AN: Hello all my lovely readers! It has been awhile hasn't it, a whole year even. I really shouldn't have made you wait this long for any type of update, but hey, life's a bitch like that sometimes.
One of the main reasons I have accidently neglected the story is, besides an absolute hectic social life I have thusly joined other fandoms.
What other Fandoms, you may ask? Mostly re-discovering my absolute love for Sailor Moon, a newer show entitled Once Upon a Time and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic did indeed not help as that utterly consumed my fandom life. But you can also credit MLP show for bringing me back to InuYasha.
Upon discovering that both Richard Ian Cox and Scott McNeil voice a few different characters for MLP, it brought me back to InuYasha and also gave the courage to finally watch The Final Act in English. Something I was very hesitant to do, seeing as it felt well, final, which I guess is the point. Also, I mourn (very dramatic, I know) for the fact that Monica Stori didn't reprise her role as Kagome, although Kira Tozer does do it justice.
Too long? Didn't read?
The story is officially off its un-official hiatus. And how do we celebrate? A re-write!
Seeing how in my incredibly humble opinion, my writing skills have increased, the story will be re-written up to my levels of satisfaction. I know this isn't what you guys wanted, but I cringe and question my sanity when I look back at the preexisting chapters.
I'll be posting a notification here on this story when the first chapter of the re-write is up. But you should also follow me on here, just in case. I'm hoping by Sunday to have the first chapter up.
Thanks to everyone who stuck in there, and I'm sorry for the wait on anything. Also, thanks for sticking with me. I told everyone that I wouldn't abandon this story, and that intent hasn't changed at all.