
An APH Songfic... For China.

Like the last one, it was written so that it could be anyone speaking.

This one might not be as good, because I was just experimenting with China, the character,

and I love the song, which is also named 'China'. I decided to use it to expand this SongFic...

Song lyrics in italics, more Details after this! (Disclaimer: APH does not belong to me!)

Always calling his name in my sleep...


I couldn't stand to leave him, on those days we had separate buisness to attend to, halfway across the world from each other.

All the way to New York...

We hated to be apart...

I can feel the distance getting close...

But when we were togther, we couldn't get along... We always ended up with shouting matches, the glaring that pierces each others hearts...

You're right next to me,
But I need an airplane...

It was always the same. It hurt to be together and it hurt to be apart.

I can feel the distance as you breathe.

He was China. He was still hurt from all the things that the nations did to each other... His only choice was to retreat behind the walls...

Sometimes I think you want me to touch you.
How can I when you build the great wall around you?

Is it safe to say I wanted a piece of China for myself?

In your eyes I saw the future together. You just look away in the distance...

Several years of shattered Chinese porcelain...

China decorates our table.

It always seems to stop, to fix itself, pain slowly fading away, but we both still see the cracks underneath the surface...

Funny how the cracks don't seem to show.

Neither of us drink. At least, we try not to... It just occurs naturally...

Pour the wine dear...

I want to take him somewhere, to forget everything, to clean the messes we've caused for ourselves. He shrugs my offer away, saying we'd be better off staying...

You say we'll take a holiday,
But we never can agree on where to go...

He just retreats furthur. He tries to act unconcerned, but we both know how this will end... Shouting, crying, some one breaking things...

Sometimes I think you want me to touch you,
How can I when you build the great wall around you?

But this time, it doesn't end that way. He staggers up from where he was sitting at the low table...

In your eyes I saw the future together. You just look away in the distance...

Did I miss something, somewhere? Was there a sign I should have noticed?

China all the way to New York
Maybe you got lost in Mexico...

His embrace is warm and strong, and it feels like he means it. Before it was just fake hugs, fake kisses, fake love...

You're right next to me,
I think that you can hear me.

I hug him back, as tight as I can, putting equal love and honesty into my response.

Funny how the distance,
Learns to grow...

I don't know how long we stood there, hugging each other like we'd fall through the floor if either of us let go. He starts to cry, babbling about his fears, his passions, about everything that makes him laugh, scream, smile. Alot of these things are about me...

Sometimes I think you want me to touch you,
How can I when you build the great wall around you.

I want to change everything. I want to always be able to hug him close. I start to cry, too. I start to tell him much the same thing. My pet peeves, my faults, the things I cherish. Alot of these things lead back to him...

In your eyes I saw the future together. You just look away in the distance...

When we finally separate, we look at each other. He smiles, a shy, yet strong smile, that radiates power and emotion. It reminds me of his younger days, a proud yet peacful empire. I want to see him like this more often. As I nod, he slowly lets go, to go make us some tea... and we silently resolved to fix our lives. I think we can do it if we support each other.

I can feel the distance...
I can feel the distance...
I can feel the distance getting close.

As this is the second chapter of a hopefully long fic,

I thought I'd let the readers decide the first guest singer.

I want to use more, but Tori Amos is the main singer, okay?

Any mistakes in the lyrics, I'll find later. The rest of the text is purely mine.

Please R+R!