Disclaimer: We all know who the Gone series belong to. I just want to emphasize that Caine is all mine. Got that? MINE.

Weeeeeeeeee I can't believe I'm publishing this~ It's been waiting in my computer even before I wrote 51 things Sam Temple is not allowed to do but I couldn't get past 12. So Drake's wall on Fayzbook came out instead. But I was reading over the reviews and decided to finally finish this thing. So, thanks to you awesome reviewers!

Drake is not allowed to post "chains and whips excite me" as his Facebook status.

because it will give the FAYZ residents disturbing images in their minds,

forcing Astrid to explain what it actually means.

Drake is not allowed to not understand her explanations

since if he doesn't Astrid might decide to demonstrate with Sam.

thus creating even more disturbing images for those poor residents.

What are you talking about? She is more than welcome to demonstrate ;)

no, Sam, no.

Drake really shouldn't attempt to copy their demonstration.

He is advised to wear a bra at all times

preferably hot pink.

because who knows when Brittney will suddenly appear?

He is not allowed to wear a skirt though.

At least not a tight mini one.

because who knows when he will suddenly appear with all his male parts?

Drake is not allowed to whip people just for the hell of it.

especially not Sam.

Instead of whipping people, maybe he should just whip his hair.


As in, using his hand.

It'll save him the trouble of breaking and entering Sam's house to steal his beloved sparkly purple comb

and his hairspray.

Although it's kinda too late for that.

Drake is not allowed to practice his evil laugh in public.

We all know Caine's is better.

Which is sad if you think about it, considering what Caine's sounds like.

Drake is not allowed to continuously grow back various limbs that Sam and Caine put so much work into destroying.

He is not allowed to kidnap a bunch of little kids

and force them to play Red Rover

or Octopus tag

or any other games where his whip hand will put him at a huge advantage.

He may also not make them tie his shoes for them.

Drake is not allowed to name any of the coyotes Jacob Black.

He is not allowed to leer suggestively at girls

or boys

or other living things

or guns

or other inanimate objects.

He is strongly advised to get help for his objectum-sexuality

and to not breed creepy mutated animals as a hobby.

Actually that's not much of a problem since he'd rather be with his guns.

Drake is not allowed to hide in people's closets and say "The Darkness will eat yo braaaaaaaains"

and proceed to laugh evilly

because that line is reserved for the zombies on plants vs. zombies.

Drake is not allowed to rap Drake songs.

Not that he should sing in general.

He is not allowed to threaten people into giving him a complete mani-pedi.

then ruin it acting like a psychopath trying to whip people. (LIKE a psychopath? He totally is one)

Finally, Drake is not allowed to become a drag queen after liking the mani-pedi too much.

Especially since he's kinda half female already due to Brittney. Being a drag queen would make him, like, 3/4 female. Which would make the fangirls very sad.

Diana looked over the list, "Good enough. I'm just glad you two didn't tear own the place before it was done."

"Heh…" Caine sheepishly lowered the hammer he'd levitated near his twin's head.

Drake came in with an expression of confused thoughtfulness furrowing his features. He brightened when he saw Sam, "Hey, you can boil water right?"

"Yeah…" He looked warily at his former tormentor.

"I'm just wondering if my arm tastes like seafood." Drake shrugged.

Sam's jaw dropped, "Let me get this straight, you want me to make sushi from your arm? Ewww!" The last part came out as a high-pitched girly squeal.

"Um, something like that. Seriously, I've been thinking about whether or not my whip hand tastes nice for so long!"

Caine started doing that annoying evil laugh as Diana shook her head in amazement and reached for the pencil.

Drake is not allowed to make sushi out of his whip hand out of curiosity.

I didn't decide yet I'll do next, or even if I'll write another one. I love Diana and Dekka but I just can't think of anything for those two.

On another note, I'm Chinese-Canadian therefore I have a panda and a polar bear. Contrary to popular belief, they enjoy eating human flesh. So review. Or else. –evil laughter- (no, I don't know where that came from. REVIEW ANYWAY)
