Yes, it has been way too long since I last posted. I am extremely sorry. Life got really busy, I lost my inspiration and have been in a creative slump. I'm working my way back now and thank you for your patience. I really hope you enjoy this final chapter and thank to all those who have reviewed so far and to all of my silent readers too. I appreciate every single one of you.

Disclaimer: I do not own My Babysitter's a Vampire, its characters or any movies mentioned herein, just the story I'm writing.


"Technically, it wasn't a love spell. It was a memory spell." Grandma corrects her without looking up from the spell book. "Essentially, they laid a false set of memories over his real ones."

"He forgot me!" Startled at Sarah's outburst, I watch as she paces across the room with a flicker of hope in my heart. "I don't care what kind of spell it was. These chicks are going down."

Somewhere else

"Soon… very soon. Your friends can't protect you forever." Laughter fills the small room, the only light coming from several candles on a shrine of a small table. In the center is a framed photo surrounded with clippings of hair, dried flowers and ashes. The girl caresses one of the faces in the photo almost lovingly. "You will be mine."

"And the other mine." Another girl joins the first. "That annoying twit, Lindsay, did her job well."

Chapter 6: The Final Chapter

"Since they are going after Ethan first, we need to protect him." Sarah crosses her arms and leans against the counter.

"No, we need to use him as bait." Erica grins maliciously.

"We are not using Ethan as bait!" Glaring at her best friend, Sarah places herself between Ethan and Erica.

"Yes, you are." A determined look in his eyes, Ethan straightens his shoulders. "It's the quickest way to get to the heart of this situation. We already know they don't want to kill me. They want to turn our advantage to theirs."

"It can be done." Grandma taps a weathered finger against her chin. "There are a few spells we can place on him to protect him. It will just then be a matter of how well he can act."

"Act?" Eyes wide, Ethan cringes at the thought but firms his resolve. "If that's what it takes, then that's what I'll do."

"But Ethan…" Sarah lays a hand on his arm in concern.

"No, Sarah." Patting her hand, Ethan focuses his eyes on her. "We can't keep going on like this, waiting for them to make the next move. It's time for us to go on the offensive."

Sarah pulls her hand away with a pout and crosses her arms. No matter how she looks at it, this is still putting Ethan in danger and it makes her heart hurt. There really isn't another way, though. Ethan is right. It's time to fight back. "Fine, but I'm doing this under protest."

"I can live with that." Benny says smartly causing Erica to snort in laughter. "Alright, Grandma, what do we do?"

The next day Ethan wanders down a deserted hall after classes, the others all involved in other activities. Sarah is at the library working on a history project with Erica, who went to the 'geek-arama headquarters' against her will. Benny had left earlier saying his grandma had a load of chores for him to do and that, if he didn't show up right after school to help, she was going to beat him with a lightning bolt. Even his little sister had a Good Helpers meeting to go to. Rory is doing whatever it is that Rory does… probably practicing his scary face on grade schoolers. At least, that is what they made sure several of the schools gossips would overhear as their plans.

He walks out the doors into the courtyard and is immediately surrounded by several hooded figures. A crazy, lime green glow surrounds him for a moment causing his eyes to almost pop out of his head before he makes them go completely blank. It was a good thing his parents were going through a meditation phase right now and have been making him practice with them. When the two in front remove their hoods, Ethan has to bite back a gasp and recenter himself.

A familiar looking redhead smirks as she reaches out a hand to pet his head. The rest of the girls watch attentatively… the same group of girls that had been outside the school the other day, the ones Sarah had gotten upset over what they had said. Placing a hand with dark blue polished fingernails under his chin, the redhead tilts his face up to hers. "Now, you are mine." She kisses him lightly on the lips and her eyes turn a fiery red. "Call me Mistress."

"Yes, Mistress." Placing a doopy smile on his lips similar to one he'd seen countless times on Rory, Ethan nods and resists the urge to wipe his mouth off.

"It's time to call your friend, Benny." She giggles girlishly, which freaks Ethan out more than a maniacal laugh would have because it so doesn't fit with the image of evilness. "Claudia is eagerly awaiting his arrival."

The girl with the curly brown hair steps closer, her eyes glowing red. "Bring him to me. Lavinia, tell your boy toy to bring him to me."

"Yes, Mistress." Looking at the redhead, Ethan bows in obedience. Taking out his cell phone, he calls B's cell just as the gang had suspected they would have Ethan do. "Hey B. Want to meet up? I have a gorgeous girl here who really wants to meet you… No, not at my house. Let's meet in the school's courtyard… Okay, see you in an hour." Ethan hangs up and puts his cell back in his pocket.

"An hour?" Smacking him, Claudia screeches in anger. "That's not acceptable! I want him here now."

"Why the delay?" Lavinia asks suspiciously.

"He's helping his grandmother with some chores, Mistress." Frowning, Ethan looks from one girl to the other in mock-concern. "Should I call him back, Mistress?"

"No, we must simply remain patient. Another call may alert them that something is wrong." She sneers in disgust. "The last thing we want is for those nasty, goodie-two-shoes vampires to show up too." Grabbing Ethan's arm, Lavinia pulls him over to one of the stone benches along the side of the walk and pushes him down on it so that she can sit on his lap. She runs her hand through his wavy brown hair and caresses his cheek. "My handsome little pet." She murmurs into Ethan's ear before biting it lightly.

Freezing, Ethan tenses up and stares off into nothing. The girl on his lap stares at him in confusion, not sure what is happening until an idea comes to her. Falling for his act, Lavinia's gleeful, high pitched giggle fills the air. "Tell me pet, tell me what you see!"

"I see Benny standing before you with a book in his hands and vampires at his back." Ethan replies is what he considers a mystical, monotone voice.

"What are they doing? What happens?" Grabbing him by the collar, Lavinia shakes him and slithers off his lap.

"I said that I see Benny standing before you with a book in his hands and vampires at his back." Ethan says again in his normal voice, staring behind her.

"What?" She looks around and flies backwards onto the ground as Sarah's fist makes contact with her face. Lavinia turns and yells at her minions. "Get them you fools!" None of them can move as Erica and Rory had knocked them into a pile and they were frozen in place by a spell.

Sarah walks over and pulls her up to hit her again. "Don't you ever touch Ethan again." She growls, baring her fangs in anger.

Pushing Sarah violently away from her, Lavinia stands up and smiles. "You have no idea who you are dealing with puny, little wanna-be." The girls skin changes and seems to burn away, leaving a red and black mottled scaly pattern. Wickedly pointed horns tipped in black grow out from her temples and her nails elongate into razor sharp claws. Black, leathery wings sprout from her back as she cackles and raises her arms, creating a large fireball between her hands.

"I think that is about enough of that." Lavinia turns to the new voice and hisses in frustration as her arms freeze into place.

"Dirty priestess!" The creature spits out in anger. This is not your battle.

"You planned to make a pawn of my grandson so I think I will stick around, demon." The grandmother flicks her wrist and the Lavinia demon levitates over to the rest of her gang. "Time to say good-bye. Benny, if you will join me."

"Grandma is the coolest." Smiling at his grandma, Benny walks up next to her with the ancient spellbook open between them. They chant the complicated spell on the page and flames lick around the assembled demons. With a final, piercing scream from Lavinia, the demons disappear in a brackish plume of smoke and sparks.

"That went surprisingly easier than I thought." Ethan shudders as he stands up. "I'm glad you got here when you did. I seriously thought I was going to puke when she kissed me and would have totally blown my cover."

"She kissed you?" Sarah stops over to the old priestess. "Bring that hell demon back so I can tear her apart."

"Calm down, dear." Grandma smiles softly at her. "You don't need to worry. I guarantee you that she is not having any fun where we sent her, a fun little place called Heaven's Box. It is surrounded on all sides by sacred markings, including the floor. To touch any of these areas is torture to a demon and they are unable to escape."

"Grandma has a bit of a nasty streak." Impressed, Erica claps her hands. "I'm really beginning to like you."

"Let's go home. I spend enough time at school during the day. I'd rather not be here at night too." Benny walks away with his grandma, Erica and Rory following.

"We'll catch up with you later." Ethan calls out to them as he grabs Sarah's hand and walks in the other direction.

"About time." Grinning, Benny continues walking home with the others. "I think there is a pizza calling my name."

"Dork." Erica mutters as she moves closer to him.

On the other side of the school, Ethan walks across the street and into the park. He stops under a large maple tree and facing the girl who has haunted his dreams and his reality. Taking a deep breath, he musters up his courage. "Sarah, I know that you are older than me and a vampire but there is nothing I want more than to be with you. I think about you with every breath and want to be the one to make you smile. Will you give me a chance? Will you go out with me?"

"That's not possible." Backing away, Sarah shakes her head. She had never wanted to say yes so badly but her conscience wouldn't let her. "We can't."

"Yes, we can. Just give me three years." Eyes wide in desperation, Ethan pulls her until she is only a breath away. "Three years until we are the same age."

"No. I can't do that to you." Sarah looks sadly up at him, needing to move away but wanting to wrap her arms around him, to feel his warmth, to feel safe. "It's too dangerous."

"I'm willing to take that risk." Grasping her hands, he holds on tight. "What is three measly years to someone who will live forever? What have you got to lose?"

Unable to look at him any longer, she lowers her head until her face is covered by a fall of mahogany locks. "Everything." She mumbles quietly, hoping he won't hear her.

Letting go of one hand, he touches the tips of his fingers to her chin and raises her face until he can see her eyes. "Please tell me."

"I could lose everything. I could lose you." She whispers again, a tear cascades down one pale cheek followed by another. "I don't want this kind of life for you and I couldn't handle it if something happened to you."

"I don't know what the future will be and I can't promise what I don't know." Ethan admits honestly and smiles sardonically. "If only my visions would work that way." Shaking his head, he continues. "Thanks to my 'gift' I will never have a nice, safe, normal life but I can promise to be as careful as possible and that I will try my hardest to find a cure for you."

"Why?" Sarah lays a hand on his chest and feels his heart pounding beneath. "Why take the chance on something that might not even exist? Why won't you just move on with your life?"

"Because…" Ethan pauses and frames her face with his hands, rubbing her tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "Because I look forward to every day knowing I'll see you. Because I can't imagine my life without you in it." Leaning closer, he bumps his nose against hers. "Because I love you." Closing the distance between them, Ethan slides his lips across hers tentatively. Feeling an excited jolt that rocks both of them, he wraps his arms around her waist and moves in again. Unable to stop herself, Sarah tilts her head to meet him and opens her mouth to taste him. He deepens the kiss and growls in satisfaction when she responds, savoring the feel of her. Ethan pulls away after a while, finishing with a soft, sweet peck on her kiss-swollen lips. "I can't give you up."

"You are going to be the death of me." Wrapping her arms around Ethan, Sarah hugs him close.

"No." Returning her hug, Ethan smiles warmly. "I'm going to be the life."

Again, so sorry you had to wait so long for this story. Please review and let me know what you thought!

