Orihara Izaya

I'm sorry to write this instead of telling you, but I've tried to say all of this before and you always stop me instead of letting me talk and then eventually convince me I was wrong. I know however that it's not true. If you truly cared you would have let me speak my mind.

I wish it hadn't ended like this, as I truly do love you Izaya, but I don't know if you even care about me. Whenever I try to talk about our relationship you change the topic, usually before I even have a chance to say anything.

Izaya, you are a liar. You admit it often to me, but perhaps you were hoping my love was blinding and I wouldn't link that to our relationship, or maybe it doesn't actually matter enough to you, our relationship that is.

I don't know if you care about me, I don't know if you even like me, or if you're just trying to use me or find some amusement out of me. I don't know if it matters, but I'm going to make sure it doesn't matter anymore; I'm ending this.

Goodbye Izaya. I'm sorry if you really did care about me, but even if that was the case, you were still abusive. Remember when I first tried to leave you? You pulled out your damn knife and threatened me. You were grinning the entire time, and I still don't know if you were joking or not. I was too scared to ask.

I'll miss you, even though you put me through Hell, but I'll get over you soon enough.


Izaya's eyes narrowed and he read the letter. He scrunched it up and threw the letter away angrily.

He did remember that time that Mikado had tried to leave him. Judging by the letter his plan of grinning while threatening Mikado had worked. Unfortunately it seemed the threat hadn't been enough.

Izaya did love Mikado, which is why he'd threatened him when he first tried to leave. It was also the last time, apart from this time. And this time was certainly going to be the last. Mikado would never so much as look outside again.

Sure, Izaya hurt Mikado sometimes, but he was even resisting from touching Mikado too much as he was too young. Izaya hadn't taken the boys virginity yet.

Hejust didn't understand how to look after his lovers properly. He did try, for Mikado anyway. He bought him gifts sometimes, flowers, chocolates, cute outfits...

However, for this, Mikado certainly deserved to be hurt. How could he deliberately hurt someone he claimed to love? He was truly the one whose love was to be questioned.