She nearly growled in frustration as she stalked away. She swayed with the train efficiently going from car to car. She couldn't be that far from the back of the train.

What was she so worked up over anyway? Youko being there was convenient for her remuneration, but it wasn't like it was anything more than that; not really. Sating a body's desire was the logical thing to do lest it become a distraction. She had told Youko it meant nothing, right? Why did they have to travel with that buffoon of a man anyway? And they were supposed to meet up with another one once they reached Russia. This was without a doubt one of the worst missions.

"Hazuki! Hazuki wait!"

She paused and looked back for a moment as the woman caught up to her. She sighed in annoyance; she wasn't used to having to wait on anyone for anything.

"Didn't you hear me?" she panted. "You ran off pretty fast, are you-"

"I didn't run off. The conversation was boring and pointless so I left."

She turned to go again leaving Youko blinking in confusion for a moment before she hurried to catch up again.

" could have said something."

"Why? I don't want to talk to" She spat the word at Youko like the very idea was the most vile word she knew.

Youko's surprised expression only lasted a moment before she reached out taking Hazuki's arm. The woman looked sad as she cast her eyes downward.

"I'm sorry. It's, it's not like that."

"What are you talking about?"

Youko opened the door and stepped outside and with a small tug Hazuki followed. Youko rested her hands on the railing of the last car, watching the tracks fade in the distance. Hazuki waited for a moment watching brown locks dancing in the wind, but when Youko made no sign of speaking she started to repeat her question.

"I don't." She turned to look at Hazuki.

"You don't?"

"I don't like him."

Hazuki opened her mouth to respond but her own confusion stopped her. What is this? Am I...glad? Why should I care? What is going on?

"I'm sorry, Hazuki. I didn't realize..." She looked about ready to cry as she took the other woman's hand in hers. Hazuki, what are you feeling? I didn't mean to hurt you. Why won't you just say something?

"Fine." Youko blinked at the abrupt response. What was that supposed to mean?

Unconsciously, Youko pulled back her soft brown hair and held it to prevent the wind from whipping it around too much. She was still trying to figure out Hazuki's response when she felt firm fingers on her chin tilting her head up and her troubled gaze was soon filled with the other woman's visage. When Hazuki's lips touched hers, she shuddered.

For a brief moment the kiss was chaste, a brush of of lips like a butterfly's wings fluttering past. Youko twined her arms around Hazuki's neck and pushed herself close, and something in Hazuki melted. She parted her lips and Hazuki nearly crushed Youko against her as her tongue explored Youko's mouth as if it was the last kiss of all time. Youko nearly lost her balance from the intensity and lack of oxygen.

When Hazuki pulled back, her eyes were smoldering with barely restrained passion. She felt Youko's trembling hand brush her cheek. Her smile looked relieved? What was Youko worried about? She looked down into Youko's warm brown eyes that seemed to echo something she felt deep inside; that impossible emotion she knew she didn't really feel. Still, this was nice even if it was a lie.

"Not with anyone..." I won't share you with anyone. I... She tensed realizing she had spoken aloud. Damn. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of its chest. Surely it was just her body's reaction to the kiss, yes that must be it. But why was she pulling Youko closer? Maybe...

Was it relief that flooded Hazuki when those brown eyes seemed to soften even more and one of Youko's beautiful smiles greeted her? And when the woman wrapped her arms around Hazuki and rested her head against the other's shoulder, Hazuki finally relaxed. What should she do now? Her heart was still trying to beat itself out of her chest despite her conscious effort to calm her breathing. She could feel strands of Youko's hair gentle caressing her cheek as the wind tossed them around. She closed her eyes and sighed for the second time that day and thoughtfully rested her cheek against the silken pillow of Youko's hair. What a frustrating situation.

"No one but you," Youko agreed barely audible over the noises of the train. Perhaps Hazuki didn't even hear it. Hazuki seemed to pull her slightly closer but perhaps it was the chill of the wind.