A/N italics are their thoughts


"I take you Heidi Wilson to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, and there to I pledge you my faith and love" Jordan repeated after the church minister as he placed the ring on Heidi's finger. Lara was beside Heidi, tears were falling from her eyes as she watched on. Little Sadie was the flower girl, who ended up crawling down the aisle and Chase was the best man.

"Now you will feel no rain, for you will be shelter for each other. Now you will feel no cold, for you will be warmth for each other. Now you will feel no loneliness, for you will be friends for each other. Now you are two people, but there is only one road you will walk together. May your days together be good and long upon the Earth.
In as much as you have publicly declared your love and expressed your wish to spend your future together, I declare you united as one, in love, in life and in happiness. I know pronounce you…Husband and Wife" The minister declared, sending the whole room cheering and clapping excitedly as Heidi and Jordan kissed passionately. After seconds of kissing they picked up their little girl and ran down the aisle happily, with everyone following closely behind. A limo pulled up soon after, as the group of ladies stood in a circle behind Heidi.

"Ready?" Heidi shouted smiling as she got ready to toss the bouquet of flowers

"Ready!" The women cheered. Heidi threw the flowers behind her sending the women jumping like into the air fiercely. Heidi turned around to see Lara holding the flowers in her hand laughing.

"Yeah Lara!" Heidi shouted happily laughing. Lara walked over to where the boys were standing, she grabbed Dean by his tie and kissed him making everyone turn around in shock. Lachie and Chase were laughing and Heidi was hugging onto Jordan smiling.

"What was that for?" Dean asked

"Nothing Dean Gallagher" Lara said smirking before she walked off.

Chase walked over to walked over to where his new girlfriend Kelsie was standing, he picked her up and swung her around resting her on his waist "Hey beautiful" he said as he gave her a kiss on the lips

"Hey" She smiled.

"Let's go out tonight, just me and you. Will get all dressed up and will go out for dinner, then a walk" Chase said running his fingers through her brown her

"Sounds amazing" Kelsie said back before Chase stood her back onto her feet again.

Lachie and Dean were watching Chase from a far. "Do you reckon he'll settle down with her?" Lachie asked worried

Dean shrugged his shoulders "I dunno, he seems pretty keen on her and they moved in together...So hopefully"

"Yeah" Lachie said contemplating whether he tells Dean what he really thinks of her. Heidi and Jordan were waiting by the car for the rest of the team to join them.

"I'm going to miss you Heidi" Lara sulked as she hugged her best friend

"I'm only going for a week" Heidi smiled

"See ya buddy, don't have too much sex" Chase joked to Jordan

"Oh I won't" Jordan smirked. The rest of the team each said their goodbyes and watched as the newlyweds drove off down the street.

Dean sighed and turned to the team "Who's up for a drink?" he asked. They all cheered and loaded into separate cars, Chase and Kelsie in one, Dean Lara and Lachie in the other, while Michelle and Vince loaded into their own cars. Lachie jumped into the back of Deans patrol and Dean shot him a glare from the rear view mirror.

"You really expect me to sit in the car with Chase and….her?" Lachie asked Dean doing up his seatbelt

"Kelsie" Lara quickly added to his conversation

"Can't be that bad" Dean said raising his eyebrow

Lachie narrowed his eyes at Dean "All they ever do is kiss and talk about having sex"

Lara laughed "Definitely a Gallagher then"

"I don't….I don't trust her Dean" Lachie said rubbing his head worried

"Lachie, Chase seems like he really loves her" Lara said turning around to face him

Lachie sighed "That's the problem"

"You can't protect him forever" Dean said

"I know, it's just….Don't worry" Lachie said brushing the subject off

Chase and Kelsie pulled up in front of the pub. "We won't stay for long, then will go home, get dressed and go out" Chase said taking off his seatbelt

"Alright" She smiled back leaning over they started kissing. Dean, Lara and Lachie all arrived at the pub and Dean walked over and saw them kissing a hit the window, making Chase pull away from Kelsie smiling. "Let's go" he said still smiling. He walked over to her side of the car and pulled her out and into his chest hugging her tightly before he grabbed her hand and they walked into the bar.

"Kelsie, help me get the drinks?" Lara asked smiling

Kelsie looked at Lara and smiled "sure" she said quietly. Lara and Kelsie walked to the bar, Lara kept trying to make conversation, but trying to start a conversation with her was hard.

"So…" Lara said quietly "You and Chase are pretty close" Lara quickly added

"Yeah, we are" Kelsie said with a small smile on her face

"Do you love him?" Lara asked

"What is this, twenty questions or something?" Kelsie glared back at Lara

"No, but, I just don't want to see Chase get hurt…His a Gallagher, they don't deal well with 'hurt'" Lara said

"His a big boy and I do think I could love him" Kelsie said as Lara took the drinks out of the bartenders hands

"You better" Lara snarled back walking off to the table. Kelsie quickly walked back to the table grabbing Chase's hand

"You okay, what's wrong?" Chase asked putting his hand on her face

"Please can we go home?" Kelsie asked tears forming in her eyes

"Kels, babe. What's wrong?" Chase asked again. Keslie just shook her head and started to get up. "Uh sorry guys, something's come up. Gotta go" Chase said before he took of chasing after Kelsie.

Kelsie ran up to Chase who'd just walked out of the pub and wrapped her arms around him tightly hugging. "I love you Chase" Kelsie said

Chase looked down and kissed her hair softly "I love you too Kels".

Back inside Lachie was feeling like the odd one out with Dean and Lara involved in their own conversation while Vince and Michelle sat at a different table talking about work. Lachie sighed "Yeah, I'll just walk home" he got up skulled the rest of his beer.

"See ya" Dean said trying to shove him off

"Bye Lachie" Lara smiled before turning to Dean to finish off their conversation.

"Wanna come back to mine?" Lara asked winking

"Sure, why not" Dean responded smiling. He grabbed onto Lara's hand and walked out of the pub. They were walking to Dean's car, finally when they arrived Dean was unlocking his car, when Lara turned him around and pushed him into the car and started kissing him passionately. After kissing they quickly got back into the patrol and drove it off to Lara's house.



Tuesday 9:00am – via Skype.