Disclaimer: Plot, characters and settings are not my intellectual property. No copyright infringements intended.

The gray image of the video flickered on the laptop monitor, slightly warped around the edges by the curved lens of the security camera. The short stretch of concrete walkway in the background was just discernable through the thick mist pressing against the screen.

The blurred figures of two King's Sentries and a third, jacket-clad man wove in and out of the field of vision. They seemed to be chasing something imaginary, for they darted up and down the corridor, soundlessly shouting, pointing, and on one occasion, swinging a rifle – at what appeared to be thin air.

At one point, they seemed to have encircled their invisible quarry, and approached some point between them slowly and cautiously. Suddenly, as if something had exploded in front of them, they leapt back in union, arms wind-milling wildly-


Horatio clicked the mouse and leaned forward to scrutinize the paused image on the screen. His and the Sentries' figures were frozen comically as they leaned back with their arms in the air. The space they were cringing from was nothing more than a blank stretch of fog.

"But the ghost was right there!" Bernardo protested, "Bursting before our eyes in that horrible light... How -?"

"It seems" said Horatio, straightening from the screen, but still frowning thoughtfully at the monitor, "either the ghost was a figment of all of our imaginations, or it cannot be recorded on tape. Just as well that there's no record." He added quietly, mostly to himself.

"What does this mean?" Marcellus' deep voice was sharp.

"It means," said Horatio slowly, gaze not wavering from the screen, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."

A pause.

"You believe it has to do with the mobilization?" Marcellus asked in lower tones.

"What-?" Horatio looked up, surprised. "The mobilization is a result of the threats from Norway. These days, it's a political open secret."

"This is different." Horatio returned to the still image, muttering, apparently to himself, "Theology studies certainly didn't prepare me for this." He paused, then added softly, "But I have read some records... vivid descriptions of spirits rising from their graves when Rome fell... nocturnal creatures that would cringe at the crowing of the rooster and the smallest shaft of sunlight..." He looked up at Marcellus. "I would never have thought anything of it had I not seen this with my own eyes."

"We must inform the King! It is our first duty to report to him!"

Horatio and Marcellus turned to Bernardo, staring as if they had forgotten his presence in the room.

Horatio replied first, carefully, weighing his words. "We will not be taken seriously, Bernardo, if we have no proof," he said, gesturing at the ghost-less video. "Let us properly investigate this phenomenon first. Once we are certain we are not mistaken, Marcellus and I will see that this is reported to the authorities."

"Soldier, you have done well." Marcellus added, removing the disk from the laptop and presenting it to Bernardo to return to the surveillance room.

Bernardo accepted the disk with a solemn salute. He nodded at Horatio and turned on his heel, heading out of the small storage room and down the hall at a quick march.

Horatio waited until Bernardo's footsteps had completely faded before turning to Marcellus. "We'd best inform prince Hamlet about this," he said without preamble.

At Marcellus' brisk nod, Horatio packed up his laptop and slung it over his shoulder. He gave a sudden wry smile. "It is his father's ghost that's haunting us, after all."


A/N: Happy to read criticism in the reviews!