It was later... What was she doing? The lieutenants mind was reeling, desperation flickering in her eyes. This wasn't good, a patient, squad three, low in rank, but seemingly a pleasant person, she had met him once, and never had she expected the second meeting to be like this. Her breath hitched, she knew it was too late, her hands on his chest, trying her hardest to restart his heart, she began to shake, it was never easy for any member of her squad to lose a patient, and for her, it had been a very long time.

"I... I..." She whispered to herself, finally removing her hands, he was dead, no chance of him waking, or living another day. She hated it, the fact that sometimes, she couldn't save a life. It reminded her of the past, when she had been young, untrained, but it shouldn't have been like this... It shouldn't be so easy for something that means so much, to be taken in seconds. Eyes didn't move, the stayed glued to the now corpse of a man that had never done anything to deserve this, and as shinigami raced around her, time seemed to slow, her heartbeat pounding in her ears as a white blanket replaced a lifeless face. The tall lieutenants legs seemed to move of their own accord, carrying her off, away, she needed to escape the guilty feeling that was threatening to swallow her whole.

"Captain... I'm meant to... Be going to..." Her voice trailed off, wanting, no, needing to hide away.

The captain of the fourth squad had been so busy, she had almost forgotten about the meeting she had arranged later on in the night, do as she remembered, she could not help but smile. As she walked through the corridors located at the very edge of the fourth squad, she could not help but notice people grouping, whispering amongst themselves, some payed attention to her, smiling respectfully, others seemed to develop nerves, shying away from her. She didn't understand, until her ears picked up on a certain name, and as soon as the name was heard, she found herself prying, a part of her curious, which was not unusual, though she would hide that part of her away.

"May I ask what you're talking about?" Slowly approaching a small group, she spoke softly, but no matter, they would not deny her any information. Quickly, one of the males began to speak, stuttering, nervous. Again, she sometimes enjoyed this, finding those who break as fast as a vase beneath the scrutiny of Zaraki Kenpachi, in fact, she found it thoroughly amusing.

"W-Well... Captain... Lieutenant Kotetsu lost a patient about ten minutes ago, and she seems to be missing. A couple of people said they saw her walking off towards her bedroom... O-Others have said she left the premises completely..." The man shrivelled up, crouched down in fear as the dark haired woman's reiatsu flared. Yet, she still wore that same smile, eyes closed completely.

"I must thank you for the information you have just divulged, now please, continue on with what you were doing." That same soft voice. The man just nodded, staring as the captain walked away, calmly.

It wouldn't be difficult to locate her lieutenant, or so she thought. It was usually rather easy for Retsu to pick up on Isanes reiatsu, but something was different, was she trying to hide? As minuscule as it was, she could sense her, she was definitely not within the premises, which was what she had feared. However, the captain did not lose composure. She walked elegantly on through the corridors, eventually coming to the entrance, which she walked through, stopped briefly and looked around to see if there would be anybody to witness her moment of panic. After deciding she was alone, she flash stepped towards the very faint hint of her lieutenant.

Isane sat quietly, her legs crossed, hands moving through the frosted over grass beneath her. It was getting darker now, the setting sun allowing for the atmosphere to become cold. There had been dew earlier, so as the temperatures dropped, the branches of trees began to sparkle white, twilight causing them to glitter an almost purple colour. With a soft sigh, she greeted the evening, her eyes closing. As she exhaled, a large cloud of white passed her lips, but she liked it like this... She always had.

"It's always like this..." She spoke quietly, beneath her breath, her body flinching as she sensed something, something that was coming too fast for her to get away. So she would give up, what did she care? Her body fell back, more comfortable for her, laying down, her eyes now opening.

"What... The... Retsu?" She bolted upright, scurrying away, slightly shocked to see the petite woman standing before her.

"I... I was j-just..." She stopped speaking as soon as arms enveloped her, blue eyes meeting hers.

"You don't need to say anything, Isane..." The captain still held the same soothing voice that she always did, but something was off, there was pure worry hidden behind her words. "We can't save everybody. You and I both know that."

Isane was taken aback, her eyes filling up, staring into the older womans, refusing to look away.

"B-But... It was my fault..."

"No." Unohana interrupted. "It was not your fault, nor I, or anybody elses. Life is cruel, as is death, and we can not stop life from ending if it is impossible to prolong, Isane ..." Retsus hand came up to caress Isanes cheek, her arm pulling the taller, heavier lieutenant, up to her feet. "Now come... We will rest... You're freezing, the last thing I want is for you to become sick."

The lilac haired woman nodded, agreeing and obeying each word the woman before her spoke, fingers entwining with hers, warm against her cold skin, she really was in love, and as she was pulled along, back towards the fourth division barracks, she couldn't help but smile, watching Retsu as they moved.

"U-Um... Re-Retsu..." The tranquil woman nodded at her, her eyes slowly moving to rest on her flushed face.

"Hai, Isane?"

"Didn't we have... P-Plans...?"

Captain Unohana Retsu, smirked, her reply in tone more provocative than Isane had ever heard.

"Hai... Isane."