Author's Note: The parodies are starting to pile up. I really do love Star Wars, I swear xD. This scene, while intense and pretty awesome overall, always bothers me nevertheless. It's maddening that the Jedi are made into such ignorant fools in the prequel for the sake of the plot in the original trilogy.
Hope you enjoy!
Averting the Apocalypse
By: Angel Wings-008
"I am going to end this, once and for all!"
"You can't! He must stand trial!"
"He has control of the Senate, and the courts! He's too dangerous to be kept alive!"
"…I'm too weak. Don't kill me, please…"
Mace would have rolled his eyes, if the situation weren't so serious. That was quite enough. This foolishness simply had to stop. Force, you'd think there was some unseen entity manipulating them all into submission in order to come out with a pre-determined result. It unsettled him, but why else would he even consider listening to a half-crazed Jedi who had never gained his trust anyway? What was he waiting for, again? If there was anyone in the galaxy who deserved to be served some justice, it was Palpatine. To hell with any feeble moral code that might get in his way.
He was the only successful practitioner of Vaapad for a reason, damn it. Aggression was his specialty.
"It's not the Jedi way! He must -!"
A sizzling sound rang out through the Supreme Chancellor's office as Mace Windu sliced straight through Palpatine's throat, severing his head in one smooth motion.
Anakin Skywalker merely stood as still as a statue, eyes wide, face pale. Speechless. As if he knew how close he had just come to killing hundreds of Jedi, strangling his wife, and facing his mentor on a fiery hell-planet called Mustafar.
Mace de-activated his lightsaber and attached it to his belt. "Hmm. That was easy. Why do I get the feeling I've just averted the apocalyptic fall of the Republic and the Jedi Order?"
"Master Windu?" Skywalker squeaked, eyes still resting on the corpse of his would-be Master.
"I don't wanna do this anymore. I'm going to go home and rethink my life."
"See that you do."
If only *shakes head* xD
Thanks for reading :D. Reviews are much appreciated, if you've the time ^_^