Hey all! You made it to the next chapter and thank you for reading thus far. Here is the next installment of Protect Me. I hope you enjoy it and thank you mistofan for your reviews and thank you so much for your continued support. I absolutely adore this chapter and I hope you do as well.
The ending of Protect Me (I am so proud of myself for keeping at 10 chapters)
Please Read and Review
Chapter 10
White walls, white linoleum floor, white sheets, white nightstand welcomed Ukime as she was walked into the room by the staff in their white uniforms. Ukime never felt more sick of a lack of color than she had when she entered the room with her white pants and white straightjacket. The door closed and Ukime sat on the bed, annoyed at herself, annoyed at Konoha for putting her in that room, and angry as all get out at Kakashi.
Ukime was tested and finally given medication to help her with her depression and anger as well as bring down her Chakra level to a bare minimum level. Yet Ukime was smart and after swallowing the medication and noticing the changes in her chakra she stopped swallowing the medication and instead pushed them to the side of her cheeks until she was alone in which she spit them out in the sheets. After the first week Ukime was thought to have her chakra low enough to where she could not escape, and oh how wrong they were.
The straightjacket was taken off because the staff believed there would be no danger from her against the staff or herself and the first chance Ukime had she escaped by using her Gale Wind Palm Jutsu and running out of the building long enough to sense Kakashi's chakra and go after him with her anger intense chakra.
Her plan failed as ANBU overtook her before she could land an attack on the masked Jounin and was dragged back to the mental institution and forced back into the straightjacket, and instead of being fed food and medication, she was given a liquid diet for a month before being introduced to solid food with her medication mashed into the food. A month later was allowed out of the straightjacket.
After a year Ukime was finally trusted to get medication once more, and not liking the odd feeling of her chakra suppressed once again pushed the pills on the side of her cheek and hid them in the solid food she did not like. The girl's anger didn't really register to the staff anymore, they thought she had finally overcome it until she skipped out on the staff once more, this time not to fight Kakashi, but to go to the KIA stone to see Uchiha Obito's name engraved since she never got a chance to do so.
Her plan backfired when she saw Kakashi also at the KIA stone and her anger flared as strongly as it did before the mental institution and she attacked, landing a few good punches and kicks to the man who refused to retaliate before starting on her mental list of jutsus before ANBU once again took a hold of the situation and brought her once more into custody.
It took years of living in the mental institution before Ukime finally understood that her rage wasn't helping her, it helped her jutsu, yes, but not her. It was like a poison that was eating away at her and was essentially destroying her life more than her parents ever could. After this realization, which happened in her mid twenties Ukime wanted to talk to Kakashi, without the rage. She began to plan a way to get out, but this time with the medication taking its full effect so her rage could not get the best of her. She looked out the small window and wondered just how much Konoha had changed without her, and taking a breath began to plan her third escape.
Ukime looked up as her food was being served, her medication crushed and mixed inside and she ate it all, not wanting even the slightest chance for her rage to interrupt her conversation-to-be with the man she blamed, but wanted to talk to without the drama of her chakra being present and taking control over her.
Ukime waited patiently until the wait staff came back in and simply knocked them out with the tray the plate of food came on. Nice, simple, and enough to at least give her a few more minutes to talk to Kakashi. She crept out of the institution and into the outside world and she stretched happily in the sunlight before heading into the village, nicking a kunai or two from lower class shinobi, most likely Genin and headed to the KIA stone first to pay her respects. Upon getting there she saw a scene was already happening; one that almost made her laugh. Her old teammate, Maito Gai and Hatake Kakashi, each in a fighting stance, playing rock paper scissors, with six, what Ukime deducted to most likely be the students, of the two Jounin. Kakashi played rock as Gai played scissors. Gai responded as he always had
"Oh my eternal rival Kakashi-san, your hip cool persona has beat me again, I will do 100 laps around Konoha- ah. Ukime-chan?" Upon hearing her name Kakashi whipped around and she looked at him briefly before taking her kunai and getting what she wanted off her chest. She rushed him and her kunai clanged against his.
"Murderer" She muttered low enough that only he could hear
"Kakashi-sensei" three of the children yelled in alarm in unison.
"I didn't murder him Ukime-chan" Kakashi said, noting that she wasn't adding chakra to her attacks, and upon closer inspection had none to use on him, which he allowed some slack on the girl, he didn't want to hurt her.
"I'll go get ANBU" Gai said as he sped off
"The jutsu was for you Hatake-teme" Ukime said with a light glare as she broke apart to have their kunai clang together once more
"He pushed me out of the way"
"You stole his eye" Ukime said as she tried once more to do a slight amount of damage to the Jounin with no success
"He gave it to me for becoming Jounin" Kakashi replied and Ukime sighed dropping her kunai
"I don't know why I am bothering to fight you, I know I can't win" Ukime said as she sighed.
"Ukime-chan, there's something I want to tell you" Kakashi said and Ukime raised one of her lavender eyebrows
"Just tell me this Hatake-san" Ukime asked and noted that he relaxed a bit without the added –teme honorific "Did you try everything you could to get him out?" She asked, emotion flaring in her eyes as she awaited his answer
"Of course I did, I was crying when I left the cave" Kakashi exclaimed, pocketing his kunai, and purposefully leaving out the fact that it was Obito's eye that was crying not his own. Ukime closed her blue eyes and sighed
"Who the hell is she Kakashi-sensei?" One of his students asked and Ukime opened her eyes and looked at the boy before smiling
"My name is Gekido Ukime, what is your name?" Ukime asked gently and sincerely. Naruto, who had never been talked to that way gawked at the woman in white before straightening his posture and showed the basis of some mannerisms
"I am Uzumaki Naruto and I will be the next Hokage!" He said proudly and Ukime grinned at the boy. Naruto, thinking that her grin was mocking wiped the proud smirk off his face and was ready to bite back at her behavior until she said
"I'm sure you will be, and I bet you will be the greatest Hokage Konoha has ever seen" She said genuinely which made his teammates gawk at the woman, and Naruto himself looked shock for a sheer second before grinning a grin Ukime found familiar
"You better believe it dattebayo!" He said before winking at her and giving her a thumbs up. Ukime looked back to the masked Jounin and smiled
"I am so sorry for blaming you for something that could have never been your fault and for attacking you senselessly" Ukime said as she looked down to the ground
"Ukime-chan I" Kakashi started before being interrupted once more
"You again?" the ANBU captain said, exasperated that he would have to deal with the escaping mental patient again
"Hello, I am not going to fight, I think I am ready to go back" Ukime said and held out her arms, palms up, shocking the ANBU captain who had to fight her into submission enough to put chakra suppressors on her to drag her back. The ANBU tied her hands up and Ukime grinned at Kakashi over her shoulder "Bye Kakashi-san" she said as she was led away. Kakashi watched beating himself mentally for not doing what he wanted to over a decade ago and sighed before looking at his team.
"Training is postponed until tomorrow" Kakashi said before using a body flicker to get himself closer to the Hokage's office.
Ukime was surprised not to be put in a straightjacket but shrugged it off, focusing her thoughts on what she was able to accomplish in her short outing outside.
"Gekido-san you have a visitor" One of the staff said and opened the door. Confused, since she hadn't had a single visitor in her entire stay, stood to greet whoever it was.
"Kakashi-san!" Ukime said genuinely surprised as the Jounin looked around, wincing at all the white that surrounded and engulfed him. The staff closed the door after instructing Kakashi to knock on the door to let him out. "What are you doing here?" Ukime said, brushing her long lavender hair out of her face and sitting on the bed, and patted the spot next to her. Kakashi took a deep breath and sat down next to her.
"I have wanted to say this for the longest time" Kakashi admitted as he scratched the back of his neck from his nervousness, earning a smile from the woman. "I know you loved Obito, but since I met you, which I am extremely glad for Obito for, I have been intrigued by you, and at one point I found that I had feelings for you" Kakashi admitted not looking at the woman.
"Oh" Ukime noted, before looking away, towards the area which had the only color in the room, the window.
"I understand if you don't feel the same, but the feeling still remains"
"I am so sorry Kakashi-san" Ukime said as she closed her eyes and Kakashi felt his reserve break "It must have killed you in that clearing when I said I loved Obito, and I can't imagine how much pain I have caused you, both mentally and physically" she admitted "I understand your feelings Kakashi-san, but I don't know if it were, or how, it would work out for us if I am stuck in here, even if I find I am capable of reciprocating your feelings" Ukime confessed and Kakashi looked into her blue eyes
"I talked to the Hokage, he said he would let you out on a probationary type notice to see if you can handle the real world again" Kakashi said; hope barely seeping through his aloof voice. Ukime smiled lightly at him after her initial shock wore off
"I feel as if everything has changed since I was put in here" Ukime said honestly, "But I would love to be away from the whiteness of here" Ukime admitted with a sigh of relief which brought out a chuckle from the masked man next to her. Ukime looked up into his steel eye in mild fascination
"I don't think I ever heard you laugh before" Ukime admitted and Kakashi gave her his signature eye crease smile, which caused Ukime to smile at him as well.
"There is a catch"
"There always is" Ukime said with a shrug
"You have to take your medication, which will slowly allow your chakra to increase until your probation is over" Kakashi said
"Okay" Ukime said with a shrug "At this point I would do anything for outside food" Ukime admitted with a small laugh of her own as she smiled.
"Come on" Kakashi said as he took her small hand into his large calloused one. Ukime smiled at him and followed him out of her white prison and into the colored outside world, which only made it all the more better knowing that she was allowed to stay out there rather in the institution. Kakashi led her to her apartment and gave her a standard set of shinobi uniform which she gratefully changed into.
"Hey Obito-kun" Ukime said as she found herself tracing the inscription of his name before pulling out his necklace he gave her all those years ago "I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me, even introducing me to Kakashi-kun. I think you would be shocked at how much he has changed he kind of acts like both of us mixed together surprisingly." Ukime laughed "He has a student, Naruto-chan, that reminds me so much of you and I feel blessed to know him. I just need advice with one thing Obito-kun, Kakashi-kun likes me, a lot, but I don't know if I could love him back, it would be great to have some sort of sign, but I understand if you are enjoying your afterlife.
I don't know honestly who has changed my life more Obito-kun, you or Kakashi. They are both significant changes, that's for sure, you changed my life by literally crashing into me" Ukime said with a laugh "But Kakashi picked up the pieces of my life after your untimely death and pieced them back together"
"I think I did the better job" Kakashi admitted as he set the bouquet of flowers at he stone and Ukime scoffed
"No I think Obito-kun did" Ukime said as she pushed Kakashi playfully on the shoulder
"No I did" Kakashi said as he hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. She blushed a deep crimson and looked away. "Sorry" Kakashi said as he let go.
"Kakashi-kun" Ukime asked and Kakashi smirked at the honorific, although it was unseen under his mask
"Yes" He answered the lavender haired woman
"Can I see his eye?" She asked innocently and Kakashi sighed, how about we go to my place and have some tea then I will show you" Kakashi suggested
"Hmm" Ukime said as she placed a finger on her chin in thought "Udon?"
"Yes we can get some udon to go" Kakashi compromised with the woman but found it was worth it when she grinned at him. "Come on" Kakashi said and took her hand, squeezing it before sighing contently at the situation.
Ukime sat happily on Kakashi's sofa as she broke apart her chopsticks and dove into her to go container of udon as Kakashi put a pot of water on the stove before he too sat on the couch. Ukime looked at him with noodles sticking out of her mouth looking innocently at the man before going back to her meal and Kakashi grinned under his mask, wanting to take her lips with his own and to be the only one she ever looked that way too ever again.
Slurping up the rest of her noodles she looked back up at the man
"Can I see it now?" Ukime asked and Kakashi chuckled
"Eat the rest of your food and she scoffed playfully at him
"You haven't even started on yours" she said mock sarcastically before finishing off her udon in silence before looking up and noticing his was completely devoured. She looked at him in shock "How do you do that?" she asked
"Practice" Kakashi said and Ukime kneeled towards him on his sofa in preparation to look at Obito's eye
"Can I see it now?" Ukime asked excited and Kakashi grinned before pushing up his hitai-ate and watched as Ukime got closer to his face to get a closer look at the swirling Sharingan that was once Obito's. "Do you mind if I touch?" Ukime asked softly leaning even closer, her breath falling onto Kakashi's cheeks and he had to hold in his desire to wrap his arms around the woman and kiss her senseless.
"Sure" he said as his breath tickled her cheek and nose as her fingers lightly traced the scar and Kakashi closed his eye as he absorbed the pleasure of her light touch as it brought Goosebumps to his skin from the pleasure. Her fingers lightly traced the scar down to the top of his mask
"May I?" Ukime asked and Kakashi had to take in a sharp intake of breath as he knew that controlling himself with his mask off would be harder to do than with his mask on.
"Sure" He managed to get out softly and Ukime pulled down the fabric that covered his face slowly, and Kakashi wondered if she was doing it to torture him. Her fingers brushed against his lips momentarily before once again tracing the scar the entire way through and to his jawbone as the woman soaked in his features and once again brushed his lips before passing to rest on his left jawbone. His eyes opened before he took his hand and placed it behind her neck and pulled her into his lips, shocking her for a moment before she closed her eyes and relaxed into the kiss. Kakashi brought his other hand around her waist and pulled her quickly closer to him, shocking her into opening her mouth into the kiss and he quickly took the chance to entangle his tongue against hers. His lips trailed down her jawbone before he began sucking and nibbling at her neck.
"Kakashi" she moaned and he grinned into her neck. Her small hand found its way against his jawbone and she pushed his lips once more onto her hers before placing her lips onto his eye "I think this Obito's way of telling us to just get together already" Ukime laughed softly in his ear and Kakashi brought her closer to him
"I have everything to thank him for" Kakashi whispered in her ear, and watched gleefully as she shivered in his embrace at the action "My Sharingan, my status, and most importantly bringing you in my life" Kakashi whispered hoarsely into her ear, watching as once again she shivered by the action before he bit her earlobe spontaneously.
"Ah" Ukime said before Kakashi crashed his lips once more onto hers.
And it was true; if it weren't for Uchiha Obito they never would have met. If it weren't for Uchiha Obito they would not be together. They both owed everything to Uchiha Obito, and made it a point to go and thank him every single day, together, at the KIA stone to honor his memory and to each express how much it meant for them to be together because of him.
Because of Uchiha Obito.