Kida's eyes opened slowly as the door opened. He squinted in the poor lighting, trying to work out where he was and what had happened. The last thing he remembered was Izaya letting him go, him running to get to Mikado and then...Then blackness. Had someone attacked him?

He moved slightly, testing out if he was bound or not. He was, and quite well too. Whoever these people were they seemed to know what they were doing.

Kida looked up at the man as he walked closer, the only source of light coming from behind him, making the man's face impossible to make out. There was something definitely familiar about the man.

"Kida-kun~! So good to see you again. I was almost worried I'd hit you too hard."

Kida's face grew from concerned but mostly curious to furious in less than an instant as Izaya laughed. He fought harder against the binds, trying to find a weak spot or anything to help him stand and fight Izaya.

Izaya just laughed again, seeing Kida trying to fight with all he had. The lighting was perfect. Kida couldn't see Izaya's face but Izaya could make out all of Kida's oh so obvious emotions.

"Drop dead."

Izaya laughed again, crouching down so he and Kida were at eye level. "Say, Kida-kun, I have a few little questions to ask you."

"Drop dead!" Kida yelled, trying to attack Izaya only to be pulled back by the ropes tying him to something. He was too angry to care to look behind himself right now.

Izaya sighed gently. "Kida-kun, your reactions and antics are highly amusing, but please, for Mikado-kun's sake, tell me why he dumped me. It just doesn't add up, not unless I'm missing something of course." His voice was it's usual singsong style, but it was just a little darker, more threatening than normal. "And well, if it is just him then I guess I'll have to 'change' him a bit huh~?"

Kida's eyes widened slightly at the threat to Mikado. "What, you don't see how someone worthwhile like Mikado would leave someone as deeply disturbed as you? I can see how you might miss this Izaya-san, but you're not exactly a prized catch."

If Izaya had any less self-control he would have slapped Kida right then. Instead he settled for sighing melodramatically and turning away. "Too bad. If it was your fault, not Mikado-kun's, I wouldn't have to hurt him, but I guess it's all just because of him, right Kida-kun?"

Kida struggled more wildly, desperately trying to hurt Izaya for that. "Don't you dare fucking touch him! It's your own fault, not his!"

Izaya just chuckled, standing up again and heading to the door. "Oh well. I guess Mikado would probably tell me after I break him anyway."

Kida watched as Izaya walked to the door, waiting until Izaya had actually touched the handle before shouting out. "Stop! Don't hurt him you creep!"

Izaya turned around, still smirking. "Oh? Why not? Surely bad children should be punished, right Kida-kun?"

"I told him to dump you! I convinced him to. So please, just let him go."

"Ah, but Kida-kun, if it's because of you that he left it would be horrible for me, as Mikado-kun's true love to let him go. Isn't this the part where I chase after him and woo him back?"

"If this were some love story there's no way you'd be the hero! Mikado doesn't love you! If he did he wouldn't have left you so easily, so let him go! Stop ruining his life!"

Izaya sighed gently. "Kida-kun, are you talking about his life or yours? Or perhaps this is really what you think of yourself, and you don't want someone else to ruin his life. After all, how good is hanging around the likes of you for Mikado-kun? Someone who set up a gang-"

"Shut up!"

"And was unable to even save-"

"Shut up damn it!"

"Their supposed lover. I mean, do you really think you could save him, Kida-kun?"

"Just shut up!"

Izaya laughed walking through the doorway outside the room and then turning back around. "I'll be back when I have Mikado-kun. Please try to remember every detail about what happened. I really want to know, after all, I'd hate to have to hurt Mikado-kun for things he didn't do." That said he shut the door behind him, not listening to Kida's sudden eagerness to talk.

He headed back to his house through the empty streets. He'd never thought that old house he'd bought would one day be used for this, but he had of course set it up just in case something similar happened, well, incase he needed to hide something anyway. Or, someone.

He hummed a bit to himself as he went back home to call Mikado. When Mikado answered on the first ring Izaya couldn't help but frown slightly. Mikado-kun had never been so eager to talk to him. Maybe he did like Kida more.

"Ne, Mikado-kun~ you answered that pretty fast. Were you holding your phone?"

Mikado clenched the phone a little tighter in his fist. He'd finally convinced Shizou to help him and now it seemed he wouldn't get enough time to actually plan anything. "Yes." He answered simply.

Izaya grinned lightly. "Waiting for me to call?"

"No. I was hoping Kida-kun would call. What did you do to him?"

Izaya's expression darkened at Mikado's words. Kida-kun Kida-kun Kida-kun, was he all Izaya's Mikado thought about? "Ehh? How mean of you Mikado-kun! You just instantly assume I did something to him?"

"What did you do to him?" Mikado asked, his voice growing slightly desperately. He couldn't stand to think of Kida being hurt because of him and his own mistakes.

Izaya chuckled into the phone. "Well Mikado-kun, if you really want to ride in with your shiny armor you'd better hurry to my house. Who knows how long Kida-kun will last~." Izaya hung up, glaring out the window for a moment before making himself smile. He'd get Mikado back, and Kida could be dealt with after that. He'd make Mikado glad to be his before long. He had to.

Weeeell that took a while huh? Heh heh, sorry...I've got the chapter after this basically done (It has smut~!) so when I do the next chapter the update after that won't be long...heh heh...

Hope you enjoy!