7 is Enough

Chapter 1


a/n: Characters Dustin Goolsby and Rachel Berry from Glee are now Dustin and Rachel Diamond. Father and sister to James Diamond (BTR). Character from A.N.T Farm, Olive Doyle is now the youngest sister, Olive Diamond. Story takes place in L.A. If you are not familiar with any of these shows or characters please take a moment to do an image search using the original character names mentioned in order to get a visual. I do NOT own any of the original characters or the shows. This is my fun and sexually twisted version of Big Time Rush. For mature and OPEN-minded readers only! Contains non-sexual spanking. It also contains hot and steamy heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual relations. You have been warned! ENJOY!


"Rachel! Stop whining! I seriously don't have time to deal with this right now!"

Dustin was shopping with his daughters in the mall when his cell phone rang. With a touch of the button on his blue tooth…

"This is Dustin, how can I help you?"

"Dad, it's me," said James, "the band and I really need you."

"What, I'm sorry, hold on one second," Dustin covered his mouth piece, "Rachael and Olive! If you two do not stop bickering with one another I am going to take you both in the nearest bathroom and spank you," he whispered sternly as they were in the middle of a busy shopping mall.

Rachel and Olive knew their father would keep his word and immediately stopped arguing with one another. Dustin pulled his attention back to his son on the phone.

"James, what do you mean you and the band need me, what's wrong?"

"Kendall's aunt is really, really sick and has no one to take care of her. Kendall's mom has to move back home to Missouri to move in with her sister and take care of her. I know you are really busy with your company and my sisters but all the other parents said no. Dad, is there any way that you can move here to L.A. so we can keep our band together? You are our last hope!"

"Okay, let me crunch a few numbers and talk to my associates. I'll see what I can do and I'll call you back in a couple of hours with my answer."

"K, thanks dad."


Dustin, along with two of his daughters, Rachel and Olive board the plane; they are on their way moving to L.A. Olive is clinging onto her father's hand, she doesn't like flying. They find their seats and settle in. Rachel has had a continuous pout on her face since the moment her father told her they were moving. Unfortunately, he has been much too busy arrangements for everything to properly deal with her. Once the seat belt sign was turned off Olive turned to her father.

"Daddy, can I please sit on your lap? I'm scared."

"Of course baby," Dustin answered then put down his smart phone.

Olive positioned herself on her father's lap and snuggled in close to him.

"God Olive, you are such a baby!" teased Rachel.

"I am not!" Olive whined.

"Knock it off! Olive, don't pay any attention. Rachel, stop teasing your sister this second!"

Rachel behaved until they arrived at their destination. Olive had fallen asleep and was now trying to wake up. As they walked into the airport Olive accidently bumped into Rachel. Rachel pushed her back and Olive fell. Their father turned around to see Olive on the ground and crying.

"What happened?" Dustin asked Olive.

"I bumped into Rachel by accident. She didn't believe that I didn't do it on purpose and pushed me!"

He picked Olive up into his arms and cradled her. "Rachel, is that true?"

"Daddy, she totally pushed me!"

"I didn't see it but by the way you have been acting for the past three days I have no choice but to believe Olive. Plus, even IF Olive had pushed you, you are older and bigger than she is and pushing her back is absolutely not okay. In fact, I have had enough of your attitude."

Dustin put his youngest down then took hold of her hand. With his other hand took Rachel's and went looking for a unisex bathroom.

"Daddy, I'm sorry, please, I'll be good," Rachel pleaded.

She knew what it meant when he was looking for a unisex bathroom. She knew she was in deep trouble. After asking a worker, he found what he needed. He brought both of his girls in the bathroom.

"Olive, wait out here and do not go anywhere."

Dustin took off Rachel's backpack and sat it next to Olive. He took Rachel's hand again and walked into one of the bathroom stalls. With tear filled eyes she was deeply regretting her actions.

Her father locked the stall door then turned to face her.

"You, young lady, have been an absolute brat these past few days. I have been incredibly busy arranging everything for the move of our personal and my business life. You have taken advantage of the fact that I have been pre-occupied and you have not been on your best behavior. You have been rude to everyone and exceptionally mean to your little sister. I know this is a big change; but, that is no excuse for acting the way you have. I know I have talked to you more than once but it is clear that talking to you is not at all affective."

"Daddy, please don't spank me. I promise, I'll be good as of this very second," she pleaded again.

"No, I have given you way too many chances."

Dustin put his arm behind Rachel's back and bent her over. He pulled up her skirt and pulled down her white and pink flowered panties to the middle of her thighs. He began the spanking good and hard with his hand. Rachel wiggled her bottom, trying as best as she could to escape the sting. She had no luck. She was sobbing almost instantly. Once her bottom was a good solid red, Dustin stopped and lifted up his daughter.

"Are you going to be a good girl now? Honestly, I have had enough of your attitude and will not hesitate next time to just spank you wherever we are on the spot. Do you understand me?"

"Yes daddy."

Rachel pulled up her panties and adjusted her skirt before Dustin unlocked the stall. He gave Rachel her backpack then took hold of Olive's hand.

"We have to hurry; your brother and his friends are waiting for us in the lobby."


With luggage trailing behind, Dustin was greeted by his only son, James with a big hug.

"Dad! I really missed you."

Dustin hugged him back, "I missed you too!"

James then hugged both of his younger half-sisters, Olive and Rachel. Dustin was busy talking with Kendall, Carlos and Logan. James noticed that Rachel had been crying and asked her why. She hesitantly told her big brother what she did and how she got spanked for it. James' eyes widened, he realized that he had completely forgotten to tell the guys that his father believed in spanking. He looked over at his friends and then at his strong, athletic father.

"Oh, we are never going to sit again," James thought to hisself.

A/N: I hope you like the intro to my twist of TV show crossovers. Thank you for your reviews, they mean a lot to me. XOXO