Chapter 5 is here!

Misspellings, misunderstandings and disappointments.

It was kind of funny to wake up in the morning. Gero-ni slept and drooled on the floor in the bed that he had made for her. She mumbled something in her sleep that she was a genius because she had succeed in something yesterday. Then she turned to her left side. Shizuo left from his warm bed and went to the bathroom.

He looked to the mirror. His eyes narrowed when he stared his reflection. Damn it. He still looked kind of stressed about everything or so it seemed. Izaya was one of his problems... And so was those...

Is it too much to wish to be only a mere human? If he was normal, would he have this kind of annoying problems to bear? Not that he hated it all, but being an ancient was everything else but fun and peaceful. But then he wouldn't have met any of his friends... Or maybe he would had but they wouldn't have become friends. And then he wouldn't have met Izaya too... Okay that would have been a good thing... Or not?


Issue to the next! He has always wondered how Kasuka has managed to stand him. He has been a bad influence for his little brother no doubt, plus Kasuka has his own problems for his misery. Kasuka isn't an ancient like him, though that didn't make him normal... He is his brother after all. Only normal ones in his family are their mother and father. Grandpa is somehow. Grandma yet was like Shizuo. She was an ancient like him, but then she died.

He had liked her. She was the only one who understood him the best. Now grandpa is the one who understands him the best. But... He can't give him advises, which she could have given, so it's pretty much that he has to stand on his own.

He sighed. He'll go see grandpa tomorrow. When he last did go visit him, he met that long haired woman, Yagiri Namie. Was it really possible to find the flea's secretary, sitting there, drinking coffee and talking all-friendly with his grandpa? 0,00000000001% possibility it had if anything...

Actually it wasn't that small change, because the flea had acquired another office from Ikebukuro a week ago, but it felt better to say it like that. That woman said that the flea has a better "view" from there. And that freak's "views" everybody almost knew... He doesn't seem to be able to stay still, as like a flea, jumping from place to place, in this case from office to other office... Couldn't he just stay in that goddamn Shinjuku? It's annoying! He can't really say what that louse is thinking, he hasn't been his normal self. After yesterday, he was sure about it. Even though Izaya never has been anything that could be called normal! But anyway, the new office is TOO near Shizuo's grandpa, which he doesn't know luckily... And luckily won't. EVER. Hopefully.


Maybe he should take a shower now.


When Shizuo came from the bathroom, Gero-ni was waking up. Her hair was open and messy.

"Good morning, Gero-ni. Or should I call you a genius?"

Gero-ni turned her face slowly to see his, with stupid-look on her face, "...Huh?"

Shizuo shook his head, "You called yourself that in your sleep."

"Whaaaaaaaat?!" Gero-ni yelled in surprise and continued, "Don't say that I said something else too! I had just this perverted dream of mine and guess what happened? Well I-"

"I DON'T WANNA HEAR ABOUT YOUR PERVERTED DREAM!" Shizuo cut off her sentence before she was able to spoil his good night dreams with her wild stories.

"Good! I wouldn't have even wanted to tell you!" Gero-ni said in relief.

"Damn it, Gero-ni! Have I ever even said that I wanted to hear about your fucked up mind bombs?!"

There was a long silence as the two of them stared each other.

"No, you haven't. BUT you want to even though your mouth says other," Gero-ni said as she dramatically pointed with her finger at Shizuo as like telling him that he was busted.

"AS IF!" Shizuo defended himself. Maybe some other man would have loved to hear things like that but not him, "Anyway, are you hungry? I can make us breakfast."

Gero-ni stared him like if he had said something impossible until she realized that he wasn't joking and stars alighted her eyes, "You can make breakfast?! THEN YES PLEASE~!"

Shizuo went to the kitchen. What would he make then? He thought for a short while, until he already started to make something.

Izaya had managed to sleep his night well for some reason, and now he had all the energy, which he needed when he met with his revolution friends. He had gone to Shinjuku last night after that blond woman had left, but now he was yet again in Ikebukuro in the morning. Everyone of them had gathered in his office with him and Namie, who was as sour as always.

The people were impatient when he told them to be quiet and listen what he had on his mind.

"Why can't we go already and kick some shitty asses?" Asked one of the males, who had a scar on his face.

Izaya narrowed his eyes as he looked the man like a idiot, which the man was, "The head won't open her eyes if you only go for your death like a fool. You are the only one who gets a kick to your own ass if you don't rethink your question." Izaya smirked to the man who took his words as insult as they were and wanted to punch him in to the face or so he claimed.

One of the people in told the man to go jump from the roof if he didn't shut up. The man went silent.

When the silence fell to the room completely Izaya started to talk, "It won't take long anymore when we will make Ikebukuro's so called everyday life make a nice turn. I need this day and tomorrow to get everything ready for us. We will start with a thing or two already tomorrow but the actual plan starts after tomorrow."

Izaya took the dullahan's head to his hand, "As I have already explained to you, this little thing will open its eyes only if there is a great war going on."

The crowd in the room smiled of excitement and seemed to want to already make everything a mess in the city.

"All we need to do is to put little flames to the game and chaos is being born among the people. Yet, this head's owner herself is one of the persons, who I want to be captured."


"Because her lover doesn't of course like this and wants to save her. And mainly because she is a threat for us at the beginning... But as you know Kishitani is still invalid, so he will ask help from his friends like Simon, Saika leader, the Dollars's leader, and that includes all dollars. And even more! But Sonohara will be some bother in a way so I need your help Haruna, to take care of that."

"She won't be any bother," Haruna said with evil grin on her face as she tightened her hold on the scythe, which she was holding at her grip.

"We can kill those mother fucker Heiwajima brothers, right?" Someone asked in hope of affirmative answer.

"There is a problem with the older one... I know Shizu-chan will be ruining everything. The fact that he has been able to ignore me once, it means that the possibility him to do like I planned is way too small. It's a risk. That's why I want Shizuo out of the pictures..."

"From the battle field? Or just dead?" Mikage asked out of curiosity.

"I would prefer him dead, yes, but he can still be some kind of use... So no killing at first. I don't care what happens to his little brother, but that guy takes care that Shizuo's very being will be there. I have to plan this little further... But when there is no need of them anymore, you can try to kill them... Has Hijiribe Ruri received the invitation to Ikebukuro?"

"Yes. She accepted it without suspicion and is coming, and should be here by tomorrow," Kisuke answered with wide smile.

"Then you know what to do." Izaya finished with the plan discuss.

He heard mumbles but everyone was still following the plan without protest and complaining to him.

Izaya turned to face the window, from which he saw Ikebukuro perfectly, turning his back for others. He looked at the sleeping head on his hands. "I'll give more information later on."

The people exited the room.

Namie took her handbag and jacket to her arm, "I'll be going, too. It's not that you need me to watch your shitty face all the time." She left and then the only one left in the room was Izaya.

Now it won't be going back anymore...

"Iza-nii! We want to help as well~!"

Izaya turned his head towards to the way where the voice came from, to see his twin sisters.

"Why would I agree with that?" Izaya asked them, "Trying to eliminate me before I can really do anything won't help me at my plan at all. I refuse."

Mairu smiled to him as she said, "We aren't going to eliminate you, we want to HELP. We could protect you from Shizuo-san, but what comes to Kasuka, we will protect him from that Hijiribe's stalker. It's fifty-fifty!"

Kururi nodded next to her as agreement, "Chance...(Take it or leave it)"

"So, which is it?" Mairu asked with grin as she leaned little closer to hear his answer better.

Izaya stared at his sisters with a long silent. The girls waited patiently. They could be much easier to control on his side than on enemy's side... Maybe they wouldn't try anything... Hah! Like that was ever possible.

After making his decision he grinned for his sisters, "This is your chance, don't mess with it."

Kururi and Mairu looked each other excitedly and then him, "We won't disappoint you, Iza-nii!"

Izaya put dullahan's head on his desk and started to explain the details of the plan for his twin sisters that he has already told to the others in his gang. Of course it meant that there are some that stay only in his mind. Both twins eyes widened as he went on and on to the part of finish line.

"You... Will die in this war?" Mairu asked in disbelief. Kururi shuddered a little.

"I'll get into Valhalla. I don't like the idea of dying but the more fun it will be when I could live as immortal in Valhalla, and watch people forever~. This head is my only possibility to get there." Izaya patted the sleeping head on his desk.

The twins shared a worry look, "But if something goes wrong?"

Kururi added, "Don't...( Don't do it.)"

Izaya sighed. "Didn't you just say you would help me? Besides I won't fail if there won't come something that I don't expect..."



"We will help you, Iza-nii. It's time to you to be happy for once."

"I'm always happy..." Izaya murmured with flavorless voice, which they didn't hear, and pulled a smile to his face not to look suspicious.

The twins left the apartment with, "See you tomorrow!" and he was again left alone. He turned to see the view from the window in deep thoughts.



As Kururi and Mairu got out of the building, they headed towards their martial arts school. Their lesson was starting soon, so they should be hurrying.

"Hurry, Kuru-nee! We'll be late if we don't!" Mairu encouraged her sister to increase the speed. Kururi nodded and followed her hand in hand. There was some rush and they had to jump over people and watch out that they don't bump into anyone as the crowd started to be thicker.

Mairu stopped and Kururi as did she. She made 'tch' voice and tried to look for a shortcut. Kururi got her gaze as she pointed to their right, "There..." On the other side of the street was an alley, which they had used a couple of times, when they had been almost late.

"Way to go, Kururi!" Mairu started to drag Kururi with her and they crossed the road. They kept running in the alley until they got to other street, where they turned to the left, trying not to slow down.

"Hey, Kururi..." Kururi looked her sister waiting. Mairu went on, "I don't really want Iza-nii to die..." Kururi answered to her, "Too...(Me neither.)" Mairu squeezed her hand, "But... He wants to die. We're already betraying his trust by just thinking like this... What do we do? We cannot let him die just like that! There must be some other way to make him happy. But how?" Kururi stayed silent, lowering her head slightly as in misery.

Mairu noticed it. "Don't worry, Kuru-nee! We still have time to figure it later on." Kururi raised her head to her and smiled. "Yeah..."

As they run, Kururi's gaze located something as she had turned her face to left, "Shizuo-san...(There's Shizuo-san)" Mairu's head turned in the same direction, when she heard the name of their idol's brother, "Hey, you're right!"

They stopped and turned to see the way Shizuo was going, "Shiz-...uo?" Mairu's voice vanished as she saw fully the view, spotting Shizuo's companion.

"Who...?" Kururi asked confused as she turned to look Mairu.

Mairu turned to see her face as confused, "I don't know... I have never seen her. Maybe she's Shizuo-san's girlfriend?! Could that be possible?" Kururi only looked her and shrugged her shoulders. Their gazes returned to Shizuo and the blond woman with two black balls on her head. They tilted their heads wondering as they let out a long, "Hmmmmm..."

Mairu's phone started to ring. She took it and looked the caller ID. Her eyes widened with Kururi's, who had come closer to see it too. For their horror, it was their martial arts instructor, who was calling them. Mairu carefully answered the phone, "Hello~?"

"DAMN IT YOU TWO! WERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! The lesson has already began, so hurry already!" Eijirou Sharaku's angry yell was heard from the phone.

"H-HI!" Phone was shut as Mairu and Kururi left, running faster than before. "Mysterious woman must be left for later, run Kururi!" Kururi let out an affirmative voice.

"I tell you Celty that I'm perfectly fine, watch me- AAA!"


The headless woman looked the now on floor lying man, who was wrapped in bandages, that complained about the pain which the sudden fall had caused. She shook her head and started to write a text to her pda on her hand.

She showed it to Shinra's face roughly, [You're an idiot. It doesn't give a good view of a doctor by saying that he is fine, when he knows as well as others that he is not, yet.]

Shinra turned his eyes to Celty from the pda as he got up from the floor with Celty's help, " I know... But I also know that I'm completely healthy after a week of rest. Then I can take these bandages off and after that I hug you and never let go!"

Celty grabbed his nose and shook it slightly but with little pain to hide her embarrassment from the underground doctor. "Owww!"

[Focus on your healing , not on me!] She typed to her pda.

"But Celty! I-"

Pda was showed to his face before he could finish. [Stop worrying me, Shinra!] She added, [Something bad is coming, I can sense it. With no doubt, it is Izaya's doing. And that person who hurt you, is still there somewhere and after you heal up, I won't let him get away!]

Shinra looked Celty worriedly with serious face, "Celty..."

Celty helped Shinra back to the bed carefully. He sat on the bed, Celty standing next to him.

There was a silent as the both were wordless.

"You know... I have told you this many times. You don't need to go after that man, I don't really care what happens to him, but I care about your health. And what comes to Izaya... We really cannot be sure about his doings. He has been little different after that... I blame myself. It wouldn't be maybe this bad if I just hadn't ignored him then. He is my friend after all. He is his own kind of person and he needs someone who understands him, as a friend. Not like I was any good, but..."

Celty sighed (somehow), [I know... But if he really wants to be loved, he should stop to think a bit.]

Shinra nodded slowly therefore agreeing with her.

That's when someone rang the doorbell.

They both turned their gazes to the door's way in surprise. "Who could it be?"

Celty walked to the door and opened it. There was for her surprise one familiar blond and... one unfamiliar blond.

"Good Morning!" Said the stranger. Shizuo raised his hand, "Good morning, Celty. Sorry to interrupt without telling first."

Celty shook her head, [Don't apology! It's nice to have someone who comes to visit.]

Celty let them in and closed the door behind them. She turned to them, [What brings you here? Has something happened?]

"Nothing special. My friend wanted to come to see Shinra."

Celty turned her gaze to the blond woman next to Shizuo.

Gero-ni looked at her and smiled, "Nice to meet you, Celty Sturluson. I have heard about you from Shizuo-kun. My name is Gero-ni."

Celty typed to her pda, [Nice to meet you too.] Strange name...

They went to Shinra, who waited curiously to see who had come.

"Huh? Shizuo? What brings you here? And who is your friend?" Shinra asked as he scanned Gero-ni with his gaze.

Shizuo answered to him as he pointed with his thumb towards Gero-ni, "That." he said with mocking voice.

Gero-ni gave Shizuo quick angry glare, then it returned to Shinra, "What? Are you saying that you don't remember me, Shinra? What a shame..." Gero-ni put her right hand on her head and tried to look disappointed...

Shinra tried to remember desperately and then it hit him, "Could it really be... Gero-ni?"

"Yes! You remembered me! That's the way I like it~"

Shinra nodded, "I thought so... There is very few of women who have enough courage to be near Shizuo-kun... It's been a long time when I last saw you, and you still had brown hair that time. I could almost call you a female Shizuo."

It could be seen from Shizuo's twisting face that he took that as a mock pointed towards also him, but Gero-ni seemed to like what she heard.

Gero-ni laughed, "Hehe. Last I saw you, you still dreamed of wearing that jacket. It fits you!"

Shinra looked proud of himself, "How have you been?"

"Fine, but what about you? I don't recall you being covered in bandages. What has happened?" Gero-ni eyed Shinra with worried look on her face.

As Shinra explained to Gero-ni about the situation, Celty and Shizuo left them behind as they went out from the bedroom. Celty turned to Shizuo, who took a good position as she typed, [So who is Gero-ni exactly? You and Shinra seem quite close to her.]

Shizuo read her text from the pda. He looked at her when he answered, "Well... She is an old friend. We were in same primary school, I knew her before that and we talked when needed but I became best friends with her little later on when I became friends with Shinra. He befriended with Gero-ni because of me... He wanted Gero-ni to get him a sample of me. But he eventually stopped that and started asking from me again that time... Hmph."

[I see... ] She knew that her boyfriend was a fool and had wanted those samples so badly, but that he had asked even for Shizuo's friend to get it for him... It didn't really help to think that he was a child that time...

"She is my cousin."

I se- EEEHHH?! W-what did he say?! Celty typed hurriedly to her pda, [W-what?! A cousin?!]

"You heard me. Our fathers are brothers. We met kind of many times, but as I said before, we didn't start hanging out... until a little later. Gero-ni is a year older than me, and I could say or warn that she is energetic and cunning..."

Celty listened quietly Shizuo.

"Anyway, she is a nice person, you should get to know her better."

[I will. Thank you, Shizuo.] As Shizuo had read this he nodded and smiled, "No problem."

Gero-ni was just coming from the bedroom as she was done speaking with Shinra, "Thanks again, Shinra. It was nice to speak with you again. Get better soon." Shinra's voice could be heard, when he told her to come visit anytime again.

Shizuo looked at Gero-ni waiting, "You ready to go?"

Gero-ni nodded and said to Celty, "Hoho. You have a nice man, Celty. Don't lose your grip of him!" She winked for her.

Celty got embarrassed of these words so that smoke cloud came from under her helmet. She didn't know what to say, so Gero-ni continued, "It was fun to meet you finally, I hope we'll be friends now on but now Shizuo and I have to take our leave." Shizuo and Gero-ni walked out and waved their hands as goodbye. "Bye bye!" Gero-ni yelled that Shinra could hear too and then she closed the door and the both vanished to the other side of the door.


Celty walked to the bedroom where Shinra sat still on the bed.

They looked each other with silence.

"Gero-ni is an interesting person, isn't she?" Shinra offered with a smile.


Celty typed to the pda after thinking her respond, [Yes?]


As the two of them walked on the street, Gero-ni stopped suddenly.

Shizuo turned to her.

"I'll make a little run if you don't mind," Gero-ni said.

Shizuo would have asked why she suddenly wanted to do that, but the reek came to his nose that told him enough, Izaya.

"It's not like I could stop you." When Gero-ni nodded, he left her to that point. He changed his way by deviating from the route slightly, which lengthened his way to his apartment but also gave distance to Gero-ni.

Izaya had been gathering information from Ikebukuro's people about the yesterday's blond. There were some fantasy tales and those which were near the reality, but they had directed him near Shinra's apartment. How annoying...

As he walked down the street that took to his old friend's apartment, and what do you know? There the person, who he had been searching, stood seemingly waiting for him. The woman smirked to him as she had crossed her hands behind her back. She shifted her weight with her feet, back and forth just like a little girl. Their eyes met.

"Don't tell me you already missed me? Aww, that must suck." The blond jeered at him.

Izaya sighed. She was right, it really sucked. "It does~, but I wanted to ask you something."

"Like my name? You won't need it," the female one answered with a neutral expression.

Izaya narrowed his eyes of dislike to the answer, but changed it to smirk as quickly, "That's too bad. You are so uncooperative", ...Could it really be...? "I don't really care about your name because I made one for you. Barbie doll."

"EEEEEEEEHHHHH? HOW COME I'M BARBIE? Wouldn't cute, sexy or hottie be any better?!" Now-known-as-Barbie yelled in shock as lightning hit on the back.

"Haha! None of those fit you~! Beside, I can see that the pet name I gave you has effect on you!" Izaya answered with mocking tone.

He could hear the growl that came from Barbie's throat when she glared him. He gave her a smirk.

Barbie sighed, "Oh, come on! Don't I thrill you? There must be something that excites you! Like..." There was a long silence, until Barbie's face grew to very wide smile, "Like, my EYES?"

"... Same feeling when a mere doll stares with her lifeless eyes at me. I say this as kindly as I can, IF you were a human I would love you like any other, but because you're made of plastic, I really don't see a point to do so... And if you already forgot, last time I was MOCKING your eyes. You're some kind of unknown species, so I say no, you're not even close to excite me." She may know that her eyes bother him, but the fact that he doesn't feel disgusted of them staring him, stays only in his head.

At that very moment the woman in front of him threw throwing star with amazing speed that he almost wasn't sure if it were this blond who threw it. She would be just so perfect in his command. Too bad she already showed her uninterest...

"Wanna dance cha-cha-cha, Izaya-kun?" Barbie asked with waiting smile as she took another throwing star to her right hand from her handbag. If every women owned handbag with throwing stars, he wouldn't take the risk and tease his secretary as much anymore even though she was as dangerous without them.

"And if I want?" Izaya took his switchblade from his pocket and flipped it open, pointing with it Barbie. He stared right back at her with a smirk.

"Then we'll just start our dance lesson!" As she finished her sentence, she started to throw throwing stars, aiming to hit with them Izaya, who simply dodged and used his switchblade to get rid of the rest of them smoothly. He in return, started to throw some sharp knifes from his other pocket with his free hand.

There started to be a mess as they continued their fighting with nice turns, jumps from buildings walls to other things that happened to come in the way, throwing their weapons towards each others so that the innocent things around needed some repairing. Barbie didn't seem to be serious even though she had some problems staying unharmed with Izaya, when he got as close as he could reach with his hand and touch her. She didn't take the risk to let him too close seemingly little unsure.

People around tried their best not to get involved and run but some stayed and watched their fight. There was yells and screams.

"May I ask, why throwing stars? Are you from a ninja family?" Izaya asked grinning widely, almost laughing. He threw one knife towards the blond.

Barbie guarded herself using usefully the throwing star she had and his knife made no progress. She took one big jump backwards as she tried to stay in safe distance from him, "Oh, these? They were on sale! I couldn't resist the temptation to try them out."

Izaya took one quick movement onwards the blond. When he was on the hand reach to the female, she flinched and jumped up to the tall building behind her, using windows, bricks and railings as advantage to get fast to the roof, but she lost Izaya from her sight. Barbie glanced in each direction, and Izaya took his opportunity as he had successfully slipped behind the blond on the roof. He used his switchblade and was able to slash under Barbie's collarbone, who had noticed and turned to him too late, but also at the right time that she didn't get blood-dripping cut worse trace.

Barbie placed her hand on the wound and gave him an eager smile, "Hey, you got me! And broke little my lovely shirt, but I can fix it luckily. This will be enough for this day, I got what I wanted so... Bye! Izaya-kun~!" The female left with a rush and jumped down from the roof. Izaya went to the roof's edge where Barbie had jumped not a second ago, and saw how she healthy ran away. She jumped just like that from the seventh floor... That's almost even normal, not.

Even though the fight was shorter than he wanted, he had fun. The woman had showed him new sides of herself. She made him curious. He didn't really like her, but it would be a lie to say that he didn't like her at all. Other's over lively personality was unbearable... Her escape was giving him a different view of her. Unexpected enemy... With weird timing. So... friendly talks in chatroom weren't enough, huh...

Izaya glanced his phone's clock. It was three p.m...He should be going back if he doesn't want to miss the meeting that Gero-ni had set up for him. He was about to go but then an unwelcome feeling that someone was staring him made him turn his head to see his back.

There was nothing.

The feeling left from his spine. Was it just his imagination? He had felt someone's presence, though. He wouldn't really be surprised if Jinnai tried to kill him again, or any other in this big world. Except there hasn't been any signs of Jinnai in this past time and his stare felt like pig's. Jinnai waited for something special and big to come from it's hide, Izaya hoped that it was never to come if the other informant got his hands on it first... But this glare, was viscera parching, and it told him about craving for something...

Izaya studied the roof carefully as to find something that could give him at least some kind of hint. He stopped at the other side of the roof, next to something black, liquid? He touched it little with his finger, raising his fingertip to his eye level. It looked like blood, but was different to be. One sniff told him that it was a risk to try to taste it like some experts on TV, not like he would have for real done that. It was like... Drool, a very bad-smelling black drool. But it had darkness surrounding it. It somehow reminded of Celty's shadow-like powers...?

He took with his other hand from his left pocket a handkerchief and cleaned his fingertip with it. He spotted some scratches on the ground. They seemed to be made by claws... VERY big claws. Okay, now he was sure that someone or something had been here alongside with him and Barbie. He should ask his friends to keep their eyes open, for a large creature... And so should he too...

At that moment he remembered that in the chatroom would be someone waiting anytime soon for him if he wasn't leaving now. He wrapped his handkerchief nicely and put it in a small bag that fit to his pocket. He would ask Namie to analyze this... thing more. He had to wonder how ironic it was that all this weirdness was showing up at a time like this... It would be boring afterward if it all rushed for a one day, leaving bare the next.

He came down from the roof to the people level and left with a speed that he was used to use as he was playing with Shizuo's mind until he exploded and run after him. It wasn't a bad thing to make sure that no one is lurking after you in the shadows, right? Izaya didn't want to risk his life, for something unknown right now. Never can be too sure.

"No way in hell!" Shizuo protested crossing his arms to his chest and turning his back to Gero-ni, who took his answer unhappily. Gero-ni had been able to catch up with Shizuo again, when he was still wandering outside. They had gone to his apartment together, where they were now arguing.

"But Shizuo! Y- You know that Izaya's mind can break down, if it hasn't already, anytime now. And it's all gonna be your fault when that happens, all only because you don't agree to chat with him... AS UNKNOWN!" Gero-ni tried her best to have Shizuo to change his mind.

Shizuo turned his face to see Gero-ni's, "Even if I was UNKNOWN, there are always risks of getting caught-" Gero-ni interrupted," How about as SHIZUO HEIWAJIMA THEN?! THEN you don't need to be afraid of getting caught, when he already knows who you are!"


Gero-ni took supporting posture and faced him determinedly as he had turned with anger toward her, standing there glaring warningly at Gero-ni, "Come on, Shizuo! You really don't think him that bad, or maybe a little, but you only are angry at him, you don't hate him! Admit that I'm right! You worry about him too. He wants people's love and turns worse toward everyone because everyone hate him, just because he has interesting way to think. And that you "hate" him too doesn't help at all!"

"I KNOW that!" Shizuo yelled back at her with knowing fury, "But..."

Gero-ni tilted her head confused. She was not aware of hearing a 'but', "But what?"

Shizuo stared the floor with expression that she was not sure what it was.

Gero-ni stayed quiet to let Shizuo think as much as he needed.

Shizuo sighed. He raised his gaze back to Gero-ni and said, "I just can't, okay?"

Why didn't he trust her? He kept too many things inside him.

She felt pissed. "Seriously, Shizuo. What are you scared of?" She asked. "I don't believe Izaya will actually take seriously any interest by one chat. All you need to do is to talk to him and be as a friend with him. It would help him."

Shizuo narrowed his eyes as he stared Gero-ni with annoyingly sure knowledge, "Knowing you, there's a catch. Definetely. Do you believe that I would for real buy it that you want only Izaya have a friend?"

Gero-ni whistled innocently, "I don't know what you mean."

"Oh really? Then explain, how you got to know Izaya. YOU have talked to him even before this all started to get serious, right? The fact that you were able to come in a time like this... You have a job to arrest or eliminate Izaya, am I right?"

There was a little laughter from Gero-ni which was followed by an answer, "You're actually right. I took the job. The reason was that I really needed and wanted to come here... I worked for it! And now I'm here. But I'm not gonna arrest neither harm Izaya. I started to like him after all. And even more now because of him I can be with you and Kasuka, to protect you! When ever you like it or not, I will always go with a plan and they are a success."

"Well, aren't you being little cheeky now?"

"Hah? Me? It's only pure knowledge! Unlike someone, I'm honest and told my little secret to you!"

"Like that really was all you hide. My secrets don't have anything to do with other people unlike someone's..." Shizuo answered contemptuously.

Gero-ni disagreed, "They DO!"

"THEY DON'T have a MANIPULATING meaning!" Shizuo growled.

Realization hit Gero-ni so that she looked just like that famous 'The Scream' painting, "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE HIDING SOMETHING! Tell me Shizuo!"

"No," Shizuo said without a slightest interest.

Gero-ni seemed to know that there was no point to try question him, when a simple word like that released the hell in Shizuo's apartment, as Gero-ni threw and "broke" his furniture and other stuff like books, every were in the room, making quite a mess. Well, it's Gero-ni's mess, meaning that she'll have to put everything back to order, so rage in peace on his behalf.

Shizuo left Gero-ni to the living room and went himself to the bedroom. He sat on the chair in front of his computer, which he uses VERY rarely, which Gero-ni had switched on and opened the chatroom's sign up window for him, in hope of getting him to chat with Izaya. Shizuo used the mouse and clicked to type with the keyboard the things which were needed to get in. The last one to enter was username...


To the name box appeared a text [We_Bo].

'Thank you for signing up!' Text appeared as he clicked the finish button. Signing in was success. Yaay...

The chatroom was empty though, if you didn't count 'We_Bo has joined the chat' text. Now he just needed to wait. I don't think that Izaya really is going to show up...But if he will, then how do I know which one he is?... If someone else comes, it would be embarrassing...And I can't ask Gero-ni.

He heard yells and growls that Gero-ni let out. She still was doing a chaos. Oh God... He really doesn't want to see the other room now. He was grateful that Gero-ni isn't as strong as he is, the sofa would be otherwise already thrown out from the window.

As like magic, a name popped to the chatroom. Shizuo looked at the name with long silence. To his face appeared little smile, "It wasn't as difficult as I thought. Then let's see..."





[In private mode]


Hello. You must be the one who Gero-ni told me about. Nice to meet you...


And you must be the best friend who Gero-ni told me about, what an honor...


The pleasure is all hers, making me join into something like this shit... Is there any point? But yeah, I heard that you wanted desperately meet me. Any truth in the story?


I did... Well, not that desperately, but it would be a lie if not even a little. And it wouldn't have needed to be this place to us get to know, but some people just don't want to give any information to get a contact. Why is that~?


Not like you would be any different?


Haha! That's true. Though it depends of what kind of person it is, who I talk with~


So, what you wanted to talk about?


For a great start, tell me who you are.


What~? We_Bo isn't enough for you? Fine, I give you one hint. I'm not like Gero-ni, not as cheery, outgoing, and other unnecessary, or am I? I'd say I'm her opposite. But saying it like this, people think that we aren't anything alike... So maybe a reflection is a better word. Congrats. Now your knowledge has grown with a big info!


Oh, I'm flattered! So, you're saying that you two are like same person but at the same time aren't? Does that make you a good match? You use mirror as a metaphor, you look at it and see Gero-ni standing there? Or do you just look like a woman~?


Mirror cannot show everything. Like the inner person. It's shown in the mirror as unknown. Like you point it in a way, we get along so well, that it only seems that there is no difference at all. Get my point? But seriously? "Or do you just look like a woman~?" That is what bothers you? Well, of course, I'M the pretty one. I have already said too much, so come one! Where is the victorious smile?


I feel sorry for Gero-ni XD But victorious? Hah, I gained more questions, much more than answers... Is there any chance to know more?


Why? What do you need that kind of information for?




Because of Gero-ni, huh? Why do you want to know about someone you don't need to know?


Awww~ You jealous?


No~ I don't know you, so why bother? And I really don't care about other people's attention as much as you seem to. I don't like stalkers. Or is it that you like Gero-ni? Hmmm~?


Not that I like anyone personally, but humans are so fascinating that I love them all!


Oh? That so?...


What's with the lack of reaction? You don't believe me? SHOCK!


Mmm... You got that right. Explain also W-H-Y you so to speak love them?


Hey! You spelled it right~. It kind of hurts that you suspect me. But oh well. I could say that their reactions to every situation makes them worth to look up. Everyone is so easy to read. Aah, those faces they make when they're hurt. Words can sometimes be painful and sometimes they bring joy~.


Everyone has their own way to see things.


There are some who are little different from the usual ones, but they can be fooled to the same trap.


Hooh? Is that all? You say you love humans but in my opinion you seem to give them a little simple category. Easy, huh? What's so fascinating just about that? I find watching rocks more fascinating, they differ from each other with their unique details...


...Ikebukuro is a nice place, isn't it?


It is... Better place is hard to find.


Yeah, that's true. Here always happen something out of the ordinary! And humans make them special!

There was a pause as neither one said anything, but Shizuo was sure that there had been a glimpse of Izaya he knew.


... It would be nice to watch them forever.



We_Bo? You still alive?


No, I'M dead. I have to say that you have pretty odd taste, not in a bad way. It's more like... rare.


... You think so?


Hey, I don't really lie, I suck at it. What I said would have been kind of stupid to come up with, if I really didn't mean it.


Heh. That's rare... There have been so few who have thought like that. Mostly everyone just laugh and mock~! So tell me...




What is Gero-ni's identity~?


Figure that one by yourself, if it really bothers you that much!



Right, RIGHT?


Haha. Yeah, I wouldn't want to experience something as shameful as that guy had to.


Me neither. Though it's not that everything they come up with the program are funny. Sometimes the victims try to make each other laugh to see them getting punished. But man, the punishments are the best part!


Those punishers are just so creepy! With those masks on... It's funny to see though how they punish those men like they were some badly behaving children, hit to ass! Thinking that I could get that kind of treatment makes me shiver with cold! Hrrrh!


HAHA! Mind me punishing you? I make you shiver with nice warmth~


That sounded so wrong! Forget it!


You yourself started it, so you also have to bear it...




Don't worry! I'm skilled with this kind of things~ Nobody has never complained after they have got my treatment~ But for you, I'll be more gentle...


STOP! You're waaay too kinky to chat with me.


If so, then press the log off button.


When I now think about it, maybe I should. We have chatted... About 3 hours now? How is that possible?


... HUH? When did time go like that?


Hmmm... Maybe it couldn't bear our conversations any longer? You have to admit that they were all little out of the subject... Like we talked something about serious things, then something about Gero-ni, food, favorite things, etc. and it all suddenly turned to hitting ass and - OKAY! Maybe I should stop before I say something very stupid.






Damn, Gero-ni was right...


She was right about something? That sounds pretty damned, I have to admit... What's wrong with this world?!


Do you tease her like that when she is present?


Well, yeah... When opportunity comes we both try to take advance of it by annoying one another. But we never mean it in bad way, of course.


Have you two ever been arguing?


Of course, but it's never so serious that it would seem like. We have a habit to disagree, but we still stick up together were the other right or wrong. But sometimes they lead to pretty funny situations...


I see...


... Something wrong?


Not really... You seem to get along with others, I take it?


Well... I guess so, maybe sometimes way too well... You don't?


Hah. Everyone hates me because I have done, things. I don't have friends. One who I really took like a friend just ignored me when I was in hospital... I know that I haven't been really good to him too but... It hurt though. I never would have guessed he of all people would leave me behind like that.




Come on... Make fun of me and leave.


Tch. Why would I make fun of you? It won't change anything. And you think I should leave, because you have made others unhappy? It's not always good but if you just try to satisfy other people, then who are you? Same as all humans... Right? You're not you then. And that is a pity...


A pity? Everyone would be happy if I just died. Like someone I know...


... That...




... Everyone have their own kind of stains... Like that they think they're right when they first get some kind of answer to their head. They can't judge just because it all looks that way. Look at the mirror! What did I say about it? The truth is that some are blind to see everything. Some can't see anything at all...


Well, usually people just are what they seem...


But it's not only the person, you know... what about the behind of the person, in the background... Isn't there something to see too? What is done is done. But does that mean it has all been that bad?




I don't know if you understood, but that is just what I think... With that said, everyone knows NEVER TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY! Got it?






I realised that I have been way too open to you. You know even more than my family does.


And that is bad.


The biggest mistake in my whole life. I have never been this unwary in my whole life.




How did I get so reckless?


Do you really have to write your every thought here?


But also first time in my whole life, I don't even care.


You're not even listening to me!


Do you have someone?




I mean, are you... In relationship with someone?


That is none of your business or is it, Ka-n-ra~?


I'm just asking!






FINE! I'm single! There! HAPPY?!


...Actually, I am.


Geez... Thanks a lot.


There's no way that someone like you doesn't have a girlfriend!




Damn it...


What now?!


Care to tell me your real name~?




Haha! That was pretty quick, but I don't take 'no' as an answer...


Too bad. I'm not changing my mind.


Ooh? So confident~! By the way, where's Gero-ni?


Wait a minute. I check.


Haha! You check? So she's there with you.

Shizuo rose up from the chair and went to look at his living room's condition.


The living room in front of him was messy plus now he knew, what everyone meant with Gero-ni being way too energetic literally... Three hours has passed and she still had so much energy to run from room to room, screaming. He felt sorry for his belongings that lied everywhere around the house. Quick glance to the kitchen was enough to tell that not even it had survived from Gero-ni's treatment. Gero-ni hadn't noticed him although he had been standing in sight.

Shizuo returned to in front of the computer.


Uh... My apartment has been "destroyed".


Haha! Nice~! I didn't expect her to be so wild.


Yeah... Nonstop for 3 hours and she's still doing chaos.


I see... ^_^"


Well... Although she has to clean everything, I really don't want anything to break. I guess I should go now.


Awww... That's too bad. I would have wanted to chat with you little longer... But wild Gero-ni doesn't sound like a heaven.


You can tell? It's true. But I can laugh at her when she is just being Gero-ni.


I love you.




You heard me. I hope we can chat again, honey.


... Yeah. If you really are that desperate again, darling.


I will. See you then~!



We_Bo has left the chat.

Kanra has left the chat.

No one is in the chatroom right now.

No one is in the chatroom right now.

No one is in the chatroom right now.





Izaya was spinning on his chair.

"It was only a chat without knowing other, and like that, I have fallen? Is that normal?" He stopped his chair at the moment when it was facing the window. He almost like jumped when he got up. He leaned against the window with his arm and watched the streets that people filled. It was already evening.

"... Who? His from here, but where? He saw through my lies, and made me even remember things that I was about to forget... And Gero-ni... Damn. I was supposed to get answers, but instead I feel little restless... I want to know who is We_Bo."

Gero-ni panted of exhaustion. How long has she been going mad? "How long... pant. pant."

"Three hours." She heard Shizuo's voice from behind her. She turned to see the taller one. She didn't really expect to see his face looking little red. Was he that angry to her? ...Nah. Can't be. His expression is indifferent as always...and he seems to be thinking something else.

"Tch. You missed Izaya! Now he will hate me because he thinks I so to speak lied to him that my best buddy would come to chat with him... Geez! Thanks a lot!" She growled sullenly for Shizuo.

Shizuo only let out little laughter. Was he taking her seriously at all?

"Well, too bad. It's already this late so... I'll go wander in the city." Shizuo was going towards the door, when she stopped him, "O-Oi! Wait a second! You can take me home at the same time, right? If you don't mind that I come to clean this place at tomorrow morning, it's little late to do it today... Oh, could we go eat to the russian sushi at the same way? I'm pretty hungry. I'll get my handbag so, STAY! DON'T MOVE! Good boy~!"

A vein appeared as Shizuo seemed to get pissed off by how she treated him like a dog. He gave her forced smile, but it changed suddenly to a grin as Shizuo saw how she took her phone from the nearest table. "Oh~ I'll wait outside. I need a smoking break..."

Shizuo didn't leave the room calmly and slowly, it was more like he was in a hurry. Did he so badly want to smoke that slower exit wasn't enough? Still, it seemed like he was running away...

Gero-ni shrugged her shoulders and checked her phone at the same time, when trying to find her handbag. Weird. She had expected to have got an angry message from Izaya. Oh well. She typed apology message for him.

"Sorry! He didn't come there even though I promised that he would... X' Please don't hate me!"


She raised her gaze from the phone and turned her head to see her belonging anywhere now. Ah. There. The bag was looking at her from the sofa. "My loyal friend~" She reached out her right hand and took the bag from its strap. When she had a good grip on it and was about to leave, she heard, "You've got a mail~!"

Gero-ni quickly lifted her phone to eye level and read the message on it.

"Haha! I see that you weren't awake at all! Too bad, it would have been fun if you had joined We_Bo and me~! Maybe next time then. ;D PS: Thanks."

...EH? W-WHAT?! Awake? Joined you? Thanks?... Who the fuck is We_Bo- Oh- OHH! Yeah, she was little slow but she got it.


And so the door was slammed shut as Gero-ni left the room with a speed like a beast going after her prey. The outsiders were confused when they saw bartender-suited man, named Shizuo Heiwajima, cheerfully laughing and running away from the shorter woman, who chased him and shouted these 'gentle' words for. Gero-ni would remember that evening for a looong time.

The second day ends here.

The second day is over. YEAH! I-I apology! I'm LATE, AGAIN! (surprising, right? XD) But it was because I used very much of time to this, it was already ready (like 5 months ago?), but then I started to correct it and...sigh. .-_-. I hope you understand what I write. Oh and I got TWO new reviews O.O UWAAA~! Thank you! :D (I must say that I thought they would be negative XD) but no :D I'm happy! Like always, I apologize that characters are so OOC! There was one thing that I noticed in the other chapters... (many actually but) Izaya's office thing. ^_^" I tried to correct the chapters, trying to make things sound... smarter? Haha... Oh well...I could say that izuo has started to form up little in this chapter. ^w^ Nyahaha~ I didn't know really what they would chat about, it ended up no-logic! XD(not like any of my writings would make any sense) I'm an amateur at writing XD Everything's pretty messy, sorry about that... I can say that I enjoy writing this ^v^ Thanks again of those reviews. And thank you for you all that have a courage to even look at this fanfic! ;D I try to promise to update the next chapters faster than this one. :)