Chapter Twenty

Ziva walked slowly on the soft grass. All around her it was quiet and there was a sense of peace. She listened to her light steps, soft breathing, and the heavier footsteps and breathing of Tony who walked next to her. They walked silently for a little while before stopping at a certain stone.

Ziva knelt and gently laid a rose next to the name engraved on the stone. "Hi Gibbs."

Tony knelt next to her looking at Gibbs' name and the dates. He sighed softly. "Thanks for everything boss. Everything you taught us didn't go to waste."

Ziva smiled. It was a bittersweet feeling. They were able to think of Gibbs and finally smile. Three months. It had taken three months since the lost of the fearless leader. Yes it hurt, but they were able to look past all that and now smile at all the good memories.

"We miss you a lot still." Ziva sighed, "it's so weird in the bullpen without you."

Tony wrapped an arm around Ziva and nodded, "we'll miss you. But we'll do just fine. It's weird, but we're able to do it."

Ziva smiled, "no need to worry about us Gibbs."

Tony laughed lightly, "even though you probably are since I'm the leader of the team now. Don't worry boss. I learned my lesson, and I'll take care of them."

The two sat there for a while and talked a little more. They enjoyed the day and were glad they were able to sit and talk to something that symbolized Gibbs.

Ducky sat in Autopsy relaxed. They didn't have a case, but since he was here a lot of his time, he felt relaxed. He took the much needed break as a chance to reflect back on his friendship with Gibbs. Like Tony and Ziva he was healing and was able to think back with a smile.

"Oh Jethro, we certainly have had quite the experiences together haven't we?" He mused to himself in the empty room. "You did well with the team dear friend. You taught them well too." Ducky smiled thinking of the time he worked with the late field agent and watched him teach each team member different things.

"My, they will do well. Yes, they will. I'll see to it myself." He laughed softly shaking his head as if reprimanding himself. "Look at me. Talking as if you're actually here. And you used to tease me for this sort of thing. But of an old habit I guess. I can't stop even when it's you. But if you remember Jethro, even the deceased tell the most interesting stories."

McGee and Abby sat in her office connected to her lab.

"Three months Timmy." Abby mused.

"Time does fly," McGee agreed, "hard to believe it was that long ago."

Abby nodded in agreement, "it doesn't hurt as bad as it used to."

McGee thought for a moment, "It doesn't. Now we can look back and smile about the good things."

"Just like he'd want us to." Abby smiled.

"He's a hero." McGee smiled.

Abby smiled and nodded, "yeah. He always has been. Only fitting he died one. Thanks Gibbs. If you can hear us. Thank you for saving us."

McGee chuckled hugging her, "thanks boss," he agreed, "for everything."

The End

(A/N: And that concludes it! Thank you all so much for your reviews, favorites, alerts, and support. I really loved writing this. It's probably the first story I have written that I was able to connect well with the emotions as I wrote. I'm proud of it. Thank you again! See you all in the future eh?)