Prologue, Chapter One

"DiNozzo! Get everyone out of here. There isn't enough time to get me out." Gibbs yelled. He was trapped. In a small room, a window and locked door the only way for him to get out. The window was small so that option was out. The lock on the door wasn't a padlock, and it was unpick-able, even by the very well trained ninja Ziva. Behind Gibbs in a corner you heard the menacing tick, tick, tick, of a bomb. Ziva would be able to diffuse it, if she was in the room.

"Boss! We aren't leaving you!" Tony snapped. He worked harder at the lock. It had to work. He was sweating hard from all the work, and the heat. Oh yeah, the building was on fire.

"DiNozzo! Get the hell out! Now!" Gibbs yelled. "Can't boss. It has to work." Sweat dripped down the special agent's forehead.

"Zivers." Gibbs looked out the small window to Ziva who was behind Tony.

Ziva stared back at him and nodded, "goodbye Gibbs." She turned to face McGee and Abby.

"What Ziva! No! He is not going to die! We're going to get him out! We have to!" Tony kept on shouting.

Ziva simply ignored him and looked at her two friends, "alright, McGee, get Abby out safely. Tell Vance, we are coming. Tell him, Gibbs told us to-" She paused, hoping McGee would read her unspoken message.

McGee nodded, "got it." He looked at where the silver hair fox stood. "Bye boss."

"Bye McGee. Take care." The fearless leader spoke with a strange ease. He looked at Abby. "Abs."Abby broke down into silent tears. "Bye Gibbs." She gave a soft wave, her heart ripping into pieces. Slowly she and McGee turned and left.

Ziva watched until they were out of sight. She turned to Tony and began to pull him away from the door. "Come on Tony." She tried to ease him to the exit. Tears were filling her eyes.

"I can't Zee. We have to save him." Tony persisted.

"It is no use Tony. He told us to go without him." Ziva whispered. She gently eased his hands away from the door handle and looked at Gibbs, "I will not ever forget you."Gibbs nodded, "me either Zivers. DiNozzo, you got what it takes to lead the team. Use it. Take care of them. Their your team now."

"No! Boss I'm not giving up! Don't you dare give up on us!" Tears began to fall down Tony's face. "Please!"Ziva held him back as she watched Gibbs.

"Go Zivers. You only have a minute. Now" Gibbs pleaded.

Ziva nodded and began to drag Tony the same way McGee and Abby had gone a few minutes before. She coughed lightly as they passed the smoke, her eyes watering even more. She couldn't cry though. She had to think logically for two. Crying wasn't going to help that.

Tony looked back. "Gibbs!" He was trying to pull out of Ziva's strong grip.

Shock. Ziva sighed. He's going into shock. As we all are. She pulled Tony through the building's front doors finally. She saw their NCIS family, minus one and dragged him towards them."Gibbs?" Vance asked as soon as Ziva got to them with Tony.

"Is still inside. There was no way we could save him. He told us to go on." Ziva whispered. She stared at Vance as he looked at her.

"You did good." Vance praised. He patted her shoulder lightly.

Ziva nodded. From her side she heard Tony shrieking at a firefighter.

"You call yourself a hero? Get your ass in there and save him! My boss is in there! Go save him if you are a hero!""Sir we can't do that! We can't risk our men. We know there's a bomb, we don't know how much time it has-"

A loud bang interrupted him. Debris flew in the air. Glass from windows shot out and the fire seemed to spread. Ziva vaguely felt a sharp pain in her arm as a shard of glass dug into her.

In her state of shock she heard McGee whisper on sentence. Two words. "He's gone."

A/N: Alright so it's obvious this is going to be a sad fic. It will be about Team Gibbs, and mostly Tiva centric. It will be centered around Tony and Ziva throughout this, considering they're the ones with the strongest emotions, I think I will do better writing about them. So let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy!