You Must Love Me

Chapter One

She had never wanted to be anyplace less in her life.  As she sat alone in the waiting room and listened to the click of typing hands, she wondered if she could just slip away unnoticed.  She wiped a non-existent spot of her dark blue skirt, straightened her jacket, and patted her hair, swept back in a severe bun.  At least she looked the part of a businesswoman, instead of what she really was, a desperate wife hoping for a favor.

"He'll see you now," the receptionist announced as she returned.  "Just straight through that door."

Chloe stood and braced her shoulders.  She had to do this.  For Phillip.  She tried to keep a firm step as she crossed to the office door.  She took a deep breath and entered his office.

"Good day, Mrs. Kiriakis," Brady Black said formally, getting to his feet.  He was dressed nothing like she remembered him, in a designer label business suit, complete with tie.  Even the chin she remembered as always being so wonderfully scruffy, was clean-shaven.  Brady Black had most certainly grown up.  "Have a seat."  He actually came out from behind his desk and pulled out a chair for her.  It was an unexpected civility.

"Thank you," Chloe murmured as she sat down.

Brady returned to his black leather chair.  "Now, how may I help you?"  There was nothing in his expression or the tone of his voice that let on that she was anything more than a business acquaintance.

Chloe hated his indifference.  If he had been angry, she could have fought him.  If he had been bitter, she could have pitied him.  But no, he had to sit there and act like she meant nothing to him at all.  Maybe she didn't.  Maybe he had forgotten all about those few short months they had spent together.  Maybe he didn't still relive their one incredible night together.  Maybe he didn't remember how he had sworn he would always love her.  She wished she could forget.  She needed to forget.  In a way, those memories were a betrayal of Phillip, of her vows.  But they still crept up on her, taunting her with the question, "What if?"

"Mrs. Kiriakis?"

"Oh, sorry," said Chloe, coloring as Brady's words penetrated her trance.  "My mind must have wandered.  Anyway, Bra—Mr. Black, you know the reason I'm here, to beg you to reconsider.  You can't take Titan away from Phillip.  You just can't.  It's his legacy."

Brady's face was like granite to her pleas.  "It was my grandfather's legacy, and Phillip is on his way to running it into the ground.  Wouldn't you rather I stepped in than some complete stranger?"

"I don't care about the company!" Chloe spat out.  "I care about Phillip, and the thought of losing Titan is killing him.  Please, Brady, he's family to you."

"Yes, he is," said Brady, still appearing unmoved.  "Which is why I'm not just turning him out on the street.  I've made him a more than generous office, and he'll still be in an executive position."

"A token job," Chloe protested.  "He'll sit behind a desk and read reports and have no say whatever in what happens in his company."

"And you think that's a bad thing?  I'm sorry, Mrs. Kiriakis; but from the moment your husband took over Titan, his foolhardy decisions have been causing the business to flounder.  For the survival of the company, it is essential that Phillip be removed from any kind of leadership role."

"You think you can do better?" challenged Chloe.

"I don't think, I know," Brady replied firmly.  "Over the last five years, I've taken Basic Black from a start-up company to a multi-billion dollar international corporation; and that's a hell of a lot harder than keeping an already successful business afloat."

"Well, it's nice to see your ego's still functioning properly, Brady Black," Chloe told him in a voice laden with sarcasm.

"And it's nice to see you've matured so much since high school," he shot back.  "But then I guess you never needed to."

Chloe flinched.  "What's that supposed to mean?"

Brady eyed her coolly.  "Simply that I doubt your life with Phillip has been a real growth process."

Chloe was brimming with rage, but she couldn't think of an appropriate response to his comment.  Mainly because it was true.  After she had been rejected from Julliard, she had cut things off with Brady abruptly.  Phillip had been right there waiting for her.  Soon after graduation, she'd let herself be talked into marrying him.  But things between herself and Phillip had never changed, even with their marriage.  He was still jealous one minute and apologetic the next.  She still kept him shut out of huge areas of her heart.  Chloe felt the need to deflect Brady's knowing stare.  "I assume then, since this conversation has wandered so off-course, that your answer is no."

Brady shook his head.  "I guess I was wrong.  Phillip has influenced you.  The Chloe Lane I knew would have fought back.  Too bad.  And I'm sorry; but I'm not walking away from Titan.  Like it or not, I'm part of your life now."

"Not mine," said Chloe, jumping out of her seat.  "Maybe Phillip's, but not mine."

In a matter of a few seconds, Brady had come around the desk and stood only inches away from her.  "What's the matter, Chloe?" he asked huskily.  "Afraid I might try something?  Or that you might like it?"

His smooth, deep voice was intoxicating her.  The very nearness of him was giving her shivers down her spine.  Reluctantly, she made herself back away, breaking the spell.  "I think we're through here," Chloe said, almost managing to control the tremor in her voice.  "I'm leaving now."  She turned on her heel and marched resolutely to the door, not giving him the satisfaction of looking back.

Brady watched her leave, an ache forming in the pit of his stomach.  God, after all this time, she still took his breath away.  He had spent years trying to forget her, first in alcohol, then in women, finally turning to work.  Work had given him a purpose.  He had thought he had finally exorcised her from his system.  What a laugh.  "Let's face it, Black," he said aloud.  "You're stuck.  She's in your blood."

He wondered if anyone else could see the things about her that he noticed in the first few moments of their conversation.  She was too thin and pale, like she hadn't been well for a long time.  There was a resignation in her voice which all his attempts to rile her hadn't been able to shake away.  And her eyes held a quiet desperation and a deep sadness.  She was miserable.  How come no one else could see it?

He had stayed away from her since her marriage.  Just being in the same room as her tormented him.  He knew she would never be his, and he could have lived with it if Phillip had somehow managed to make her happy.  But obviously, Phillip had failed.  Surprise, surprise.  So then and there, Brady set himself on a quest.  He was going to make sure that Chloe was happy.  No matter what it took.


Chloe Kiriakis entered the mansion with the by-now familiar feeling of depression.  This house was just too big.  And lonely.  Ever since Belle and Shawn had joined the Peace Corps and gone off to see the world, she didn't really have any friends.  Friendships were just too difficult to maintain with Phillip around.  He was constantly calling just to "check up" on her.  If she was home five minutes late, she had to endure a twenty-minute interrogation.  She had discovered Phillip was easier to deal with if she just stayed on her own.

After changing into more comfortable clothes, Chloe went to the kitchen to start dinner.  They had fired the cook after things had started to go badly for Titan.  Chloe didn't mind cooking, but Phillip looked upon it as some huge mortification, that his wife would have to do her own housework.  She didn't tell him that she was relieved to have it.  Even mundane chores were better than doing nothing at all.

She was only twenty-three, but she felt old.  Old and tired.  Five years of marriage to Phillip had dragged on like fifty.  She told herself she stayed with him because of her vows, but it had more to do with an unnamed fear.  A fear of what he would do.  Phillip had a sudden and violent temper, something she had known before her marriage but had chosen to ignore.  There was no ignoring it anymore.  Not that he ever hit her now.  No, after the first few months of her marriage, she had learned that if she simply let Phillip have his way in everything, he would be as sweet and gentle as he was when they first started dating.

Her mind wandered back to her meeting with Brady.  God, he looked good.  Except for a certain harder line to his mouth, which she had always remembered as intoxicatingly sensuous, he hadn't changed a bit in five years.  Of course, she'd seen his photograph in the papers dozens of times in the interim, mostly in connection with his large strides in the business world; but occasionally, she caught a blurb about him in the society pages, always with a different, beautiful woman on his arm.  She always felt a twinge of jealousy when she saw that.  She knew it could have been her.  She knew that if she hadn't rejected him, he would have stayed with her forever.  He had offered her his heart, no strings attached.  And she had run away as fast as she could, because he wasn't safe, because he could hurt her.

Phillip was predictable, easy to understand.  She knew how he would react to any given situation, which made him controllable.  With Brady, she was never quite sure what he was going to say and do next.  That idea frightened her more than anything Phillip could do.

Chloe heard the front door slam and busied herself setting the table.

"Hi, honey, I'm home," Phillip announced, coming up behind her and kissing her neck.  She forced herself not to stiffen.

Chloe faked a smile.  "So how was your day?"

Phillip shrugged.  "Well, I've lost the company.  As of tomorrow, the takeover will be effective.  I have a meeting with Nicole tomorrow morning.  She'll be filling me in on the specifics of my new job."

Chloe recognized the bitterness in Phillip's voice.  Phillip was bitter about a lot of things lately.  He had been ever since his mother shot his father and was sent to prison.  No doubt if Kate had been acquitted, she would have protected her son from such a business failure.  Phillip blamed Nicole, both for the lovers' spat that had effectively robbed him of both parents and for the decline of Titan.  Chloe knew better, though she wisely kept her mouth shut. 

It had been Phillip's constant attempts to manipulate his parents that had been the guiding force in Kate's action.  And Phillip had fired Nicole as soon as he took over the company.  A reckless, stupid move.  Nicole had simply walked through the doors of Basic Black and taken most of Titan's secrets with her.  So while Basic Black had flourished with Nicole and Brady at its head, Titan had been left with Phillip and Austin running the show.  It was hard to believe it had taken this long for Titan to go under.

Chloe didn't care much about office politics.  But she had her own reasons to hate Nicole.  The latest in Salem gossip said that she and Brady Black were lovers.  Chloe shuddered.  The whole idea was repulsive.  Brady deserved someone better than that.  He deserved someone like…

You? Asked a tiny voice inside her head.

No, of course not, she answered back.  I'm happily married.  She twisted the gold band on her finger self-consciously, knowing she was deliberately lying to herself.

"Chloe, have you heard a single word I've said?" asked Phillip irritably.

"Huh?  What?  Oh, sorry."  Chloe looked up from her plate, where she had been playing absently with her food.  "What were you saying, darling?"

"I asked what happened at your appointment today?  Did the doctor have any answers to why you can't get pregnant?"

Chloe felt a chill run through her.  She always did when he brought up this subject.  Phillip wanted children.  Two sons, to be exact.  She had fought him on it for a long time, before finally giving in to his wants.  Or so he thought.  Chloe smiled inwardly.  If Phillip knew she was taking birth control pills and hiding them from him, he would totally lose it.  Which was part of the fun.  It was her own silent rebellion.

Chloe had always been afraid to have children, always been afraid she would abandon them like she had been abandoned.  But since her marriage to Phillip, her fear had grown astronomically.  A child would bind her to Phillip for life.  It would mean the end of any small hope that she could leave him someday.  And what if Phillip took out his anger on their kids?  She couldn't handle that.

"That doctor said there's no reason I shouldn't be able to have kids.  He thinks there's something wrong with you," she said coldly.  Like the way you touch me makes my skin crawl, she added silently.  She remembered her one magical night with Brady.  He had made her feel things she'd never even dreamed possible.  But Phillip never took time to consider her needs, only his own.  Sex was not a pleasant word in Chloe's vocabulary.

Phillip turned scarlet.  "There's nothing wrong with me!" he bellowed.

"Yes, dear," replied Chloe docilely, always the dutiful wife.  "Whatever you say."


"You're still here?" questioned Nicole, entering his office.

Brady shrugged.  "So are you."

Nicole sank into one of the plush chairs in front of Brady's desk.  He barely even glanced at her.  He was making notes on a financial statement.  She smiled, thinking of what Salem society would say if they knew how things really stood between herself and Brady.  Oh, Nicole had heard all the ugly rumors.  Everyone knew she had slept her way to the top at Titan.  It was only natural that they would assume the same now.  But Brady wasn't Victor.  Brady wasn't any guy she'd ever known.  He had hired her to get the inside track on Titan, and he had promoted her because of her talent and brains.  He had never once laid a hand on her.  It was so infuriating.  She'd certainly sent him enough signals.

"Did you want something, Nicole?" Brady asked, momentarily looking up at her, before once again burying himself in his work.

"I heard you got a visitor today," she began, with seeming nonchalance.

"I had several," he replied absently, still not paying any attention to her.  "Who are you talking about?"

"Chloe Kiriakis," Nicole replied casually.  Brady's head flew up, the report forgotten.  She had done what she wanted.  She had his undivided attention.

"What about it?" asked Brady, a distinct warning in his barely controlled voice.

"I was just wondering what she came to talk to you about."

"That's none of your business, Nicole."  His eyes told her that she was pressing her luck.

Nicole shrugged.  "Fine.  I'm supposed to meet with Phillip tomorrow.  What exactly is his job going to be?"

Brady tapped his desk with a pen for a few seconds.  "Something public relations oriented, I think.  Something that takes him out of town a lot."

Nicole's eyes narrowed to cat-like slits.  "Sending Phillip away, Brady?  Why is that?  So you can nail his wife?"

Brady gave her a withering stare.  "My personal life is none of your business, Nicole.  You work for me.  Now, so does Phillip.  He'll do what I tell him to."

"At work, maybe," Nicole warned.  "But I doubt Phillip will be so eager to let you take his wife away from him.  Try it, and I'm sure we'll see World War III break out in Salem."