So, to start of Id like to apologize on my behavior this year, to clear things up I indeed started college and realized how hard it was to try to update.

I honestly didn't have the time along with the motivation, with taking so many credits.
But I promised myself that I would try to finish what I started and try to publish more often!
However I already had this chapter ready but my computer crashed and I had to rewrite it again.
Granted this chapter is only half of the original chapter 6.

I am in the works in a story based on the shipping of Kevedd, Sterek along with NejixTenxSaku either of them.
Lol and with that you all should find me on tumblr, Because that might help with new ideas and things to enhance this story.
My thrive in writing this isn't as good as I expected.
But from Now on things in BOLD will be when people are speaking in Bulgarian.
When they are in BOLD/ITALIC is when they are speaking in English only with an accent.
and I don't really know much to say

Other than that, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I DO NOT own Harry Potter this is all a figment of my imagination spin off. Lol

Chapter 6 part I

Tell Me to Leave

Viktor didn't know what to do with himself. How is it that she had been feeling the same things as he was?
He couldn't deny that he was aroused by her dream, in all honesty he HOPED, better yet WANTED that.
He completely dismissed his desire and lectured himself in thinking that way of her. He was still dumbstruck in that whole encounter.
How could she think that of him? Was he really the cause of that burning sensation in her? The desire she had in only a dream?
That she wasn't a fan girl; she completely disregarded his celebrity stature.
She saw him as anybody else.
She made him feel as if HE wasn't worth her time, that he needed to accomplish some type mission or stature to even breathe the same air as her.

The wind blew within strands of his hair; his body started to fall asleep on the cold boulder
He decided to finally go back to the sanity of this room.
If anything he knew Alexander would help him.

Walking back into his room with a sigh, he left his broom down.
falling back on his back he couldn't get her out of his mind.
the more he lingered on the subject on her dream, he became more aroused.
How was it that he was fixated with this girl?

Alexander later knocked on his door before walking in, concerned with what had happened to his dear friend.
A smirk came across his face seeing his "emotionless" friend slumped on his bed, like a defeated child.

"I am at a loss of words with this girl; I cannot get her out of my mind. She has bewitched me Alexander…"

Crossing his arms, he pondered more on his statement and realized that Viktor has indeed never really been in this position before. Was she his first love? Out of all the years he has known Viktor, Alexander knew him better than anyone. Was this girl really that much of an impact?
Did he talk to her?

"Did you speak with her tonight?"

"No, but I saw her…"

Alexander paced more into the room before finally, resting against his dresser, directly in front of Viktors lying form.

"Where exactly? Don't tell me you stalked her room"

"Alexander you know me better than that"

"Okay then, so what happened that left you so... Bewitched"

"I met the dark haired boy; I couldn't talk to her since I had no idea what I would tell her.
I got so frustrated, that I just went off to fly for the night…think things out. I rested and there she was along with her friend."

"Well then?"

"She spoke to her friend… about a dream… of her and I intimately. "

"Hhmm… well… what do you know. What are you going to do?"

"Exactly, I have no clue in where to go with this. For I was not supposed to have heard, But how was I to leave?
She would have noticed, and highly accuse me for listening to foreign conversations."

"Well I would believe you keep this to yourself Viktor, you would not appreciate such strangers know of your personal thoughts or, dreams."

"Da, but what do I even say to her?"


Viktor sat up, "What?!"

"I said, do nothing, just let things unfold on their own. You have to focus, remember?
And what of Headmaster finds out about a love interest in his best student? We have no idea what could happen."

Viktor paused for a second, if anything were to happen to make his head master suspect his focus and his priorities then who knows what he'll do. Sighing in defeat he walked into the bathroom before giving his friend a thankful look as the same smirk came back as his friend left his room as well. No one knew him better than Alexander. That's for sure. Sure He'll see her all year, but that's all he'll have. He stared at himself for a couple of seconds before brushing his teeth. But the thought kept lingering through his head.
A year not even that, A SCHOOL year.

One year to learn more about her, one year to actually become her friend, to actually get to know her, to BE with her.

Then it hit him.

But... What about after? Would he ever see her again after the school years over? Would she even remember him?
Already she doesn't see him as anything special. What if they never speak to each other again?
Every question, every thought was starting to make his head ache.
And by the feel of it, it wasn't going to be a nice one either.
He finished up and changed into his under armor workout shorts and headed to bed.

Every event of today started to flash back, maybe Alexander was right. He should just let things unfold on their own, and with that he drifted off to sleep.

The next day it seemed Viktor couldn't even take a break, nonstop he was always being followed by fan girls. He couldn't even focus properly without having to hear their nonstop giggling, and whispers; if that's what they were attempting! He could practically hear every unnecessary observation of him. He would turn around and stare them down, but not even that worked! They continued with his "serious sexy eyes"
and "mysterious ways" yup… Were these girls this naïve?

All he wanted was some peace a quiet, at least to study on the things that he missed during class.

Already by Lunch hour the rumor seemed to turn that he was capturing every girl's affection with just one smirk and a wink. He didn't even smile for bloody sake; School was so different from home. He really hoped Hermione wouldn't have heard any of the rumors that seemed to be going around.

By the end of Lunch hour he figured he'd go up to the Library to study, since he had a free class.
He needed to get his studies in check, along with his English.
Turning on to main hallway he saw a flash of light brown bushy curly hair turn another corner far ahead. Without even thinking he started to follow, to his surprise he followed her to his destination as well; The fine silent sanctuary of the Library.

Hermione's day started out typical except for the confused first years lost in where they were supposed to go. It was actually kind of slow, since she didn't see Harry or Ron all morning, with Ginny she only got to greet her between classes till lunch hour. Even then she squealed on the apparent "juicy news" of Viktors actions in class.

"They say that he turned around to wink and smile to I don't even know who, but I bet you that's all Rubbish!"

"And I should be concerned….why?"

"Oh come on Hermione!Walking down the hall she couldn't help butscoff, rewarding her ever so serious glare from her best friend. Holding her books closer to her chest, and raising her nose to high,

"He's NOT getting in the way of my studies."


"Didn't you tell me to just let things flow?"

"Yeah But-" :/

"And that's exactly what I'm doing"

"Ughhh, Mione what I meant was that you should at least be a little bit interested at least!"

"Well, why should I care about these rumors? They're rarely even true half of the bloody time. You said so yourself 'It's all just rubbish'

"Alright, true. But you should just keep an open mind, especially on Viktor ;)" and with that she walked off to her next class.

Hermione just rolled her eyes, and continued walking heading to the Library.

The Library was her sanctuary; it has always seemed like a safe haven for knowledge. She always loved a good book, she loved reading, she just loved being able to learn new things, new views, new ideas, and a wide perspective of the world itself magical or not.

Usually she always just re-shelved the books, but they do those themselves.

Yet today, Hermione just walked aimlessly down the aisle skimming for anything that caught her eye.

She stopped at a book "The Life Of a Muggle", a bit irked she grabbed it, and skimmed it. It was old, around 10yrs. And it didn't seem offensive, it seemed more comical to her now. Of course wizards and others would be curious of "Muggle" lifestyles without anything magic.

Sliding it back, she stopped. She heard shuffling from the other side of the aisle. But she usually roamed the back aisles of the library by herself. Standing still, thinking it was merely her imagination, she heard, what was that? Mumbling? Huh? No one else ever really bothered to head back there, like ever.

This puzzled her, she felt watched.

Slowly walking towards it she turns the corner,


She was confused, baffled even, she KNEW what she heard, and she wasn't crazy.

Till she heard it again, the shuffling, she still felt like she was being watched. More determined to figure it out she pursued.
Turning on every corner she would catch a glimpse of someone turning to another down the row.
What the hell?

Viktor read slowly the title of the book she had, "Muggle?"

Till he realized he not only said it in his head but also out loud.

His heart was racing, what was he going to say?

Should he just run for it? Why for bloody sakes did he follow her? How was he even going to explain this?

Viktor didn't know what came over him; he was just supposed to come sit in a corner and study, read, homework, ANYTHING. However he couldn't control himself, his curiosity tortured him.

Her light brown curly hair, the look in her eyes, her soft smooth skin. She was interesting, she was different.

The scene from that night replaying in his mind, he couldn't help himself. He wanted to talk to her ever so badly.

Till he realized he was being a total Creep! She caught onto him, She KNEW he was there, and he saw her walk towards his direction.
He panicked, and he left as fast and silently as possible.

His back against the shelf he peeked at her.
She looked confused, but slowly was turning back around.

Viktor leaned back and finally let go of the air he was holding in. *phew* he rested a little more against the shelf taking one last peak, till he accidentally shoved a book in with his shoulder.


He knew she heard that, and on that note he booked it again. He felt her hot on his trail, turning left and right on every corner, he just couldn't lose her. Then out of nowhere, they both scared each other turning on the same corner.


"Viktor?" she whispered confused.

Oh for Merlin sake, please tell me this is just another coincidence.

Viktor looked like a deer in headlights. Swallowing the knot in his throat, he answered her.


"Umm I'm sorry, but were you following me?" her eyes darting back and forth all around except to the ONE person she was talking to.

She was nervous, why would I be nervous? There was no need to be.

"I velieve this is a library no? I vas just curious."

Good cover, she should buy that one, hopefully she doesn't question anything more.

See it was just a coincidence, nothing more. Goodness Hermione maybe you are going a little crazy here. But… why did he run away?

"Yes but I don't believe there was any reason for you to run away? I'm sorry; I'm just usually by myself back here."

SHIT, think of something think of something you idiot!

"Yes, vell I thought you vere a fan girl, I couldn't seem to have gotten any piece and quite today."

Hermione scoffed at his answer, HER? a fan girl? Uhh NO Thank you.

"Yeah, no I am not, however I usually am back here by myself, so I was just curious on who else would be here-"

"He's wrong you know"


"Your friend from dinner, he's wrong, well I believe he's wrong. You are indeed beautiful, and I don't believe you should listen to any other nonsense."

"Excuse me?"

Oh Shit, what did I just do… Viktor was a deer in headlights from Hermione's reaction, the next thing he knew she was in his arms.

Who in the bloody name does he think he is?! How dare he think he can just pull that out there!

Everything became a blur to her.
All of Hermione's features drained of color, before her expression slowly turned into pure angry embarrassment.
Eyes watering, opening her mouth to tell him a thing or two; she's hit from behind.

Falling forward into Viktor's chest, her breathe caught in her throat; everything becoming a tingling sensation. Her body already too familiar to his big broad chest stunned her mind going on over drive, trying to piece every little thing that seemed to have gotten her in this situation.

There was a thud on the floor, a book?

Is that what hit me? But how can that be? Looking closely, it was the "Muggle" book.

But I put it back didn't I? How could it have followed me?
Her eyes scanning everything but the giant hulk of man, with a mesmerizing scent that invaded her nostrils.
Was she back to where they started? Yes.

She never slid it back in place right.

Out of all the things that could have happened, Viktor definitely wasn't expecting this.
From the time his crazy ex assaulted him naked in the men's showers after a game, to being groped by a reporter in a middle of a conference.

He definitely didn't know what to do here. Here in his arms was the girl invading his dreams, his thoughts, his sanity.

He looked down on her small frame.

Was this real?

And if it was please oh please for mishkas sake let it not end horrible or end at all. Time stood still in his mind.

Looking up/down to each other at the same time, their eyes locked. Both speechless, the outside world fading past them into darkness,

"Are you alvihgt?" his voice, deep, filled with concerned, his eyes displaying protection, seriousness, warmth, mystery as if staring down deep into her soul. She couldn't help but stare down to his lips, they were thin serious line.

Viktor couldn't understand how he could read her so well. Her eyes rich and warm, filled with innocence, knowledge, pride, confidence, but there was lost in her eyes.

Hermione gulped down the giant knot in her throat. Pure plump pink lips parted, she was speechless, and for once in her life she couldn't come out with a coherent sentence.

Both of their bodies acting on their own accord they leaned closer to each other, eyes closing. From forehead to forehead, nose to nose, till both their lips molded together perfectly.

Enriched with the Taste of her lips, he took her in.

It was innocently sweet, till the need became more urgent.

Their tongues began fighting for dominance, He felt her whither in his arms.

The jolt of electricity went right through him.

He needed more of her, filled with mixed emotions.

She was becoming addicting…

Her eyes, her touch, her scent, everything started to invade his every sense, driving him wild with passion.

He pushed her toward the shelves; a small whimper escaped her lips, the body pressure making both of their chests ache.

She gasped for air as books fell over them, and there they stood.
Deeply entangled in each other's gaze.


Well! I hoped you enjoyed this relative short Half chapter! Ha ha
Please Review! Ideas & concepts are always welcomed! Just not harassing or foul mouthing!
Again I'm sorry for such the long wait, and I hope many of the original followers are still there!
I love all of you!