This is inspired by a B-boy concert called Marionette that I saw a month ago. It took me awhile to get the story orgainized... I hope you enjoy it!

I do not own anything!

Marionette Act 1.

One faithful day was all it took for Kaito to have the world crashing down on him. One day with him and the Pandora. He should've been more careful. He should've! Now he had eternity to live in his young 18 year old face. KID would be forever-HE would be forever. But then only he...

He feared that when everyone dies, he would be alone. He feared and feared but having a heist always helped him to get his mind off of it. The excitement, the shouts, his fans...and his love never failed to do that.

Yes, his love. He wondered if the person realizes that he has stolen his heart. He may be a detective but he is always oblivious to other things. Yes, HE. And yes, a DETECTIVE. He was a thief who is in love with a detective; a person who fell in love with his enemy. He always believed that the stuff like that only happen in the movies... And sadly, he realized most do NOT end so happy.

But with who, you may ask... And Kaito can tell you very proudly that it is the one and only Kudo Shinichi. After spending a year as Conan, Shinichi finally took down the organization and soon after, Snake was taken care of. Also not so long after that the cure for his de-aging was made and as everybody can tell, Kudo Shinichi was back.

Not only that Tantei-kun was good-looking but he has a brilliant mind and Kaito just couldn't name the one thing he would change about Shinichi. Because that was what made him...well, Shinichi. Except perhaps he could cut down on the dead bodies falling at him, literary.

Kaito smirked at Shinichi who has returned to his original and was lazily leaning back on the wall of the museum. Then his grin widened when he realized that the English detective couldn't make it tonight. He always interrupted the nice debate/flirting with Shinichi.

Kaito eyed the detective then at the prize he will be taking tonight. The Sea Serpent: a beautiful blue opal. He wondered why he started to favor blue-colored jewels. Before, when he used to deny his feeling toward the detective, he reasoned because blue was counter color to red-Pandora. But he knew that it was also mostly because the color reminded of the detective so much. Especially today's jewel. It was the same color as his secret crush's piercing eyes.

The clock struck ten and the heist has started. When Kid still hasn't appeared, officers became hesitant and doubtful if it was the fake heist note. It hadn't happen for a while. But Nakamori and Shinichi only narrowed their eyes.

Then the pink smoke erupted out of nowhere and Kid stood tall and proud on top of the jewel case, holding his prize. "Hello, my fellow task force, same old keibu-san, and Tantei-kun!" Shinichi frowned at the nickname.

"KID, WHY WERE YOU SO LATE?" Nakamori bellowed at the said-thief.

"Ah, gomenasai, keibu-san. I got distracted for a while," Kaito purred and sent a wink toward the Detective of the East. Shinichi noticed and blushed. Kaito couldn't help but feel warm at that blush... Sometimes he wished that the detective would stop doing that for the same reason he loved it. It kept him hoping that maybe...just maybe...that the detective would feel the same way about him.

Kaito mentally shook himself and smirked before dropping the usual dose of sleeping gas and a smoke bomb. He ran up to the roof like a routine, while everyone would be probably chasing the fake dummy. All except one, that is.

"It's still a wonder why the police wouldn't get some officers guarding the roof considering that I have used it so many times," Kid sighed. "Ne, Tantei-kun?"

A person stepped out of the shadow and smirked. "Ah, let them be." Now the shadow was completely drawn away from the person by the enchanting moonlight and fully revealed the famed detective, Kudo Shinichi. "I rather like having this private...TALK with you."

Kaito felt his heart speed up again. He already has Mouri girl! Stop hoping, baka! But he couldn't.

"You knew I was Conan?"

"So I did..." Shinichi frowned. He did not like the answer that he was given. But he knew that Kid somehow figured him out anyway. He wanted to know how and the thief also knew that but then again, there was that favorite quote of that said-thief:"Magician never reveals his secret."

"And how's Mouri-chan?" Kaito asked in a nonchalant voice but there was a hint of small jealousy in his eyes.

Shinichi's smile froze at the sudden mention of his girlfriend. Wait, let me rephrase that... "You mean Ran? She's fine," Shinichi took a small pause and continued, "with her new boyfriend." His ex-girlfriend to be exact.

"Eh? Is that so?" Kaito covered his surprise easily with his poker face. Then noticing the detective's hurt face, Kaito clenched his fist. 'Damn, why did I ask that?'

"I told her about Conan." Shinichi's eyes looked far away but the hurt look was gone.

"Tantei-kun, you don't have to tell me-"

However Kaito was cut off as Shinichi continued, "I thought she deserved to know and that she would forgive me. I loved her and she told me she loved me too." The words made Kaito's heart ache. "I don't know what came over me. I knew it would hurt her if I told her and I didn't want that. Maybe it was the guilt of lying to her that had driven me to do that but just few days ago; I realized there was another reason." Shinichi smiled and it wasn't the confident I-got-you smile but rather soft and loving one. Kaito held his breath, signaling the detective to continue.

"I realized that I got no reason to not tell her because I didn't have the fear of breaking up with her. It will hurt her but she deserved to know. I knew that much. The only reason I truly did not tell her was because I was afraid to break up with her. I told her because now I am in love with someone else..." Shinichi placed a bitter smile slowly getting bigger and softer. "I fell in love..." Shinichi declared as he stepped closer to the thief while the other stepped back. "...with someone no one would ever thought it was possible for me to fall in love with..." The detective advanced toward the thief once more and the thief in reflex, backed away. He was the confident Kaitou Kid but the seductive eyes Shinichi was giving him he couldn't help but to back away once again. "...and that person is..." Kid's back hit the railing and there was only an inch of space between them. "" The gap was closed and Shinichi's soft lips were on Kaito's.

Kaito's brain shut itself down for a moment before hesitatingly kissing back. It was more pleasant than in his dreams. Not that...he had dreams about it!

Kaito pushed Shinichi away. He didn't know why he did it; it was really pleasant after all. And the harsh words just popped out of his mouth. "So I'm just a replacement?"

"No, no..." Shinichi hugged Kaito. "I would never..." The thief relaxed at the touch. But at the same time, Shinichi let go and backed away. "I—I'm sorry," the detective chocked out and began to hurriedly head down the building.

Kaito knew if he let his blue eyed angel go, he would lose him forever. "Wait... Shinichi."

The said-detective stopped. It was no Tantei-kun or Kudo. He called him by his first name. He called him SHINICHI.

Kaito pulled Shinichi to him. He wanted to feel so that he could tell it was real. Detective just shook his head and dug his face into Kid's jacket. Kaito smiled and whispered, "You're too cute, Shin-chan."

And this was the start of their relationship.

How was it? Well I thought it turned pretty good!

Please review and tell me what you think?