I know, I know, I should be working on YJL but I'm having some inner turmoil about what I want to include in the next chapter and this has been sitting in my notebook since May. It's not meant to be slash but you can see it that way if you really want to.

Disclaimer: I don't own Green Arrow, Red Arrow, Artemis, or Black Canary, they are all owned by DC.

Warning: Minor cursing and veryy~ short.

Roy crashed though the window of his home, somersaulting onto the floor and landing in a crouch. He stood up and closed his window with a bang, the glass rattling in its frame.

He silently raged to himself as he made his way towards the dingy kitchen. Ollie- Oliver- no, Green Arrow- had replaced him. Him! The boy who he claimed was like a son to him. The kid he claimed was one of the most important people in his life. Him: Roy, Speedy, Red Arrow. But along with the discovery of Green Arrow's new sidekick (Athena or what ever the hell her name was) Roy realized something; he didn't mean anything to that blonde man whore. He was just something to make him look better to the public, until Roy started to ruin his image and Green Arrow traded him in for a new kid.

Roy wished he hadn't gotten rid of that infernal hat- he really needed something to throw.

Roy knew he was being difficult. It wasn't like Oliver hadn't come to his rundown apartment, begging for the teen to come back. It wasn't like he hadn't blown up Roy's phone and answering machine with messages. And- oh god, this was really starting to sound like a bad break up from one of Dinah's soap operas.

The young archer knew Ollie cared, more than Roy was willing to admit or even tolerate. Really, he hadn't expected for Ollie to just give up on him.

That was probably why it hurt so much.

Roy didn't want to say it, but he knew it was his own fucking fault.

He could have responded or tried to reconcile with Green Arrow. At first he ignored him because he was a raging ball of teenage angst and anger. After he finally had a little time to cool down, Roy wanted to do it but never could. IT was always, 'maybe next' or next time for sure'.

And now, there was no next time.

Roy really needed to talk to Dinah about her damn TV choices.
