"Chloe, I have a weird question for you" My mom called "Why are there snacks all over the roof, hidden from plain view"

"Depends why were you on the roof?" I was in one of those moods where everything was probably going to be a sarcastic comment or smart ass thing.

"I wasn't, but the people that clean the roof were. They would like to know...and so would I..."

"I don't know, I'm a ninja part of the night when I come home late at night it's because I've been training with some other ninjas. Actually, one lives out on the roof"

"That's not funny"

"It sounded a lot better in my head" I admitted and got up, it was Saturday afternoon and I still hadn't brushed my hair.

"What are your plans today?" She asked me getting ready to work late tonight to catch up on things. My mom was always late. She hadn't dropped the subject yet but she would find the answer later.

"Well I thought I had plans with Brian, but I don't. I thought I had plans with Amy but I don't. Jasmine is in Russia. So I'm probably going to spend some time with Alek or Paul." I turned my head in a mischevious way.

"Please not Alek" She said

"Still not over him being in my bed? That's O.K. I think I might go to his house any way. We have to talk some things out."

"His house?" She said, I knew she was about to go into that spill where I needed to be careful when it came to boys like that.

"What is wrong with him? The fact he was in my bed when you weren't home or the fact he just said Hey to you like nothing was wrong?"

"Both." She said "I would like to know him before you went off with him somewhere."

"Well, when you get back you can meet him all you want" I promised her.

"So you're going to be with Alek today- give me his number in case I can't get a hold of you" I gave her Alek's number and then she said "And please. Stay out of his bed!" She begged "I don't take you as the person that would be in his bed, but I didn't take you as the person who would let anyone else in your bed besides Paul."

"So you don't have a problem with Paul, what if I wanted to go have sex with Paul!" I said.

"Now, C'mon that would never ever happen with Paul."

"True" I said shrugging "... SO I won't get in Alek's bed any other rules"

"Hands to himself." She pointed at me

"Oh Yes Mam I promise he won't even hand me a drink and our hands touch!" The worst part is he was probably listening in on this.

"That's all it takes" She said, "While we are talking about rules tonight. I won't be home at all so he can't be over here. I can't believe I am saying this but If you want to stay at his place tonight you can as long as a parent or guardian calls me."

"Um.. Wow mom. That's a major step right there"

"And don't sleep in his room!" She said "unless you have to." She added in.

"Mom... Are you really going for work?" I asked suddenly "Because you're always on the phone laughing, you're barely ever home and now you're saying it's alright for me to stay at Alek's house"

"Sure it's work Hun." She said and I knew she was lying to me.

"Okay" I said, to my surprise Alek wasn't the one watching me. "He must be getting sleep" I said to myself and then packed a bag of clothes I would need if we were training and a bag of clothes I would need if we planned on going out or if I actually stayed the night. My brush and my tooth brush were in my bag as well along with my shampoo. I was making this for sure to see if my mom was going to stop me. She didn't. I said I loved her and she said the same to me and then I left. I took a cab because I was not walking with these bags. When I got there I rushed into the elevator and pushed the floor button.

I didn't knock on the door I just walked in, and to Alek's room I went. He was tangled up in his covers. It was the perfect moment to mess with him. I got on top of him. "Wake up" I said, legs on either side of him. His eyes shot open. He didn't get up right away though.

"Now, this is a wake up call." He said grabbing me by my hips and flipping me over so I was under him. "What's the catch."

"This is a dream" I said wiggiling out of his grip and off of his bed.

"No it's not. You want me" He said and got off of his bed too.

"Oh damn" I said "I've already broken one of my moms rules" I shrugged. "By the way she has your number" He groaned.

"That's the catch" He said putting his hands on the back of his head. "Now what are you doing here?"

"Well, my mom's going to be gone all day and everyone else has plans... " I trailed off looking at his chest. Perfect chest. I wondered if it was from the weight lifting or the mai training. He laughed at me.

"I know I'm sexy" He said, looking at his mirror and then back to me. "So the whole day with me..." He cocked his eye brow "I think we can manage to have a little fun"

"Please don't take this wrongly" I said, he nodded "and the whole night as well"

"You're Kiddin'" He smirked "How did you talk her into that?"

"I didn't...She suggested it" I admitted "As long as a parent or guardian calls. Now I would try to be a smart ass like you and walk by a lady with kids and talk her into it but I won't. Now who is here that can make that call?"

"You want to be with me that bad? Mmm... I'll find someone." He looked at me "Now let's get back to what we were doing all of five minutes ago"

"and what was that?"

"Sleep." He fell out on his bed "This is going to be fun today. I already have this planned out. Maybe I could talk her into the whole Winter break..."

"Winter Break?"

"Yes. Christmas. Your mom has a boyfriend she's planning to meet any way" I knew he was being honest with me.

"I know" I said and collapsed on his bed. He laid beside me "I'm breaking mom law" then moved my arm "Well, not exactly she said to not sleep in your room unless I had to."

"You have to" He said... "So I can protect you of course" I rolled my eyes at him, crawling under his blankets. They were warm from where he had been sleeping. He did the same, this felt right in so many wrong ways having him here. The warmth and me being a little bit tired was enough for anyone. His eyes were looking at me directly, I saw how he was struggling his eyes squinting a little then going back to normal. I put my arms around him pulling myself closer to him. He was going to go into that mai thing, I read about this. I wondered if I was doing it too. If I was I wasn't fighting it. Seeing as he was I doubted that it had taken me over yet. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, I wanted to see him like that. I wanted to see him stop fighting his emotions. When his eyes opened they were back to normal. I tilted my head and burried it in his chest. his arms came around my very upper back close to my neck. I didn't know what kind of force was doing this to me, the one that wanted to be with Alek because it felt so good. He was mai, I was mai. I didn't get how I was questioning this. "I can do this without feeling anything" He said "I don't have feelings for you" It sounded like he was trying to convince himself, not me.

"Then Look at a me" I said pulling my head from his chest, his eyes were shut. I would tell him not to fight it, stop fighting me but then I knew I would be admitting something. I would be letting go of something human in me. The part that still thought she was normal because she could smile and flirt with a guy that says he could wait, but didn't. thought about How Brian was stalking me, how he lied to me. I couldn't take the feelings anymore, I was going to get up.

"No" He said as I was gettin up taking my hand pulling me back. His eyes opened and they were green with squints I'd only seen while he fought. I saw my eyes reflecting in his. They were the same way. He kissed me, something I needed badly. His claws dug into my back as did mine his. He kissed beside my lips. His claws detracted and he put his hand on my bare back up my shirt where he had clawed me. I did the same to him. I had feelings for him that I couldn't put words too and he felt the same way. "You are mine" He whispered in the crook of my neck.

"I know" I said back. The scar would last longer than this moment, but I would wear it proudly. The events in these seconds were life changing for both of us. I knew what we just did, we bonded without the other way to bond. This bond was not easily broken. I hadn't read up on what it did exactly just bonded. I hadn't really planned on doing it with anyone. Bonding was like being married pretty much. So I just married Alek Petrov. His lips landed hard on my mouth again. Everything felt different inside of me. "Let's go get something to eat" I said my stomach growling. Alek was still in shock that it had happened, that he had bonded with me. I was in shock... I didn't know what to say. Where we stood exactly. Were we going to go out with it? Or was it going to be just between us?

"I can feel what you're feeling" He said holding my hand "Stop being confused" We were walking down to the elevator. He hadn't cracked any jokes yet. He was looking at me. "Now I have the right to protect you all the time." We walked in the elevator with a guy and a woman- the woman obviously pregnant. I looked at her baby. Children appealed to me for some reason. I liked kids, was I ready to have my own? No way. I still like kids.

"Congrats" I said to her, she smiled back and said thank you. When they got off Alek made his first smart comment.

"Wow King, Didn't think you wanted kids. We can work on that" He thought he was funny.

"I don't want kids now, but I love kids" I said.

"I see" He said as we got out the elevator, I faced Jasmine walking up to us.

"I thought you were in Russia?" I asked her "What are you doing back so early?" Alek's hand tensed up on my back covering his claw marks that were already covered by a new shirt that wasn't ripped up.

"We decided to come back, why are you and Alek suddenly hanging out?" She asked, Alek had let go of my hand when he saw her.

"My mom said I could stay tonight"

"With Alek?"

"Pretty Much" I said laughing a little.

"Oh well we are going up state later, we aren't staying here." Jasmine said "You know how it is with my mom" Jasmine passed us as well as Valentina. They went into the Elevator and Alek let out a breath.

"Valentina would kill us if she knew." He said "She doesn't approve of it... well I mean she does but not until we are out of school. I don't really want to hide this, I'm pretty proud of it." I smiled at him "But I don't want her to punish us."

"I understand." I said, I felt how proud he was... In return I felt happy. I was so happy that he wanted this and it wasn't just a moment kind of thing.

"Let's eat" he said and we walked to a well known place by most of my high school, finding only Amy and Paul sitting there. "They sure know how to clear a room..."

"Yes they do" I said and we walked over to them. I wanted to show Paul but lifting my shirt up in public would get me in trouble. Alek wanted to do the same, tell them. "Well..." I said looking at both of them.

"We're married" Alek said doing it the easy way where humans would understand. Only Paul would get the bonding and everything. It was personally to intimate for me to share here how it happens.

"Married?" Amy said "You guys weren't even dating! What do you mean married?"

"I'll have to get you a ring" Alek whispered to me.

"We are married, it's simple. Alek and I got married this afternoon. You're the first to know and please don't say anything to Jasmine or Valentina- for that fact Don't tell anyone. Don't even talk about it"

"This is great!" Amy said even though I could feel that she was scared for me, and confused why I was with Alek and then she felt like it was the most romantic thing she had ever seen.

"It really is" Alek said kissing me on the cheek moving closer to me in the booth.

"How did it happen? Did you guys go through some ceremony or was it like a by yourselves mai powers thing?" Paul asked.

"The second one, now let's talk about other things."