A/N: Hi everybody! I know probably NONE of you even remember me or this story! Last update...was March...I am officially a terrible person. I'm so sosososososososososo sorry! School and life and laziness have all gotten in the way! Plus, I've really lost most of my original inspiration for this story. I'm having such issues with what to DO with these people in the time in between when they arrive at Hogwarts and like 4th year when we can get into all the Romantic awesomeness! I'm not gonna lie I'm in this for the relationships, and 11 year olds can't really have relationships! That is a huge problem! I have literally just been sitting making up OCs for days. I now have a special someone for everyone! YAY! I kind of love some of my OCs a little too much, so you guys will be getting alot of other little subplot relationships between other characters besides Lily and Sev. I really could use any ideas you guys have of what to do with these guys in their in between years. I'm not going to tell you that I'll update more often because that'll end up being a big fat LIE! I'm also going to try some POV switching and see how that goes. I really want to thank any of you that come back after all this time to read and review. Also I want to thank the most recent reviewers/followers/favoriters. You guys made me want to write more for you. I want to thank in particular chellehill for being one of those awesome people who followed/favorited the story, followed/favorited me as an author AND left a review. That made me really want to get in here an write, so this chap is dedicated to you, chellehill, if you're reading, thank you! Aaaaaand that awkward moment when the author's note is longer than the chapter...on with the update! Oh and disclaimer: I don't own, JKR does.

Lily POV

When she first arrived, she had been so excited that she forgot to be nervous...until the Sorting Hat had directed her away from the only person she knew in this whole new magical world. Then she had a mini, internal panic attack. Sev was the one who had showed her this world. Everything she knew about magic, he had shown her. But a few minutes after she sat at the Gryffindor table, a newly sorted girl named Mary MacDonald asked if she could sit with her. Of course, Lily agreed. Shortly after, another girl named Marlene plopped down beside Lily.

"Hey there! I'm Marlene McKinnon," she introduced herself. "And I'm Mary MacDonald," the first girl said. Lily smiled shyly at the two, "I'm Lily, Lily Evans." Her attention was the suddenly redirected to the Hat and the black haired boy sitting under it. She recognized him from the train...James Potter.

"Better be...GRYIFFINDOR!" the Hat shouted. The boy jumped up with a happy yell and ran towards her table. He high-fived a handsome boy with black hair slightly longer than his own, ginning wildly, "We did it Sirius!" He plopped himself between the boy called Sirius and a boy with sandy blond hair. Realizing that he had practically just sat on the poor guy beside him, James turned and apologized. He introduced himself and cracked a joke that made the sandy haired boy smile slightly. Lily could hear the boy introduce himself as Remus Lupin. James also introduced himself to the boy across from Remus, who introduced himself as Peter Pettigrew. Lily was then suddenly distracted from observing the fastest friend maker she'd ever seen, by hearing Sev's name called out.

She crossed her fingers and silently prayed that Sev would be with her. She wasn't quite sure how she would survive this strange, new world without him right by her side. She had also heard about a strong rivalry between her house and Slytherin house, so she silently pleaded that Sev would not end up in Slytherin house. Marlene, noticing her nervousness, poked her slightly, causing her to jump. "A bit edgy are we? That a friend of yours?" she gestured to Sev, sitting with the oversized hat perched on his black hair. "Yes, he's my best friend. We live near each other back home and I'd be totally lost here without my only friend," Lily answered. Marlene gave her hand a gentle squeeze, "Don't worry about it! Even if he isn't sorted with us, you still have me and Mary here. We're going to be your new other best friends!" Lily smiled at Marlene gratefully, "Thanks." The Sorting Hat spent a little longer considering Sev than most of the other students, but it finally announced its decision. "Better be Ravenclaw!" it cried. Mary leaned across the table, "I hear that Ravenclaws and Gryffindors get along really well! And from what I heard about the schedules this year, I think there will be a lot of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor mixed classes!" Lily sighed in relief, feeling enormously better. She looked up, caught Sev's eye and grinned at him. Surely he must be having similar worries about being separated. She waved, hoping to give him some reassurance.

Later that evening, Lily, Marlene, Mary, and a girl called Emmeline Vance who had joined their small group, made their way with the rest of their housemates to Gryffindor Tower. The girls were thrilled to find that they were roommates. They settled into their dormitory and talked until they fell asleep. As Lily fell asleep in her new bed, she smiled, feeling the relief that her new friends brought. Deep down it was more than just new school, first day jitters. Lily was always fearful of situations where she had to make new friends. She was truly afraid of rejection as even her own sister had thought she was a "freak." Sev had been the only true friend she had, the only one who accepted her true self. But now, she felt she truly belonged somewhere.

Her first day of classes was a blur. She had most all of them with Marlene, Mary, and Emmeline. The boy from the train, James Potter, and his newly formed group of friends seemed to share most of her classes as well. She sat near him in one or two and he'd throw her the occasional friendly smile. But best of all, Sev shared nearly every single class with her! They didn't sit together in every class, as she occasionally sat with Marlene, and he with one of his new friends. Honestly, it made her quite happy when he sat with one of the other boys. She knew Sev was quiet, that she was his only real friend throughout his childhood, and that he sometimes struggled with making friends. So she was delighted when she saw him sitting contentedly beside one of his new roommates. She hoped to meet them soon, and wanted to introduce Sev to her new roommates as well. After dinner that evening, she greeted him outside the Great Hall with a warm hug. "How was your day, Sev?" "It was actually one of the best days of my life, yours?" "Wonderful!" she grinned at him. "Hey Sev, even though I see you in like every class, and at meals and stuff, I want to meet up this weekend. Saturday, maybe. You bring your friends, I'll bring mine, I think we should all be properly introduced, don't you think?" Though he hesitated slightly, he smiled, "That's a great idea Lily!" She gave him one last goodnight hug and went off to Gryffindor tower, wearing a grin packed with excitement. She couldn't wait for Saturday.

Near skipping around the corner, lost in excited thought, Lily wasn't prepared to run smack dab into a person. Both Lily and the stranger went sprawling to the stone floor with a pair of light thuds. "Oh I'm so sorry, how clumsy of me!" the girl pushed herself from the ground and extended a hand to Lily. "No no, I wasn't paying attention," Lily replied. The girl helped Lily to her feet, and handed her the book she had dropped. "I'm Kate. Kate Rowan, Ravenclaw. You're Lily aren't you?" she said with a warm smile. Lily could tell that Kate was one of those girls who would grown up to be absolutely gorgeous without ever trying. She had dark brown, wavy hair, and ever so slightly tanned skin with the apples of her cheeks tinted the palest pink with the last remnants of summer sun's kiss. Her smile was warm, and kind. Her eyes were a stunning, deep green wrought with a glint that could only mask a wise, clever soul. Kate was tall, slim, and walked with a calm, confidant stride that Lily immediately envied. But in all her beauty, she could see that Kate was truly humble and kind. "I'm Lily Evans, Gryffindor." The pair ended up wandering the halls, together, deep in comfortable, friendly conversation. By the end, the pair ended up in front of the Fat Lady portrait. "Lily it was so nice to meet you! I've seen you in a few of my classes; I hope we become great friends!" Lily grinned widely, "I hope so too!" As Kate turned to leave, Lily called out to her, struck by a sudden inspiration. "Hey Kate, a friend of mine and I are bringing our new friends to introduce to each other on Saturday. I'm bringing my roommates, and my best friend Severus is bringing his. Would you like to come? You're welcome to bring your friends too! Sev is a Ravenclaw too by the way." Kate pondered her proposition for a moment before cheerfully replying, "I would love to Lily! I'll ask my roommates as well. This'll be so much fun!" Kate waved one last goodbye and set off for her common room. Lily couldn't believe it. She felt miles away from the girl who was afraid to talk to people because she thought they'd think her a "freak."She had made four friends in a mere two days in this new place! Now that's what I call magic!


Sev couldn't wait for Saturday to come! A whole afternoon with Lily...and a bunch of other friends but still LILY! Walking into his dorm room, Sev ran straight into Logan and Taran who were stopped dead in the doorway, staring into the dorm. Sev craned his neck to get a peek where they were staring. There, on the fourth bed in their room, sat a boy with long white-blond hair. He was arranging a curious array of objects, books, and trinkets around his nightstand and bit of the room. He wore a necklace with an odd-looking, triangular talisman on it. Logan cleared his throat lightly, startling the boy slightly, and interrupting his scurrying and decorating. "Oh hello there, you must be my new roommates. Sorry I didn't introduce myself last night, I fell asleep early. Oh I have gifts for you by the way!" He scurried to his trunk and pulled out three long pieces of cord with small objects hanging from them. He placed one around each boy's neck. Sev studied his more closely. "Why they're Butterbeer corks," Taran said, turning one around in his fingers. "Yes thank you for the...er...lovely...gifts, but what exactly are they?" Logan asked, ever the inquisitive Ravenclaw. "Why they're for keeping the nargles away of course!" The odd boy laughed. Logan looked as though he wanted to say something else, but couldn't seem to find the right words to respond to a statement like that, so he simply nodded slightly in thanks. Sev approached the boy and offered his hand for a handshake, "Thanks for the gift, I'm Severus Snape, you may call me Sev. This is Taran, and that's Logan. What's your name?" The boy grinned widely and took Sev's outstretched hand.

"Xenophillius Lovegood, at your service."

A/N: Well how was that for a little twist! Luna's dear daddy is Sev's roommate! What do you know! Kate, who was introduced earlier, will become a very major character, just a heads up. If anyone's interested, I have a few pics of what I imagine Kate looks like, I also have Logan, and one other OC what will be introduced hopefully in the next chapter. If anyone is interested in the pics, tell me and I'll put them on my profile, of put a link in the next chap. I hope to update soon, but I'm heading into exam week...so I may or may not survive. My chances don't look too good at the moment...So please review, request, tell me your ideas! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!3 Love you all!
