"So I hear Dig Champs 3 is coming out next week!"

Mordecai and Rigby were hanging out at the coffee shop that Friday during their break. Work had them unusually fatigued that day, that and Mordecai needed his Margaret-fix. Rigby was raving about the upcoming "Dig Champs 3" for their old school Atari.

"Heh, yeah. How's about we save up to buy it?"

"Yeah-yuh!" Rigby replied jubilantly. A bell rang out in the midst of their talk, the tell-tale sign of another customer.

"So, do you think it'll be better than the second?" Mordecai asked.

"I dunno, dude, but I-…" Rigby broke off when he heard a smooth, feminine voice at the next table.

"One caramel macchiato, please," she ordered. Rigby looked over at her. She was a gorgeous black, white, gold, and brown fox, sitting all alone at the table.

"Dude, check her out!" Rigby said breathlessly. Mordecai peeked over Rigby's shoulder.

"Woah. Dude, you should go over and talk to her," Mordecai suggested.

"What? I'm not sure...," Rigby replied suspiciously.

"Why not? She looks lonely," Mordecai said slyly.

"There has to be a reason why a hot girl like her is all alone. Maybe she's like a black widow, or something," Rigby persisted.

"Or she's new in town. Dude, I think you're just nervous."

"I'm not nervous!" Rigby replied defensively. The bell suddenly rang again and a shifty looking man with dark hair stepped in, moving towards the front counter. The fox's blue eyes took on a suspicious gleam and trailed after the man.

"And besides, she's checking that guy out, anyway," Rigby argued obliviously.

"What can I get you, sir?" Margaret asked. The man suddenly pulled out a gun.


"Oh my God!" Margaret screamed, throwing her arms up in the air.

"Margaret!" Mordecai cried out. The man pointed the gun at him.

"Shut it, stringbean!"

Rigby's eyes darted over to the fox, who looked perfectly calm, exasperated, even. Her hand suddenly flew to her face in a gesture of annoyance.

"Ugh, get a job, deadbeat!" she said. Mordecai and Rigby's jaws dropped. The man pointed his gun at her in retaliation.

"What'd you say?" he roared. Her ears flicked back, eyebrows raised, as her attention shifted to the gun, then back to him. "Did I stutter?" she replied coolly.

He stormed over in her direction. She stayed calm, a stoic, but slightly annoyed expression played across her face.

"Care to say that to my face?" he said. A casual smile crept across her face as she stood. He was at least 2 feet taller than her.

"Absolutely. First off-"she karate chopped the inside of his arm while slapping the back of his hand, sending the gun flying over to the next table. Mordecai and Rigby's jaws dropped again."-get that gun out of my face. Secondly, get a job."

"You're making a fool out of me!"

"Nah, nah, nah. You're making a fool out of yourself. You're the one robbing a small town coffee shop. Are you really that desperate for a couple of bucks? Seriously?"

The man was fuming but there was nothing he could say.

"Give me a call when you rob something important," she said as the cops came in. "Or at least when you get out of jail."

Mordecai and Rigby were speechless.

"Dude, that was the single coolest thing I've ever seen." Mordecai said in awestruck wonder.

Rigby walked over to meet her, with Mordecai following close behind. Any suspicions Rigby had before were completely gone now.

"That was awesome!" Rigby exclaimed. The defiant look in her eyes softened when she met his admiring gaze.

"Eh, no biggie. I didn't know how much longer I could keep that up, honestly. That guy looked like he was about to start wailing on me." She grinned sweetly.

"That guy could have shot you! I seriously can't believe you did that." Mordecai said.

"Pfft, he wouldn't have shot me. Did you see how hard his hand was shaking? Plus, he was robbing a coffee shop. He was too big of a chickenshit to be a real threat."

"I guess. Oh my God, Margaret!" Mordecai ran to her aid. She was a nervous wreck.

"I never caught your name," Rigby said.

"Kaira, yours?"

"Rigby. And he's Mordecai." Kaira smiled. Rigby looked as if he was meeting a childhood hero. Not many people could reduce him to that.