"How long?" I asked as I looked at the room of people. People I thought I could trust. I could tell Lucas as confused as he picked up the doll and pulled the string on her back again and again. Aria was looking at Caleb. I could tell in her face she was looking for answers. That let me know that Caleb was the ring leader. "How long has the bitch been back?" I asked as I stood there looking at them. Caleb just nodded to Aria.

"The first message came the week after we found Ian's body." Aria said as she looked at the floor. She looked up at me for a minute before moving closer. "We only did it to protect you and the baby. If anyone deserved to get out of this mess it is you." She said as she sat down on the sofa. She looked like a scared child confusing to their parents. I sat down next to her. I took my whole being not to wrap my arms around her and tell my best friend that everything was going to be okay. That's what we do. When things get tough we comfort each other. But, this time it was her. She was the one who hurt us. She was the one who hide the threats. "The suicide letter that he left wasn't a real suicide letter. It was a bunch of A messages pieced together. Emily was the one who figured it out." She said as she looked at me. "After that things seemed to pick up."

"Emily, that was A." I said as I thought back to last week when Emily was hospitalized.

"More or less. But, there was steroids put in her muscle rub by A." Aria said as she looked at me.

"And none of you told me. None of you thought about what the bitch could do to me with my guard down. I was plowed over by a car before." I said as I looked at them.

"Don't hate the girls. I was the one who wanted it this way." Caleb said as he looked at me. He moved closer to wrap his arms around me.

"Don't touch me. We promised not to hide shit from each other after the Jenna thing. I forgave you once I don't think I can do that again." I said as I got back up. I just walked to the door. I felt numb as I looked back at them before leaving. I heard Aria and Caleb running after me, but they gave up once I got outside. I just didn't get why he had to hide it from me. I just don't get why he didn't tell me. How could he ever think it was okay to hide something so big from me? How can a marriage last on that? I found myself sitting at the park. I was watching the children play as their mothers and fathers smiled on at them. I smiled at the sight of a little girl pulling her daddy to the swing. She had blonde pigtails and was covered in grass stains and sand. She looked up at her father like he was the best person in the whole world. I thought about my broken relationship with my father. How he only comes around when something bad has happened? I pray that my daughter has a better relationship with her father. But, how can she when he is so willing to hurt me?

"Wow, you look how I feel." Someone said behind me. I looked to see Toby standing there behind me. He looked like hell too as he sat down next to me. "Why are you here?" I asked him.

"See that tree there." He said as he pointed to the tree across the playground from us. I just nodded. "I feel down that tree when I was nine and broke my arm. It's the only bone I have ever broken." He said as she looked at me.

"Toby is this story going to have a point?" I asked him.

"Yes, now I came back after I got my cast off and climbed all the way to the top. I could see my whole world. I felt like I could understand everything up there." He said as he smiled at me. "So I am came here to see my whole world and try to understand some stuff." He said as he looked at me.

"You spent too much time around Spence. A story for everything." I said as I looked at him.

"Hanna why are you here?" Toby asked me.

"I don't know." I said as I looked at him.

"Caleb is freaking out looking for you." Toby said as he held up his phone to show me a message. Have you seen Hanna, was what it read.

"He can keep freaking out." I said as I looked at the ground.

"You know I remember one time Spence and I walked through here on the way to the market. You and Caleb were here talking. It was right after he got back and you looked so happy. He was pushing you on the swing and then you fell. He rushed over to you and picked you up." Toby said as he looked at me. I remembered that day.

"Hanna why can't you be more careful? That's what he said." I said as I looked at Toby.

"He wanted to protect you." He said as he looked at me. "I don't know what you and Spencer are so scared of but we just want to protect you." He said as he looked at me.

"What if we don't want you to protect us? What if we are trying to protect you? What if the thought of losing you is what keeps her up at night?" I asked him as I got up. I felt an arm grab me before I had the chance to yell at Toby I saw Caleb running towards me.

"There you go." Toby said as he let go of my arm.

"You're alright." Caleb said as he wrapped his arms around me. "I am so sorry." He said as he looked at me. "You're right we are a family we need to take this on as one." He said as he looked at me. I just nodded as I hugged him. He laughed as he put his hand on my belly. He must have felt the baby kick. "She's going to be a daddy's girl."

"Nope." I heard Aria say from behind him.

"Can't you see they are having a moment?" Lucas asked her.

"Come here you two." I said as I held out my arms.

"Family hug?" Aria asked.

"Family hug." I said with a smile.