R+V I'm adopted! Chapter 1 Unexpected visitor!
"KEEP DIGGING! Put your backs into it! Dig with your hands, or appendages, not with your mouths, and remember you have to be QUITE, or Akasha Bloodriver will hear us…. " A cold woman's voice echoed in the massive underground tunnel. A woman with blond hair with a small jeweled cross stuck in her hair. Her cold eyes narrowed as she glared at the numerous youki under her command that continued to dig the massive tunnel underneath the Shuzen manor.
Suddenly a small gremlin youki rushed its way down the tunnel and began to cower before the blond vampire.
"Mistress Gyokure…..I have news." The little creature squeaked.
"Speak and do it quickly I am busy!"
The gremlin trembled as it kept its head bowed extra low the vampire who was in front of it.
"Yes, Mistress….You see, I have heard rumors about YOU KNOW WHO….You know, SHE WHO WILL NOT BE NAMED. You see-Ah!" The little gremlin suddenly found himself held firmly in the grasp of Gyokure. The angry vampire looked directly at the struggling gremlin as her fierce gaze showing the little youki that the vampire wanted nothing more than to pinch the little creatures head off with just her thumb and four finger.
"SPEAK," Gyokure hissed, as she squeezed hard upon the gremlins neck. "And keep in mind that if I find out that you are lying to me about any information you give me ESPECIALY in regards to HER I will kill you…"
Kasumi Aono howled in pain. The pain she felt was excruciating as she struggled to push. Blood continued to flow from her lower body as her husband struggled to comfort her and support her in pitch black room. The blackout shut off all the power.
"Push Kasumi just one more!" Koiji Aono said gently but firmly!
"AH!" Kasumi screamed once more as she gave everything she had as she pushed with all her might as she struggled to bring her child into the world.
"Kasumi oh my sweet, it's a boy…" Koiji whispered warmly as his wrapped his screaming son in the comfort of a soft, warm blanket.
Kasumi looked at her newborn son the pain she felt fading into her distant memory.
The baby blinked its eyes display his sinfully cute chocolate brown eyes.
"My son….Tsukune my son….That's what Koiji and I have decided to call you." Kasumi breathed as she smiled happily as she looked into her newborn sons eyes.
A loud knock on the front door interrupted her moment of happiness.
A few moments later six men entered the room as they stepped out of the darkness of the shadows. They were dressed in clean crisp black suits fallowed by a tan skinned woman with long blond hair dressed in a elegant dress.
The woman Gyokure smiled in a sinister way at Kasumu.
Koije watched in shock as his wifes normally kind loving face turn into one of cold hard rage as she turned and glared at the tan skinned woman who had mysteriously entered her house!
Kasumi despite the pain, or perhaps because of a different kind of pain as she struggled to get to her feet.
"You!" Kasumi sneared! "What are you doing here? No never mind that, just get the hell out of my house you fanged face, life sucking bitch! Mikogami will-"
"The threat of your dear godfather coming and seeking revenge for my actions are but paper, Kasumi dear…If you going to go around, throwing threats than I suggest that you at least try to look and sound threatening when you do so." Gyokure sneered.
"I heard rumors, the whispers, but I never believed that it was possible….I believed that Mikogami kept too tight a leash on you for something like this to happen…" Gyoukure whispered as if shocked and in amused at the same time.
Kasumi turned and faced her husband and said. "Koije take Tsukune and go to the safe room, hurry and don't come out until you hear from me."
Koije swallowed as he looked at the strange new comers who had entered his house.
"Umm, honey do we owe back taxes or something?" Koiji asked stupidly confused. In all the years that he had known Kasumi he had never heard her speak to anyone like she had just spoke to the mysterious woman just now. Not bothering to spare her husband a glace Kasumi kept looking at Gokure.
"Koiji I built that safe room for a reason, now go!" Kasumi snapped as she quickly ran over to the thermostat and jerked the knob hard to the left. A soft ding briefly echoed through the living room. Koiji watched in dumb shock as several sections of the living room wall began to flip over reveling cases, which held a variety of weapons from long sleek swords, to large automatic weapons!
"Umm, Ka, Ka, Kasumi, dear if this is some kind of joke it isnt't funny." Koijo gasped in shock as he clutched at his newborn son.
"Koijo I'm sorry, I should have told you everything…But now its to late. Koije listen to me remember your sanity, remember what you see is real." Kasumi whispered!
"Take them away!" Gyokure snapped.
Hello everyone! I hope that all of you like the chapter of this story. As always REVIEW please!
Cheers Dogsfang