Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Ron cast a glance out of the window, biting his lip as his forehead creased in concern. He looked over at Ginny, who pursed her lips in silence. Ever since the Battle of Hogwarts, the lone twin had never been the same. He spent most of his days in the orchard, half the time up in a tree, the rest of the time curled up in a ball against a tree trunk. From where he stood, Ron could see the flaming red hair retreating from the house once again. The youngest Weasley boy sighed and ran a hand through his feathery hair. "I have no idea what we can do. It's been months and he hasn't spoken a word to any of us. At least not that I know of."

"I haven't been able to get anything either. Harry said he's tried too, but Georgie just stares off into the distance. I hate this, Ron. I feel like we've lost two brothers."

"I do too." Ron shook his head and grabbed his coat. "I have to go talk to him again. I can't give up on him."

"I'm not giving up on him," Ginny snapped. "I lost a brother too, you know."

"As did I. And Bill and Charlie and Percy. That's why we've got to band together and help each other through it. Because if we don't, we're all going to fall apart, and I don't want to see that happen to my family."

As Ginny watched the tall teenager go after their brother, she knew that something in him had changed. Somewhere along the lines, her brother had grown up and was acting like the true, mature man that everyone knew he could be.

"George?" Ron voiced, peeking around the tree that his brother was curled under. When the older Weasley didn't look up, he sat down next to him and leaned his head down onto his shoulder. He swallowed hard when he felt a lump rise in his throat. He had to be strong for George right now. "George, please talk to me. I haven't heard your voice in months…I miss you." He paused, giving him a chance to speak. When he didn't, Ron laced his arm around George's. "Say something…anything."


Ron's eyes snapped up and a smile split across his face. "You made a joke!"

"Of course I did. I am George Weasley, aren't I?"

Ron forced back the tears that threatened to cascade down his cheeks and nuzzled his face into his older brother's shoulder. "So are you talking now? Talk to me…"

"I wouldn't know what to say."

"Just…say anything…I need to hear your voice again…it's been too long."

George took a deep breath and allowed tears to break the barriers and fall towards the ground. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. "I can't do this, Ron. I can't. I lost my twin, my brother, my best friend. I loved Fred more than I've ever loved anyone. Don't take that wrong. I love my family, but Fred and I…we shared everything. We were practically the same person. When he died…most of me died with him. I can't get that part of me back, Ron. No one can ever fill that void that he left. I feel so…empty…broken…like I can never be whole again…why Fred, Ron? Why did it have to be him? It's not fair. He didn't do anything wrong!" The last few words came out as a scream, desperate for some amount of justice in the world.

It felt as if a door had been opened to George's soul. Ron could practically feel the pain radiating off of his older brother as he held him close, whispering without realizing that things would be okay.

George stood and shook his head. "No. Without Fred, things will never be okay."

As Ron watched him walk away from him, his heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces. But what could possibly be done for someone who didn't believe that their heart could be fixed? Ron silently vowed to himself that one day, he would make his brother happy again, even if it was the last thing he did.