Sorry to everyone who saw this earlier! I have no idea why it was written in code, it may be because I was using a much older computer to upload the chapter since my computer refuses to ever do so. Here is the actual chapter, so sorry. Happy Holidays!

I own nothing JK Rowling has actually written about. All other characters are mine.

Chap. 19


The rest of the day was spent down in the infirmary with the matron, Poppy Pomfrey. A slight woman, with grey, wispy hair, she had an air to her that reminded Devony of her grandmother. However, when Fred entered with Devony under his arm, she had nothing but a disapproving face. She mumbled under her breath, something about first years showing up left and right with stomachaches. Whenever Fred tried to help Devony with something, the woman would swat his hand away and give a long stare. Devony could tell this woman was no nonsense when it came to her field, but a kindness was deeply rooted in her, unshakable. She respected her for it.

It was well past time for Charms to be over, and Madam Pomfrey attempted twice to get Fred to leave before McGonagall finally came into the room with Flitwick. They walked over slowly, talking in hushed tones as they approached, which gave Fred enough time to leave the room quickly without getting caught. Devony had to recant what happened that morning and in the classroom before the head mistresses went to the side to talk with Flitwick and Pomfrey. They agreed to make her stay for the duration of the day, and then go back to her room for the remainder of the night. Even her instant tone that she was fine wouldn't change their minds.

The next morning at breakfast, her friends, the twins, Zoe, and Winnie, huddled around her like a swarm of flies.

"Devony, what happened?"

"Did Pomfrey give you anything for the concussion? Pumpkin juice or crème of oak bark?"

"Fred told me you fell straight on your ass. Simple but effective way to get out of Flitwick's class."

"Would you all calm down," Devony tried to shush her friends, their voices high for the morning murmur in the great hall.

Winnie stuck out three fingers in her face. "Tell me how many fingers I'm holding up, and I'll believe you."

"Can't even let her catch her breath, can you?"

Sera poked her head into the frenzy, not phased by the odd looks she was getting from the group. Devony was grateful for her though, to make everyone silent finally.

"Who are you?" Fred asked, not even hiding his annoyance.

Sera sized him, and met his eyes. "Her friend. The one who isn't thrusting questions down her throat when she looks like shit, no offense."

George crossed his arms, looked down at the girl as well, backing his brother up. "Slytherin's. Always sticking their noses where they don't belong."

"Oi," Devony quickly shushed them. "She's my friend. And you two aren't my bodyguards, so lay off. I'm fine, really. No concussion. Pomfrey say's the worst I did was get a bruise on my knee on the way down."

The two looked at each other, seeming to communicate with just one glance. Sera rolled her eyes and put her attention back on Devony.

"Word does travel fast though. To be honest, I wanted to see if you were okay. Heard the fall was brutal. You hit your head on a desk and flipped backwards."

Zoe scratched behind her neck. "I heard Flitwick put the spell on you because you kept dozing off in your seat."

Devony sighed deeply, holding her mug of tea with her palms. "What vivid imaginations Hogwarts seems to have."

Finally sensing she no longer wanted to talk on the subject, the group ended the topic. A silence ensued, unsure of how to act around the newest member.

"Well," Sera broke the awkward silence, "it's been fun chatting, but Advanced Transfigurations calls." She faced the twins. "We've been in the same class for seven years. Don't pretend like you don't even recognize me."

Fred rolled his eyes and sat next Devony, while George, Zoe and Winnie sat on the other side.

"Feeling better?" Fred asked pouring himself coffee.

"My head's better if that's what you're asking. The dizziness stopped yesterday."

"Anything else the matter?" Winifred asked.

Devony sighed. "No mother, I'm quite healthy." Winifred put her hands up in defeat and started in on a half a grapefruit.

Zoe sat in front of Devony, but shoulder to shoulder with George, looking quite content. Her hair was pulled into a fishtail braid with a jeweled barrette to keep her bangs from her face. And if Devony wasn't mistaken, she used a soft, but pleasant perfume coming form her. It made her happy to see her friend this untroubled. She remembered back in the beginning of the year when they first met, how cold and silent she was. She barely made a sound and wouldn't speak to hardly anyone. Now, it was like she was emitting light from her ever pore. She smiled and wouldn't hide it, not anymore. Her head was higher; her shoulders were back. It's surprising what friendship can give you when you need it the most.

Suddenly, Devony felt much better and less like a zombie. She smiled to herself and sat up and began to eat as her friends chatted. When breakfast was over, she headed to Care of Magical Creatures with the twins and Zoe. The air was cold and crisp, but most of the snow was gone from the sun shining down on the fields. She breathed in the fresh smell of morning and linked her arm with Zoe's.

"Well, good morning to you too," Zoe giggled. "Chipper now, are you?"

Devony shrugged. "Maybe. It might just be being outside again. The sun. The forest. I needed some fresh air."

The four made it down the hill and some of the last to arrive to class. Devony almost forgot that Hagrid was now teaching. He was reading a textbook, which looked miniscule in own hands. His lips moved as he read across the page, forming the words. She felt disappointment that she wouldn't be taught by Grubbly-Plank, but recalled that even she talked well of him as a teacher.

He looked up to see that the class was full and set down the textbook on the grass. "Hello, everyone. Good morning. This morning we are going to, er, discuss the growth of a dragon egg. If you'll all just go to page two hundred and eighty-three…"

"Wait," Fred called, calling Hagrid's attention. "We were supposed to see the Thestrals today."

The class murmured in agreement. Hagrid looked up at his disappointed pupils and cleared his throat. "Classes are now taking a more, uh, text book approach. Makes the learning experience…less dangerous."

"Thestrals are one of the least dangerous creatures in the magical world," Devony spoke over the fuss. She didn't raise her hand, but Hagrid's eyes immediately traveled to her. He smiled gently.

"Miss Laurent. Glad to have you in class today—"

"They are gentle and smart, the farthest thing from dangerous. Why can't we learn about them up close?"

"Because they're freakin' scary," a Ravenclaw boy exclaimed. "I heard they bring bad luck everywhere they go. I'd rather read book work than see that thing face to face."

Devony rolled her eyes. "That thing you're referring to happens to have more intelligence in its right nostril than you have in your entire body." She turned back to her professor. "Why can't we see them? The fifth years got to the other day."

Hagrid cleared his throat again, his cheeks turning a faint pink shade. "Professor Umbridge has taken the circumstances of all the classes at Hogwarts in consideration for what's best for you lot. All classes will be assigned text-book studies only."

An uproar of yelling and groaning sounded, which drowned whatever Hagrid, was still talking about. Devony couldn't help herself and complained with them. The one class she never grew tired of going to was being taken away from her.

"I can't believe she's doing this!" Devony shook her head in disgust. "Grubbly-Plank wouldn't have put up with this." She mumbled under her breath.

"Dev," Zoe warned in her tone. She raised her hand above the crowd and waited until Hagrid saw her. "Sir. How are we supposed to learn about all these creatures when we can't even see or touch them? Surely you can talk to Professor Dumbledore about this?"

He voice seemed to calm everyone down. It rang out clear and loud. It grabbed everyone's attention. Those who knew her were surprised at her speaking out at all. Devony noticed her raised hand go down shakily, but her eyes locked onto Hagrid, blocking everyone else out.

He only shook his head. "It's out of my control, Miss Evans."

After a painful amount of bookwork and assignments, the students were let free. It was only at lunch did Devony speak out to her friends again.

"Is she just determined to make us all sheltered idiots? Just walking corpses who're afraid of their own shadow." Devony and Fred passed the doors of the Great Hall and came face to face with Nearly-Headless Nick. He gave her a sour look.

Fred laughed into his hand as Devony became a shade paler. "Sorry, Nick. It won't happen again."

The ghost nodded his head and floated above them, allowing them to pass.

Zoe poked her head next to Devony. "Hey, maybe you can convince your father to take you to see a heard after you graduate. He's been around them I assume?"

"Thestrals are one thing, Zoe. It's this whole system of teaching! It's complete shit!" She slammed her hands on the table as she sat down.

"Yes, we know it is. You've been saying that for the past forty-three minutes," George groaned.

"And I'll keep saying it until something's done about it." Devony grumbled scratching her thumb nail into the wood of the bench.

Devony felt a nudge at her elbow; she looked up and was brought to Fred's gaze. He looked down at her with his mischievous eyes. "Ask and ye shall receive."

"Excuse me?" Devony raised an eyebrow.

Fred shrugged and looked at his brother who shared the same expression. "We'll do something about it."

Zoe rolled her eyes. "You two are going to go up to Umbridge and ask her to change her mind? You have a better chance of getting ice water in hell."

George glanced down at the petite blonde at his side. "You seem to forget who you're talking to."

"The makers of mischief."

"The twins of trouble."

"The dangerous duo."

Devony titled her head to the side. "Okay, danger and trouble. What exactly are we receiving?"

Fred locked eyes with hers again. "Have you been to the forbidden forest after dark yet?"

"Of course not, it's off limits for a good reason," Zoe piped in, quickly. Her eyes darted between the two brothers worriedly. Devony countered her by keeping a cool expression.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Just a little adventuring," Fred said easily.

"Some exploring," George continued.

"And a few school rules being broken."

"Absolutely not," Zoe nearly shouted before Devony kicked her under the table. "No. If we get caught, Merlin only knows what Umbridge would do to us. And I can't take another one of her punishments again."

"C'mon, Zoe!" Devony begged. "This is a one in a million chance to see Thestrals. Doesn't that make it worth it?"

The three Gryffindor's looked on at he Hufflepuff, who in turn looked at the three of them pleadingly. "But it's the forbidden forest!"

"Don't worry 'bout it." George put his arm around her shoulder. "I'll be right there to save you from any danger."

Zoe smiled at George and patted his hand. "Did I say I needed saving, George?" George grumbled and poured himself a cup of coffee. "Do we all really want to get another detention with Umbridge?"

"But we won't," Fred countered. "It's the beginning of the week, no one's going to suspect us to be doing anything yet. Even if Umbridge were to be onto us, she wouldn't think it'd be out in the forbidden forest."

Devony took a sip of her tea. "She'd get her perfect pink shoes messy."


"But there's no use in going out anyway. I'm guessing we all haven't seen death yet."

Fred scowled at her. "Why so morbid?"

Devony rolled her eyes. "No, Fred. She's right; you can only see them if you've witnessed death and can accept the reality of it. How can we find something that's invisible to us?"

"Alright, alright, so we can't see them," Fred shrugged his shoulders. "But we have a way to at least find where the herd is in the forest. Right, Georgie?"

George looked with wide eyes at his brother for a moment, but then responded with a quick, "Yes. Of course."

Fred smirked. "We just happen to have a contraption that lets you find magical creature herds. We bought it over the summer in Diagon alley."

George's eyes lit up. "Right! It looks like a compass, but it'll really point you to any magical creature that's in the vicinity."

"You just so happen to have one?" Zoe asked, unconvinced.

"Of course we do." They answered the same time.

Devony shrugged. "Good enough for me. I think I'm due for a bit of adventure. What say you, Zo?"

All eyes went to Zoe. She refused to look up at them, and frowned down at her plate of untouched food. Her breathing got noticeably heavier as she struggled with a decision. When she could finally take no more, she looked up at the trio. She pointed to Devony. "You have to lend me your blue sweater when we go to Hogsmeade next." She turned to George. "And you have to promise me you'll do your own Transfiguration essay and not pay some Ravenclaw to do it for you."

"Done." Devony said.

"Eh…." George looked away reluctantly.

"It's done," Fred said, slapping his brother's arm, motioning for him to get up. "Meet us near Hagrid's hut at nine o'clock. He'll be on his way to Diagon alley to hit the pub. Until then."

George kissed Zoe's cheek quick, and the two disappeared into the crowd leaving the dining hall, whispering to each other all the way.

"Do you trust them?" Zoe asked, following Devony's gaze.

She leaned her cheek on her hand and sighed. "Not as far as I can throw them."

Fred and George had been right. It seemed nobody would suspect anything on a Tuesday night; the hallways were stiff with silence, only the soft hiss of dimly lit lanterns hung above. Devony met Zoe down in the kitchens, and narrowly missed being caught by Filch, who snored himself awake just outside the passage. Silently laughing to themselves, they tiptoed down the hallway and out towards the greenhouses. Once outside, they walked with haste despite the bitter cold biting at their noses and cheeks.

"I can't believe it!" Zoe shouted over the wind. "We snuck out."

"Pretty easily, too," Devony said looking back to make sure no one had followed.

"Do you do this a lot? My heart feels like it's going to leap out of my chest!" Zoe laughed again.

"Okay, calm down, we haven't finished the job yet," Devony said, smiling. She rubbed her hands together, feeling the zing of adrenalin she always felt when she was up to no good. The two slowed when they came near Hagrid's hut. The inside was dark, and over the sound of wind they could barley hear snoring, which Zoe shortly assured me was only Hagrid's four legged friend, Fang. Devony smiled at that piece of information. The two then shortly came upon the twins, dressed nearly identical, naturally. The only thing that set them apart from their grey winter jackets and white hats were their cardigans, peeking slightly out from their collars, Fred in red and George in tan.

"Evening," Zoe said, unable to hide her grin.

"Evening," the two echoed, matching her grin.

"Well," Devony said, looking at the two. "Where are they?"

They looked at her like she was mad. She huffed. "This incredible invention you found. That points us in the direction of thestrals."

"Ahh," Fred put his finger up and nodded his head. "You mean, magical creatures. Yes. We have them." The boys fished in their pockets and produced two little silver pieces with a nob on the top end.

"You brought pocket watches?" Zoe asked.

"Not exactly," George walked closer to her and pushed the knob part. It opened with a click, revealing inside what looked like a compass, with N at the top, S at the bottom, E to the right, and W to the left.

"A compass?" Devony probed.

"No!" Fred said impatiently. "It's a MCI. Magical Creature Identifier. The fellow at the shop told us."

"What shop?" Zoe asked.

Fred snapped his MCI shut. "You expect us to give away our source of rare magical gadgets. Not likely. Now, come on. We have some searching to do."

Devony almost felt like arguing with him to get to the bottom of these MCI's, but she was more excited to find a heard of Thestrals. The four retrieved their wands and recited lumos when they were safely hidden, deep inside the forest. The white light illuminated the dark trees around them, casting eerie but beautiful shadows around them.

"So how does it work?" Devony asked, peering at the contraption in Fred's hands. Fred pulled the silver piece closer to him and coughed.

"It's supposed to point us in the direction of the heard—"

" a compass…" Zoe mumbled.

"…not like a compass. But I think Georgie's is interfering with mine."

George nodded. "Right. Mine keeps going haywire, all over the place. We should probably split up."

"Split up!" Zoe cried. The other three shushed her. She frowned and crossed her arms. "Nothing ever comes good of that. That's exactly what happened in The Evil Dead!"

The Gryffindors looked at her funny.

"The Evil Dead…an eighty's horror film. Really, do any of you even step into the non-magical world?"

George stepped in front of Zoe. "Look, Zoe, nothing's going to happen. You've got me, and I wouldn't let anything touch you, I promise. Okay?"

Her face slowly turned from sour back it tranquil self. She breathed in and out, and then clapped her hands together. "Alright, come on people, can't let my one and only night of delinquency be cut short. We'll go west, and Fred and Devony can go east."

George smiled and took his girlfriend by hand and led her away. "And if anything did posses my body, I'd let you off me first."

Devony heard Zoe smack George on the arm, followed by more scolding. Devony chuckled to herself and turned her body in the opposite direction.

"Better get moving. We're wasting night time!"

"Right." Fred raised his eyebrows and walked at a faster pace to catch up to the blonde. After a few minutes of walking around, following Fred's orders of which way to go (which did involve walking around the same tree twice), she finally spoke up.

"So where did you find that thing…"

"How did you start talking to that girl?" he interrupted. He stared straight, not even glancing down at her.

"What? Who are you talking—"

"Holland. Sera Holland."

"Sera? She's in a few of my classes so what?"

"So what?" Fred laughed. "She's…she's…!"

Devony narrowed her eyes and stopped. "What? She's what, a Slytherin? Honestly, Fred…"

"I wasn't going to say that," he said sternly, turning to face her. "Pardon me for trying to look out for you. Sorry that all the Slytherin's I've met haven't been the most welcoming."

"I do have a good judge of character, you know," she argued. "She's a good person. I know it. And she just so happens to think when you're not being a tosser, you can be very funny!"

Fred opened his mouth to say something, and then closed it. Devony cracked a smile, which in turn made him smile. "Fine, you win. I guess the girl's not terrible. I don't trust her, not yet, though."

"Fine." Devony agreed, and kept moving. After a few moments of silence, she looked over at him.

"My turn for a question."

He shrugged. "Alright."

"That thing in your hand is a regular old compass isn't it?"

He stared at her, down at his hand and tried to look for the right words. "It's not that…what it is…yeah, yeah it's a compass."

She laughed as he pocketed the silver. "So tonight was just so George would snog with Zoe without getting caught by prying eyes?"

He glanced at her and nodded. "Something along those lines…I still wanted an adventure though. Been cramped in that castle for too long."

"Then why not just explore the Forbidden Forest with George?" she asked. She noticed her free hand was shaking and shoved it into her pockets.

"Well…I could have. But, it's fun with more people. You know…" he trailed off.

Devony smiled to herself. "So, now we're just walking around aimlessly because…?"

"Because why not?" he beamed down at her. She laughed in agreement to that. The toe to her boot stubbed against something, making her nearly loose her balance.

"Whoa!" She put her hand out, losing her wand in the process as she fell to her side to the ground. Her wand rolled a few paces away, hitting against a tree stump

"Dev!" Fred called, crouching down. "Are you okay?" With lack of light, she couldn't see most of him, but she knew he was close. Very close.

She grunted in response as he pulled her up into a sitting position on the cold ground. "Yep. Just me being clumsy."

He chuckled, his breath tickling her cheek. He grasped her arms and pulled her up to stand. She struggled to regain her balance and had to lean on him to get her bearings. Once she stood up correctly, she looked up at him.

"You good?" he asked. He was even closer.

"Good." She affirmed. She could make out his brown eyes and his fine red eyebrows. She was also very aware that he was still holding onto her arms. She swallowed. Was it just her imagination or had the breeze faded? She couldn't hear anything but their breathing. And was it her, or was Fred's head getting closer and closer to hers. Closer. Closer.


Devony gasped. She looked down at her feet. "Did I break my wand?"

"What?" Fred asked, sounding a tad breathless. "Oh, no, it rolled over here. I'll get it." She saw his figure jog over to the tree and retrieve the wand, the white light still shining on the end. "See. Just a little muddy."


Devony turned around. Nothing. "Fred." He came walking, very quietly towards her. She took her wand put in her right hand. She heard him reach for his wand. The two were now back to back. Her breath became heavy, but she tried to control it, telling herself to calm down. Suddenly, she felt herself reach for Fred's hand. He felt her and entwined their fingers together. It calmed her a bit.

"I don't see anything," Fred whispered.

Devony was about to respond when a loud sniff come from her right. It sounded similar to a horse.



"Did you—"

"Yes. Yes, I did hear it."

The two turned in the direction of the noise and shined their wands in front of them.

Fred looked around but saw nothing. He was the first to speak. "Do you think it's out there? A Thestral, I mean. I can definitely hear it but…"

His voice trailed as he turned to Devony. Her wand was still out stretched, hand gripping it tightly. Her eyes were wide. Her mouth slightly agape.

"Devony…?" Fred asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I see it." She whispered. "I see it. It's standing…about ten feet away."

She stared at the creature. It was marvelous. She was marvelous. Illuminated by her wand, Devony could see the filly as it stared back at her with intense black eyes. Her wings were slightly out, partly curious, partly cautious. They were nearly translucent, allowing blue veins to be seen, here and there.

"She's beautiful…" Devony said faintly.

Fred gripped her arm. "Devony. How can you see them?"

That seemed to snap her out of the trance. She blinked, lowered her wand and looked at Fred.

"I don't…I can't…"

"Well, you must have, somehow."

Devony blinked again, but couldn't come up with anything. The only person who she knew who had passed around her were her grandmother and grandfather. Grandmother passed in a hospital, she wasn't there when she has died, just her mother and grandfather. And grandfather. Grandfather has heart problems. Right? He had a problem…he must have…

Her eyes locked onto Fred's. She thought she saw him say her name, but she couldn't hear it. It was all a dull roar in her head.

Inside a closet. Devony was on the floor of the closet. She was told to take a nap, but she was sneaky and hid in the downstairs coat closet instead to play with the old trinkets that lay in the back. She was in the middle of pretending she was in the safari when she heard a knock at the front door. She slid to the back and pressed both hands over her mouth. She didn't want to get caught and get in trouble. She heard Grandfather come from the other room and open the door.

"Hello, Monkey. What brings you here?"

"I don't have all day. Let us inside. Please." It was a woman's voice.

"Come in. Come in."

Two pairs of feet came into the house. They all walked into the living room. Someone sat down in the large rocking chair. She they did because it started to squeak faintly.

"You won't answer my phone calls anymore," the woman called Monkey said.

"I have a reason for that," Grandfather spoke in a low but clear tone. "And I know why you're here. The answer is still no."

"Listen to her, Alaric. This could save you and your family in the long run." There was a man there too. She suspected he was sitting in the rocking chair.

"You don't understand," Monkey's voice got higher. "I can't save you if you don't join us now!"

"Join?" Grandfather almost shouted. "How could I? Voldemort is not a man you should be siding with. He is an evil man."

"Evil?" Monkey shouted. "He wants to cleanse this world. Of unpure wizards and witches, how is that evil? If that mud blood doctor had done more for your wife, maybe she would still be here."

There was a stiff silence in the room, and even the rocking had stopped. Devony knew she was talking about Grandmother. She scooted closer to the door.

"Do not bring Matilda into this," Grandfather's voice was low, but it was loud too. Devony wasn't sure how he did that. "That doctor is not to blame. No one was."

"If you aren't with Voldemort, you are against him." The man in the chair spoke again. He wasn't as desperate as Monkey was, but spoke with urgency.

"Thomas!" Monkey silenced him. Devony peeked though the slight crack in the door. She could make out the main sitting in the chair. He had brown hair, parted neatly to the side. He wore a nice suit. His eyes, though, were cold and calculating. She could also see Grandfather; he was facing the woman in the room who had her back to the closet door. She has long, brown hair that came to her waist and a long black skirt that came to her ankles.

Grandfather stared at Monkey, his eyes drilling into hers. "I know who I stand with. And I am sorry to see you choose the wrong side."


Devony tried to sit up on the wooden floor and accidently hit her elbow on the door jam, making the tiniest thump.

Thomas looked around the room. "Did you hear that?"

Grandfather's eyes went to the closet and looked down. He locked eyes with Devony. Her eyes went wide and covered her mouth again. She saw his teeth clench and stare back at the couple.

"And I will tell you this. We will win."

The woman backed up, almost surprised. Thomas strode to Monkey's side, now his back to Devony. She could still see Grandfather though; he glanced at Devony and then back up.

"I am sorry to see you turn your back on goodness. I truly am. But I cannot change you. Good will always win. We fight for what is right and just, and as long the people remember that, you will lose."

Devony suddenly saw Thomas with a wand in his hand, behind his back.

"Evil will lose. And I will make sure of that!"

Thomas pointed his wand at Grandfather and yelled something. She saw Grandfather fly in the air and hit the wall behind him. The woman screamed just as Devony did, as he hit the wall and fell to the ground. Devony squeezed her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide and frightened.

"No! NO!" The woman screamed over and over again. Thomas yelled they had to leave fast. The woman ran to the body in the floor ignoring him. Thomas ran out of the room, leaving the door open. The woman stood over the body, shivering slightly. Finally the woman tore herself away and ran out the door, slamming the door shut behind her.

It was quiet. Very quiet. Devony still sat, her hands covering her mouth, eyes wet. She couldn't think of a time that was this quiet. She pushed the door open, but still sat there. He lay on his back, unmoving. His belly went up and down, breathing very quietly.

Suddenly, Devony pushed herself up from the ground and ran to her Grandfather. His eyes open, partly, staring up at the ceiling.

"Grandpa," she said quietly, kneeling down next to him to hug him around his neck. He turned his head and slowly put his hand on her head. "Grandpa, get up. Please. You have to get up now."

She sat up again, wiping the tears from her eyes. He smiled up at her, and shushed her. "Don't cry, Cinderella. No tears now."

Devony started to tear up again. "Promise me you'll get better, okay?"

He brought his hand to hers and entwined their pinkies. "I promise you, Devony Rosalind Laurent, that I will get better. For you."

His hand then went to her cheek and cupped it. "What a strong girl you are. So brave."

His eyes smiled up at her, and then looked up. His hand drooped, and fell to his side. Devony stared at him. He didn't move. His belly didn't go up and down. He was still.

She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them. She wiped her tears on her jeans and looked out the window. No sun shone through the windows. The sky was visible but grey, like it might threaten to rain.