiS AND REQUESTS LOL. This is an RP between me and Princess Darkcloud on Skype that we got all nice and pretty for you guys to read. So read. *pewf*

Summary: Little Russia gets lost, and when he tries to find his way back home he gets found by a certain empire with rather impure intentions towards him. Rape/noncon, kidnap, 'invasion', shota, all the good stuff

Disclaimer: We own nothing o3o

WARNING: Hardcore yaoi, shota, rape/noncon, kidnap, historical invasion

Italics=Speaking in Russian *too lazy to put translations*


Russia watched his breath crystallize in front of him as he hugged himself and rubbed at his clothed arms to try and create friction and warmth. He cursed under his breath, trudging through the snow and trying to keep warm. He had wandered too far away from his sister again... He always managed to get back though, so he figured this time would be no different.

What the young lad didn't know was that he wasn't on his lonesome, as he'd once feared. There was a dangerously powerful aura that was seeping through the atmosphere about him. Mongolian Empire was standing behind a tree, his fingers digging into the bark as he watched Russia trudge through the snow, his grip grew tighter the longer he watched. "You should be more aware of your surroundings, Russia-chan~"

Little Russia cursed again, slowing his walking and looking around. He didn't want to stop moving for fear of hypothermia (he had seen people freeze and die in just minutes if they stopped moving in the snow), but he was afraid to get lost even further. He bit his lip and turned around, thinking of going to other way.

Mongolian Empire quickly shifted so he was completely concealed behind the tree. He hadn't expected Russia to turn around so suddenly. He was afraid that Russia had spotted him, but as he heard the crunch of snow beneath old, worn boots slowly approach his tree, he began to grin maniacally, trying not to jump out of his hiding spot prematurely.

Sighing, Russia stopped, shivering. He didn't want to be out all alone like this. He wanted his sisters...

As soon as Russia's back was to him once again, Mongolian Empire slipped out from behind his tree, stepping in premade footsteps. He slipped his arms around the much smaller set of shoulders, startling the poor boy halfway out of his mind. "You seem to be lost, Russia-chan. Let me guide you back to my place."

Russia jumped, stepping forward and turning around to look at the empire, so surprised he fell back on his ass. He grimaced, knowing that eventually the snow would melt on his body and they would get wet, speeding up his risk of hypothermia. "Wh-what?"

"Oh my, did I startle you?" Mongolian Empire reached down and offers the startled youth a hand. He could see the mixture of fear and confusion in those indigo eyes. "We should really get you warm, we wouldn't want you getting ill...or dying out here." His gentlemanly mask was held together with a veil of impure intentions.

"I don't understand you," Russia stated bluntly in Russian, pouting childishly and getting up, brushing the snow off his trousers as best he could. He had no idea what this man was saying, so he must be from another country.

Mongolian Empire ran a finger down a malnourished cheek. "You're quite thin, and being out in this cold too long without a proper coat could kill you." He leaned in close, "We wouldn't want that, would we?"

"I don't understand you," Russia repeated, stepping back. He touched his cheek. He wasn't fat at all, but he definitely wasn't thin. He had a bit of meat on his bones, which was more than he could say for his playmates back home. As it was he still had baby cheeks. Was that what the man was trying to say. "I'm lost, can you help?" he asked, looking up innocently.

"Oh dear, you don't understand me." Mongolian Empire sighed before pulling a reassuring smile. He gestured for Russia to follow him and began to walk away, turning back and smiling again, motioning for Russia to follow.

Little Russia frowned, but knew if he didn't start moving that he would freeze to death. He ran to catch up with the man, reaching up to clutch at his coat. "Who are you?" he asked, holding onto the man's coat in order not to fall behind. Following a stranger was better than freezing to death outside with General Winter.

Mongolian Empire took the hand that was clinging to his coat in his own. "My name is Mongolian Empire. Now, let's go to my house and get you warmed up."

"Mongolian Empire?" Russia said, tongue feeling thick with the Mongolian words. He didn't know any other languages, only his own. And a little of his little sister's, but she mostly spoke his language too. He didn't like the feeling of the words on his tongue. He hoped he didn't have to speak it again...

Mongolian Empire looked down at the adorable, yet unhappy face. He pulled Russia along, quite eager to get home. "We're almost there, dear Russia-chan"

Russia pouted but let the man lead him along. He was tired and cold and he just wanted to be warm. If he rested safely then he was sure he could get General Winter to show me the way home later.

After trudging a ways, they finally make it to Mongolian Empire's house. "Here we are, now let's get you inside." He pulled Russia along, his gentlemanly grin slipping into a smirk for a moment before he restored it.

Russia looked at the house, frowning. It was bigger than his. He looked around as he was dragged inside and the door was shut behind them. He looked up to Mongolian Empire, staying quiet since speaking wouldn't help much.

Mongolian Empire gestured towards the blazing fireplace as he went into the kitchen, demanding that warm food be brought out immediately. He sat down on the couch next little Russia, an arm on the couch behind the boy. He looks down at him, his cat like grin sneaking onto his face.

Russia shifted awkwardly as Mongolian Empire sat beside him. He slid onto the floor in front of the fire and took off his coat, laying it down beside the fireplace and holding his hands to warm them.

Mongolian Empire frowned, displeased with Russia's avoidance. "Get up off that filthy ground." He pulled Russia back onto the couch forcefully by the arm, his gentlemanly charade beginning to deteriorate as his patience with the boy grows thin.

"Please don't touch me..." Russia replied, pushing away the empire's arm. He wanted to be close to the fire and be warm, not on the couch next to a man he hardly knew...

Mongolian Empire pulled Russia in close, holding him tightly in his lap as he spit out his words, irritation mounting, "you better be careful with your words, child. My patience has a limit."

"Leave me alone," Russia replied, getting increasingly nervous. He tried to squirm out of Mongolian Empire's lap, anything to just get away from him.

Mongolian Empire ran a hand up the front of Russia's shirt, licking the outer shell of the frightened child's ear. "You're not going anywhere."

Russia whimpered, pushing at the empire's hand. "No! Stop, n-no..."

"The more you struggle, the more it'll hurt." He ran his other hand up the inside of Russia's thigh, gently massaging the muscle right next to the groin, teasing the poor child.

"No!" Russia shoved Mongolian Empire's hand away and managed to get out of his grip just enough to dive to the floor to get to his coat where he had his hunting knife. If he could just get that then he could fight his way away from the empire.

The empire, quick on his feet, dived down after Russia, pinning his wrists to the floor, body flush on top of Russia's. "Don't even think about it." He grinded against Russia's ass. "I told you, resisting will only hurt you more." He gripped Russia's wrists tighter, biting Russia's neck, leaving a dark red mark.

"Stop!" Russia shouted, struggling as hard as he could. Since he had no idea what Mongolian Empire was saying he couldn't necessarily heed his warnings. "Let me go!" He struggled harder, trying to break free of the empire's grip.

"I said," he picked Russia up by the waist and threw him onto his back, pinning him down by his chest, "don't move!" He undid his belt and tied Russia's wrists together. "Let me try it in your language. 'Ne dvigaĭtesʹ'!"

Russia had clearly understood that, but it only encouraged him to fight and struggle harder. "No! Let me go!" he repeated, kicking Mongolian Empire in the leg.

"Ow! You little shit!" Mongolian Empire angrily spread Russia's legs, kneeling between them. "You really wanna get hurt that bad? Fine, I'll show you pain." He bit into Russia's shoulder, breaking skin and leaving what would become an ugly, dark bruise. "Do you understand? Pain. 'Bol''." He ripped open Russia's shirt and ran his hands over the milky white skin. "Beautiful, pure skin." He smiled animalistically, "And I get to be the one to taint it." He ran his tongue over his lips, barely able to contain himself.

Tears began streaming down Russia cheeks as he struggled harder. He didn't care that there would be pain, his instincts told him to fight as hard as he could and run away as fast as he could. "No!" he cried, violet eyes wide with terror.

"Oh dear, if you look at me like that, I won't be able to restrain myself." Mongolian Empire pulled Russia up into a sitting position so he's now straddling Mongolian Empire. Mongolian's bulge is pressing against Russia's virgin ass, grinding against Russia, kissing the tears as they fall from the big, purple eyes.

"No..." Russia sobbed, weakly trying to push the empire away, turning away as he felt something large pressing against his behind. "Wh-what...?" his eyes went wide again. He wasn't naive, he knew what that was.

"You're finally beginning to submit." Mongolian Empire placed his large hand on the back of Russia's head, bringing their lips together in a one-sided kiss. He gripped Russia's jaw, forcing the boy's moth open so he can slip his tongue inside. His other hand slipped into the back of the boy's pants, massaging the young ass.

Russia whimpered and promptly bit down on Mongolian Empire's tongue, struggling once more as he felt the empire's hand on his behind.

Mongolian Empire withdrew his now bleeding tongue. "You fucker." He flipped Russia back over so he's on his hands and knees, tightening the belt around Russia's wrists. "I'll teach you to disobey me." He pulled down Russia's pants and bit on the soft flesh of the milky white cheek, leaving teeth marks behind.

Russia cried out as he felt Mongolian Empire's teeth on his ass, leaving him to struggle helplessly and try to kick back against the empire, hoping he could hit him in the balls, or at least somewhere vital. He felt his shoe connect with something, but he could tell it was too high to be Mongolian Empire's vital regions.

"You've exhausted my patience. I won't hold back any longer." He reached around and shoved two of his fingers into Russia's mouth. "If you dare bite, I'll do this dry. Ya sdelayu yemu vysohnutʹ."

Russia sobbed, shakily beginning to suck on the other's fingers as he heard the warning. He whimpered and cried, running his tongue over the empire's fingers over and over to wet them so that they would slide in easier. He knew what was going to happen, he wasn't as naive as people liked to think.

"Nnn, that's a good boy." Mongolian Empire grinded against Russia, his level of arousal rising. "You'll have to use that naughty mouth again on something a bit...bigger, soon enough." He laughed cruelly as he watched the boy tremble beneath him.

Russia shut his eyes as he sucked on the Mongol's fingers, just trying to block out everything he said. He would gladly choose freezing outside with General Winter than having this happen to him.

"Good boy, naughty boy," Mongolian Empire whispered huskily in Russian in Russia's ear. He pulled his fingers from Russia's mouth and brought them back by his ass. He inserted one finger, twisting and thrusting roughly into the tight orifice.

Russia cried out as the finger was pushed into him, whimpering and tensing tightly around it, only making it hurt further. "St-stop," he managed to get through his crying, sobbing tiredly as his body shook violently.

"Ohh, I want to be inside you so badly." He unfastened his pants as he inserted another finger. He began to stroke his length, moaning as he listened to Russia's cries of pain. He twisted his fingers violently, searching for that spot inside the boy.

Russia cried harder, crying out as he felt Mongolian Empire's fingers twisting inside him, only serving to make it more painful. It was only once they pressed against a spot inside him that made him see stars and gasp did he stop his shaking.

"Oh, you liked that didn't you? Perverted little boy." He pulled his fingers out and turned Russia around. He held Russia's face, giving him a dirty, searing kiss, massaging their tongues together, enjoying the taste of the young country.

Russia promptly bit down on Mongolian Empire's tongue again, spitting in his face angrily, tears still streaming down his cheeks. "Eat shit," he hissed, violet eyes narrowing down to little amethyst slits.

Mongolian Empire wiped the spit off of his face, then using that same, spit-covered hand he hit Russia across the face, sending the boy to the ground. He took a fist full of the silvery hair and pulled Russia's face towards his engorged member, glaring at the child. "Bite and you die."

Russia cried out as he was struck, trying to just curl up and protect himself, only to be pulled back. "No," he sobbed, turning his head away and sobbing loudly.

Mongolian Empire brought Russia's face down to his swollen dick, smearing precum across Russia's lips. He repeated himself in Russian this time, "bite and you die."

Russia sobbed and opened his mouth, allowing the empire's member to slide into his mouth. He hated the taste, it tasted like salt and musk, definitely not something he wanted to taste on a regular basis.

"Ohhh...yes..." Mongolian Empire slid his hand behind Russia's head, forcing himself deeper into Russia's mouth. He smiled when he saw the child choke on his hard cock.

Russia choked, pulling off to try and cough only to be forced back onto the Mongol's cock. He sobbed and swallowed around Mongolian Empire's member, tears coming down harder.

Mongolian Empire shuddered when he felt the muscles in Russia's throat contract. He began thrusting slowly into Russia's mouth, gripping his head with both hands.

Russia cried out in pain, sobbing around Mongolian Empire's cock. He ended up clenching his jaw, his teeth grazing against the empire's shaft.

"Shit!" Mongolian Empire pulled out and violently slapped Russia across the face. "You just don't learn." He dragged Russia by the his hair back towards him, his swollen member, deep in color, tapping against the bite mark he'd left on his ass earlier. "It's about time I punish you." He spread Russia's cheeks and rubbed his leaking cock against the twitching hole.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was an accident!" Russia sobbed, tears coming down even harder. "I'm sorry!"

Mongolian empire chuckled as he heard Russia's desperate cries. He pushed against the protesting ring of muscle. He got the head inside and moaned with pleasure at the tightness.

Russia screamed in pain as he was penetrated. He cried harder, sobbing and burying his face into his scarf in desperation. "No..." he sobbed weakly into his scarf, "st-stop..."

Mongolian Empire pulled Russia's hips backwards, but could only get about halfway inside, the tightness of Russia's virgin ass keeping him from sheathing his entire length. He pulled out and thrust in with more force, trying to force his way inside. "So...tight...nngh..."

Russia screamed once more, sobbing louder, another scream leaving him. He went limp, ass in the air, hardly able to even stay conscious with how much pain he was in. "It hurts, please stop!"

"Oh no, I can't have you passing out on me." Mongolian Empire pulled out, picking Russia up and setting him on his lap, their chests facing each other. He positioned himself and reentered the small Russian, thrusting slow and shallow. "Let try this again. If you bite me a third time, I'll fuck you till your ass turns to shreds." He licked Russia's lips, seeing if the boy will willingly open his mouth this time.

Russia sobbed and shook his head, crying and trying to avoid the Mongol's attempts to kiss him. He screamed and sobbed, shaking violently. "No!"

"Come," Mongolian Empire thrusted into Russia violently, "on! You can enjoy this too if you submit." He turned Russia's head back to face him. "Which will it be?"

Russia screamed again, sobbing, shaking his head. He hardly even registered the words despite how they had been in Russian. He sniffled and sobbed again, burying his face in his scarf and just trying to imagine himself somewhere else. Like a field of sunflowers.

Mongolian Empire grabbed Russia's hair and yanked his head back. He licked up Russia's neck, biting and leaving bloody little marks. "Very well." He placed his other hand on Russia's hip as he picked up his pace, still only going in about half way.

Russia screamed again, crying out and yelping as his neck was bitten and nipped. "No, no, please, stop!" he cried, trying to awkwardly push against Mongolian Empire's chest with his bound hands.

"If only you'd cooperated." Mongolian Empire's cock grew harder as he listened to Russia's pained cries. He laid Russia down on his back, pushing his legs up and back so his ass is in the air, thrusting hard and rough until he was finally able to fully sheath himself "Ahh~ so good..."

Russia sobbed and closed his eyes, whimpering softly as the pain persisted. He tried to imagine himself elsewhere. Anywhere else. Somewhere where he was safe and not in pain.

Mongolian Empire slammed into Russia, leaning in close and licking the side of his face. "You can't escape me." Mongolian Empire's movements became rougher and less rhythmic as he got closer to orgasm, relishing in the sounds of the suffering child.

"No," Russia sobbed, giving a weak cry as his eyes rolled back in his head, Mongolian Empire's cock striking that one spot inside him that had been prodded before. He gasped, tears stemming some as he looked down to find his small prick growing hard from the stimulation.

"Ahh, there it is." Mongolian Empire drove into Russia harder, hitting that spot again and again, reaching down to stroke the young boy's small cock. "Let me see the pleasure on your face..."

Russia moaned, eyes rolling back in his head once more. The tears had stopped, leaving him humiliated. Why was it feeling good all of the sudden? He didn't want to know, he only shook his head and tried to force out some more tears to make it seem like he still hated it. And he did. But his body had other thoughts.

Mongolian Empire noticed the sudden change in the boy's attitude. "You dirty little boy." The older country shifted positions again, sitting with his back against the long abandoned sofa, both of his hands on Russia's hips as he straddled his rapist. "If you want to feel good," he chuckled, "you'll have to work for it."

Russia didn't know what Mongolian Empire was saying, but he could read the body language and the position. "No," he whimpered, shaking his head and pushing his bound hands against the empire's chest, tears streaking down his cheeks once more.

Mongolian empire rolled his hips up, rubbing against that spot inside of Russia. He gently rubbed his finger across Russia's prepubescent slit. "Don't lie. I know you're enjoying this." He smirked wickedly.

Russia mewled as his small cock was touched. He sobbed and shook his head. "No, no," replied hysterically, crying and sniffling.

Mongolian Empire was starting to lose his patience again. "We can wait here all day." He stopped touching Russia all together.

Russia sniffled, awkwardly rocking his hips a little, a shiver of pain mixed pleasure shooting up his spine. He whimpered quietly, bottom lip trembling as he pushed against Mongolian Empire's chest for some sort of leverage.

"Nnn...that's a good boy." Mongolian Empire ran a hand through Russia's hair, rewarding Russia's movements with a stroke to his member. "C'mon, Russia-chan, you can do better than that."

Russia whimpered, sniffling once more and lifting himself halfway off of Mongolian Empire's cock before dropping back down, crying out as the friction burned his insides. His tears flowed faster, shaking his head. It didn't feel good anymore...

Mongolian Empire noticed that the pleasure had gone from the child's face. He shifted the angle, making sure he would rub against that special spot with every thrust. "What's wrong? Not liking this anymore now that you're impaling yourself, eh?"

Russia shook his head despite not being able to understand Mongolian Empire's words. He shook violently, crying out as his sweet spot was struck once more. "No..." he whimpered, leaning forward, exhausted by the pain. He could hardly move...

"If you kiss me," Mongolian Empire smirked, face like the devil, "I'll finish this." He gestured for Russia to kiss him, touching his lips as he slowly gyrated his hips, testing to see how broken Russia was.

Russia whimpered, sniffling and shaking against the empire. He shakily leaned up, whimpering as he hesitantly pressing his lips against Mongolian Empire's, just wanting to get it over with.

Mongolian Empire slipped his tongue in, yet again, wanting to prove to the young Russian that he was fully in charge. When he pulled away, a string of saliva hung between their mouths. With a satisfied smirk, Mongolian Empire picked up his pace again, pulling out till the head was barely inside and then slamming back in, balls deep. Blood trickled out of the violated hole as Mongolian Empire thrust deeply into him, moaning throatily.

Russia cried out, body shaking as he experienced what he could only interpret as his first orgasm. He sobbed and slumped against Mongolian Empire, crying even harder, whimpering as the empire continued to abuse his ass.

The muscles in Russia's ass seized up, to the point of being brutally tight. Thrusting quickly and erratically, Mongolian Empire finally let his seed loose inside the boy, some of his massive load spilling out and sliding down the inside of the boys legs.

Russia sobbed and tried to push away from the empire. "No..." he murmured weakly, tears streaming down his cheeks even faster.

Mongolian Empire pulled out and threw Russia onto the floor, watching as his cum spilled out of the pretty white ass. He smiled devilishly, more perverted thoughts already entering his head.

Russia cried out in pain as he was tossed onto the floor, whimpering and covering his face as best he could with his arms.

"Hmm...what should I do with you..." Mongolian Empire used his foot to roll Russia over onto his back. "Should I let you return to your darling sister? I bet she's worried about you..."

Russia tried to curl up into a ball to protect himself, sobbing and crying loudly into his arms as he shook. He could feel cum sliding between his legs and grimaced, wiggling his hips a bit in discomfort.

"Nnn...watching you move like that is dangerous, don't tempt me." Mongolian Empire reached over and undid the belt tied around Russia's wrists. "You had better run, unless you want to get caught again."

Since Russia couldn't understand him, he just curled up tighter, using his free hands to cover his face and cry into them, shaking on the floor. He didn't dare move other than his shaking, far too scared of what Mongolian Empire would do to him.

Mongolian Empire looked down at his broken little toy. "Oi." He motioned to the boy to come to him.

Russia shook his head frantically, crying and curling up into a tighter ball. "No, no, please," he sobbed, trying to protect himself.

Mongolian Empire sighed impatiently, a look of distaste crossing his face. "Have you learned nothing?"

Russia whimpered and sobbed into his hands, shaking violently. He sniffled and pressed his legs together awkwardly at the feeling of cum sliding down his thighs, wiggling gently.

Mongolian Empire motioned, once again for Russia to come to him. He was not patient enough to beat around the bush any longer.

Russia sat up slowly, wiping his tears away and slowly crawling towards to empire, crying and sniffling loudly. He looked down, wiping his face every few moments to wipe away the new batches of tears that continued to flow.

"That's a good boy." Mongolian Empire stroked Russia's dampened cheek. "let's see what you've learned." He began to stroke his cock slowly, watching, waiting to see what the child would do.

Russia sniffled and wiped his eyes again, leaning in and placing his hands on Mongolian Empire's thighs, tongue peeking out and licking the tip of the empire's cock shyly.

An encouraging hand placed itself upon the silver hair of the young country, smiling as he watched Russia hesitantly begin to lick him.

Whimpering pitifully, Russia licked around the crown of Mongolian Empire's member, grimacing at the taste of cum and blood, probably from just being inside him... He didn't like it, but he knew better now that to try and refuse.

" learn quickly." Mongolian Empire smirked, reaching around to Russia's abused ass and prodded the cum and blood hole. "How's this feeling, hm?"

Russia whimpered, crying a little harder. "N-no... It hurts to much..." he whimpered, pulling his head away and shaking it. He leaned back in and trailed his mouth over Mongolian Empire's cock, running from base to tip. He had no idea how the Mongol's cock had fit inside him; it was so big...

"You're seeming more into it now, aren't you. Dirty boy." He slipped his finger in and out, emptying Russia's ass of his cum.

Russia managed to cry silently and keep in his sobs, trying not to listen to Mongolian Empire's words. He didn't know what the empire was telling him but the words burned his ears and he just didn't want to listen.

Mongolian Empire chuckled softly, "You hate me that much, huh?" He pushed Russia's head further down onto his cock

Russia choked a little as he was forced onto Mongolian Empire's member, more tears sliding down his face. He whimpered and pulled off, only to be forced back on. He sobbed around the empire's shaft and gulped, the muscles in his throat tightening.

"Ahh, feels so good." Mongolian Empire's member began to harden again. He pulled Russia off and pulled him in closer, reaching for his ass to continue finger his torn entrance, twisting and thrusting into the young boy.

Russia whimpered, shaking as Mongolian Empire fingered him. He clutched at the empire's shoulders, crying and burying his face in Mongolian Empire's shoulder.

"Oh, what's this? Going to me for support? How unexpected." Mongolian Empire began stroking Russia's flaccid member as he kissed down the side of Russia's face and down his neck.

Russia whimpered, moaning quietly. He didn't like it at all, but his cock returned to erection under the empire's touch. "N-no..." he whimpered, moaning and gripping Mongolian Empire's shoulders tightly to try and gain some sort of support. Mongolian Empire was the only person there, and therefore the only person to seek comfort from.

"'Nyet, nyet', is that all you can say?" Mongolian Empire started grinding against Russia's ass. He bent over and took one of Russia's nipples between his teeth, nibbling on the tiny pink bud before sucking harshly on it. He continued stroking Russia's cock, enjoying the sight of the child writhing in his grasp.

Russia cried out, whimpering and mewling as his most sensitive parts were toyed with. "N-no, stop..." He didn't like how it was starting to feel good. It was humiliating and terrified him at the thought that he might end up being like the whores that roamed the pubs at night in his town.

Licking away the tears as they fall, the elder nation continued toying with the sensitive body. The head of his member rubbing against Russia's entrance. "Let's see if you'll do this yourself..."

Crying out softly, Russia whimpered and shook his head, whining in distress. Despite his protest he ended up pushing back with his hips and impaling himself on Mongolian Empire's cock with a sharp cry.

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Mongolian Empire watched the pained face of his tortured new toy. He began stroking the boy's cock more harshly, gently rolling his hips into Russia.

Russia cried out and whimpered, clutching at Mongolian Empire's shoulders as the empire rocking up into him deeper. He moaned as he sunk all the way down so that he was balls deep and shuddered. "A-ahn..."

"You're liking this aren't you?" Mongolian empire began to thrust into Russia with more force, biting at the child's lip. "You're loosening up...ahh, feels good."

"" Russia sobbed, whimpering as Mongolian Empire bit his lip. He would have made a snide comment about how he was only loosening up because the empire was fucking him so damn hard, but he didn't want to put himself in line for any more pain.

Mongolian Empire slowly licked the bleeding lip. "Why say no, when you are practically begging?" He pulled out of Russia and turned him on his side, lifting his leg high in the air. "Lovely view~" He reentered without warning and began thrusting again.

Russia cried out, his small prick still hard and leaking precum. "No..." he whimpered and let out a small moan as he felt that one spot being struck easier as Mongolian Empire began thrusting inside him shallower than before. He didn't like the position, it left him so open...

Mongolian empire could clearly see the discomfort on the child's face, only adding to his arousal. He could feel his cock swell slightly inside of that tight ass. "Nnn..." He angled his thrusts towards that spot and pounded mercilessly.

Russia whimpered, arching his back as his sweet spot was struck harder. His eyes rolled back in his head, his body betraying him in a way he'd never thought possible. He sobbed into his arms, trying to hide behind his hands as he moaned and whined from the pain mixed pleasure. He shook, moaning as he felt Mongolian Empire's cock twitch and expand inside him, hitting all the right spots even better.

Mongolian Empire grunted with every thrust. He bent over the small body and swallowed up the boy's whines like water from a fountain. He wrapped his fingers around the small cock and began to stroke quickly.

Russia cried out into the kiss, his noises muffled by Mongolian Empire's lips as he came for the second time. He whimpered and shook as the empire continued to abuse his ass without regard to his body.

Mongolian empire hugged the small body close, thrusting into him purely for the sake of his own pleasure, grunting as he pounded into Russia. "Ngh...shit." He pulled out and began to jack himself off, grabbing Russia's hair and pulling him close. He came with a strangled moan and came on Russia's face, sperm splashing into Russia's open mouth and streaking his face.

Russia whimpered and turned away, sobbing quietly, closing his eyes as cum splashed on his face. He cried harder, trying to wipe his face and spit out the seed that had gotten in his mouth, hating the taste of it. It made him want to puke...

"Nnn...fuckin good." Mongolian Empire sat back against the couch, putting away his dick and belting up his pants.

Russia cried harder, sobbing and curling up in a tight ball, utterly humiliated and horrified. He wanted to go home to his sisters and lay down to go to sleep and hope it was a dream...

Mongolian Empire looked down at Russia. He took the blanket that was hanging over the arm rest and threw it over the trembling youth. "Shut up. Get out of my sight until I call for you again."

Russia whimpered, gladly cuddling up in the blanket. He didn't move, in far too much pain for that.

"Humph..." Mongolian empire stood up and headed out, smirking to himself as he thought, 'I could get used to this.'


Final Thoughts/Rants: Heh...this is awesome. Don't kill us. We love Russia. We just thought that since he's the designated rapist in Hetalia, he needs to get a taste of his own medicine. And since the Mongol Yoke in Russia lasted about 300 years, we have a loooooot to work with. We have more chapters being written hurrhurr. Stay tuned.

Reviews are amazing, and if you don't review, then Shadow's tentacle monster will rape the shit out of you. And if you review and you want to be raped, then it'll rape you anyway. Thank you so much for reading.