a/n - here it is, the final chapter. The next story in the series, Maasan, should be coming fairly soon. By the way, the entire series is called Nuchi Du Takara, which means Life is a Treasure. Thanks for the welcome back. Next up is a one-shot written for the April Fool's Day Challenge.

The eleven o'clock news announced the re-opening of the airports along the eastern half of the United States, so that night Ziva quietly packed her bag.

"You are welcome to come back anytime."

She looked up as Tomo leaned against the bedroom door, two cups in his hand. He held one cup out and she took it, smiling. "I may just take you up on that. These last few days have been – enlightening."

"I hope we have helped you find some peace."

"You have, more than you could ever know. Thank you." Ziva sat on the edge of the bed, sipping her tea. "I have called and made an appointment to resume my sessions with the agency psychologist. I am ready to face it."

"I am glad." Tomo gave a slight bow. "As much as I wanted to help Nancy and Tim, there was a time where the therapist helped more. Please, consider our home your sanctuary. Come back whenever you feel the need."

Ziva bowed her head slightly. "Thank you, I will." Once she was alone, Ziva wandered through the upper floor, finding herself in Tim's old bedroom. Setting her cup on the nightstand, she ran her hands over the well worn fabric. The first few squares sewn as Nancy sat in intensive care were easy to spot, slightly crooked, with uneven stitching, all done by hand. Ziva could imagine the young, frightened mother struggling to understand the doctor's words, using the repetitive action of running the needle up and down through the fabric to stay calm.

The next set of blocks showed that Nancy had mastered square corners and the stitches were smaller and more even. Remembering what she had read and seen, Ziva was able to trace the family's journey as the colorful blocks spiraled outward. Tim's release from the hospital was marked by the transition to machine stitched seams. The squares that included exotic fabrics recorded the family's times stationed overseas. Family vacations showed up with the occasional return of hand stitching of quilt blocks that were assembled in the car or around the campfire. Smiling, she spotted the arrival of the new sewing machine Tim had bought for his mother's birthday, earned with many months of a part time job. The fancier machine had successfully added the final row of squares that transformed the humble beginnings to a full sized quilt.


"Good morning, all packed and ready?"

Ziva turned at the sound of Nancy's voice, setting the teddy bear back on the pillow. "Yes, I am. Thank you. You and Tomo have been most kind to me and have taught me a great deal."

"I am so glad we could help." Nancy moved closer, hugging Ziva around the waist as she picked up the bear Ziva had just set down. Ziva smiled as the older woman put the bear up to her ear and pretended to listen to it, before telling the bear that it was absolutely right.

"What did he tell you?" Ziva couldn't help but smile.

Nancy returned the smile. "Theodore tells me that he's bonded with you and needs to go back to DC also."

"Oh, he does?" Even though she was teasing back, the idea of taking the furry toy back with her touched her heart.

"Absolutely." Nancy unzipped Ziva's bag and found a spot for the bear. "Now, since it looks like you have room, why don't you take some cookies back for you and Tim?"

An hour later she was in the car with Tomo, her bag now bulging with every treat Nancy could find in her freezer. It had been dark when she arrived, so now she got to see the part of the country the McGee family now called home. "How did you decide to settle here?"

"You don't know how a Navy man chooses a retirement spot?" His tone was serious, but there was a twinkle in his eye.

For a moment, Ziva thought hard, she'd heard a great deal while at NCIS, about both Navy and Marine Corps traditions, but this one wasn't ringing any bells. "No, I don't think I do."

"When you get to port the last time, the Skipper hands you an oar and you start walking. When somebody looks at you and says 'boy, what's that stick you're carrying?' you know you're far enough inland."

Ziva burst out laughing and Tomo joined in before turning serious. "Nancy's mother and several of her cousins live in the area. After all those years of following me around, I wanted Nancy and the kids to be around family."

"Your wife and children are very lucky to have you."

"It is I that has been blessed, Ziva."


At the airport, Tomo insisted on parking and walking Ziva to the security gate. Impulsively, she hugged him before getting into line. "Thank you, I will remember what you have taught me."

"If my words have eased your journey, then I am honored. My grandfather once told me a proverb. When you have completed 95 percent of your journey, you are only halfway there. Remember this, Ziva. No matter how hard one works at healing, do not forget to live along the way."

Going through security, the TSA agent looked very closely at her badge and paperwork allowing her to carry a gun on board before he checked her carry-on bag. "Ah, taking a present home to someone?" He carefully felt the bear before starting to return it to her bag.

Ziva took the bear from him to carefully place it back between her rolled up clothes and the plastic bag of cookies. "No, he's mine."


Arriving back in DC, Ziva wasn't surprised to find McGee waiting for her. Smiling, she let him take her bag without an argument. "Your mother sent cookies."

"Really? I was kinda hoping she would." He opened the door to his car for her and she waited until he walked around and was behind the wheel before answering.

"Did you also hope that your parents would give me guidance?" When he froze, she took pity on him and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Thank you for that."

"You don't mind?" Tim started the car and smoothly pulled out. "My dad told me once that sometimes in life, you end up exactly where you are supposed to be, that's how he met my mom. When I realized that your only travel option that night would put you right there..."

"It was where I was supposed to be." She finished for him, not speaking again until they were away from the airport and on the freeway. "Your mother is wonderful and your father is a remarkable man."

"Yeah, they are."

The rest of the ride was quiet and Ziva thought about the one comment that Tomo had made about his own family as she debated what to tell McGee about what she knew. My parents' treatment of Tim taught him to be very careful.


It was the first time he could remember that she used his first name. "You know?"

She recognized the small flicker of fear in his tone and rested her hand on his arm. "Not all, but enough to see just how strong you really are, and to know that I can tell you anything."

"Always, Ziva."

"And I hope, in time, you will feel the same."


Ziva arrived at the Yard early, having just enough time to drop off her backpack before going upstairs for her appointment. McGee and Gibbs were in MTAC, but Tony came over the second her pack hit the ground. "So, Ziva, I see you survived being trapped with the senior McGeeks."

She murmured a yes at him, looking at the new arrival in her workstation. A miniature tray of sand, complete with tiny rake and smoother was sitting on the shelf next to her desk. As Tony continued with his questions, she picked up the card, smiling at the familiar handwriting.

Remember, each breath is a fresh start.

"Well, Ziva?"

She looked up, startled. "What? I did not hear your question, Tony."

Tony rolled his eyes, but obediently repeated the question. "What's old man McGee like?"

Smiling, Ziva saw Tim coming down the stairs in time to hear the question. "Tony, let us just say that in all the ways that matter, McGee is the splitting image of his father." Behind the senior agent, Tim smiled and blushed as he sat down, mouthing the words 'thank you' to her as Tony tried to decipher her cryptic answer.

Gibbs' arrival with a new case pulled the three men out of the office and Ziva trailed her fingers through the sand once before heading upstairs to start her therapy anew.